February 25, 2023

What are the real life animals that resemble Mosley the thoriphant?

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It seems that Mosley the thoriphant is most closely related to elephants, as suggested by source 1 which mentions that he embarks on a journey to find the fabled city of Uprights, which might be connected to elephants being seen as wise creatures. This is further supported by source 9 which states that the movie explores themes of slavery, mistreatment and power over other living beings, and suggests viewers should think about farm animals and other animals that are mistreated.


It seems that monkeys are one of the real life animals that could be said to resemble Mosley the thoriphant. People say that the plot of Mosley involves rebellion against servitude, which could be connected to the intelligence of monkeys [2] , and the YouTube trailer shows various scenes of Mosley interacting with them [4] . Additionally, when compared to other animals in the notes such as Kryknas [4] , Frog Lady [4] , Quarrens [4] , Hutts [4] , Porgs [4] , Ewoks [4] , Geonosians [4] , Mudhorns [4] , Ardennians [4] and Zygerrians [4] , monkeys are perhaps one of the closest real life animals to resemble Mosley.
Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve

It seems that there is a connection between Mosley the thoriphant and Adam and Eve, according to source [2] . People say that Adam and Eve were thoriphants, which could suggest that real life animals resembling Mosley do exist. Although the exact species of animal is unknown, it seems likely that they would be similar to elephants or primates in some way.


It seems Palaeoloxodon could be a possible real life animal that resembles Mosley the thoriphant [6] . A user on reddit suggested Palaeoloxodon as a more apt comparison to Mosley than the Colombian mammoth [6] , due to its larger size [6] . This could mean that Palaeoloxodon is the closest any pachyderm has come to the consistent size of the behemoths shown in Mosley [6] .
Cave Bears

Cave Bears

It seems that Cave Bears might be an animal that resembles Mosley the thoriphant, as suggested by a user on reddit [6] . People say that the Cave Bear is an alternative to Arctotherium, which has some weird proportions that the Primal bears don't reflect [6] . Comparatively, Mosley is a "thoriphant" creature, which is similar to an elephant [1] , and shares similarities with Adam and Eve as thoriphants according to one source [2] .
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  • Elephants
  • Monkeys
  • Adam and Eve
  • Palaeoloxodon
  • Cave Bears
  • Arctotherium
  • Kryknas
  • Frog Lady
  • Quarrens
  • Hutts
  • Porgs
  • Ewoks
  • Geonosians
  • Mudhorns
  • Ardennians
  • Species of Animals

    Elephants [1] , monkeys [1] , Adam and Eve [2] , Kryknas [4] , Frog Lady [4] , Quarrens [4] , Hutts [4] , Porgs [4] , Ewoks [4] , Geonosians [4] , Mudhorns [4] , Ardennians [4] and Zygerrians [4] are real life animals that resemble Mosley the thoriphant.

    Physical Characteristics

    Mosley the thoriphant has many eyes, long legs and sharp teeth like Kryknas, a skin and massive eyes like Frog Lady, two teeth and many limbs on face like Quarrens, a giant slug-like body like Hutts, tiny build with huge eyes and long tongue like Porgs, small ears, furry body and slightly creepy faces like Ewoks, hatched from a Queen like Geonosians, lethal intent like Mudhorns, primate features like Ardennians and feline features with fur, nose, whiskers and horns like Zygerrians.

    Offspring Resemblance

    Offspring of animals resemble their parents as suggested by a user's post on Reddit that Palaeoloxodon would be more apt comparison to Mosley the thoriphant than the Colombian mammoth being bigger than it and Syrian Elephants being the closest any pachyderm has come to the consistent size of behemoths shown in Mosley as well as Cave Bears being an alternative to Arctotherium which has some weird proportions that Mosley doesn't reflect.


    Great Apes share 97% of human genes DNA match up according to source 7 confirming them as real life animals that resemble Mosley the thoriphant. They also shake their heads "no" in disapproval, recognize and beg for food using open hands, laugh out loud when tickled, recognize faces but not grotesque ones while eating junk food to calm nerves or even using sex toys as well as choosing gender-specific toys while playing fair. Rhesus Monkeys exhibit stress-comfort-food link along with gender-specific toy preferences while recognizing inequities or playing cooperative games.


    Many sources suggest taking action against farm animals or other animals that are mistreated which implies that behaviors of primates such as great apes or rhesus monkeys should be considered while thinking about animals that resemble Mosley the thoriphant. They have inherited specific traits as part of their adaptations for survival in their natural environment which help them differentiate from one another.

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    Source: "Animals Resemble Their Parents Teaching Resourc..." (from web, www.teacherspayteachers.com)

    • Offspring of animals
      • Students will match baby animals with adult animals
      • Students will sort animals that resemble their parents and animals that do not resemble their parents when born
      • Offspring resemble their parents
      • Some parents teach characteristics, while others learn from environment
      • Students compare color, body structure, coverings, ways of moving, and what they eat
      • Some differences give individuals an advantage in surviving and reproducing
    • Plants
      • Life cycle of a flowering plant
      • Both plants and animals are like their parents
      • They have inherited specific traits to recognize them for what they are
      • Students match pictures of animal young with their parents
      • Students sort animals into groups based on physical characteristics such as color, size, body covering
      • Plants and animals have life cycles that are part of their adaptations for survival in their natural environment

    Source: "8 Human-Like Behaviors of Primates | Live Science" (from web, www.livescience.com)

    • Great Apes
      • 97% of human genes DNA match up with other great apes
      • Bonobos shake their heads “no” in disapproval
      • Recognize and beg for food using open hands
      • Laugh out loud when tickled
      • Recognize faces, but not grotesque ones
      • Eat junk food to calm nerves
      • Use sex toys
      • Choose gender-specific toys
      • Play fair
    • Rhesus Monkeys
      • Exhibit stress-comfort-food link
      • Exhibit gender-specific toy preferences
      • Recognize inequities
      • Play cooperative games

    Source: "Does anyone else think that the war elephants c..." (from reddit, r/PrimalShow)

    • Palaeoloxodon
      • Suggested by a user as a more apt comparison to Mosley the thoriphant, as it is bigger than the Colombian mammoth
    • Syrian Elephants
      • Largest known modern Asian elephant subspecies of which is extinct
      • Suggested by a user as the closest any Pachyderm has come to the consistent size of the behemoths show in the episode
    • Cave Bears
      • Suggested by a user as an alternative to Arctotherium, which has some weird proportions that the Primal bears don’t reflect
    • Arctotherium
      • Suggested by a user as the bears the Vikings rode (loosely named)
      • Has some really weird proportions that the Primal bears don’t reflect

    Source: "Mosley (2019) - IMDb" (from web, www.imdb.com)

    • Real life animals that resemble Mosley the thoriphant
      • The movie Mosley (2019) features a species of creatures known as “thoriphants” that rebel against their life of servitude and embark on a treacherous journey to find the fabled city of Uprights.
      • The movie explores themes of slavery, mistreatment and power over other living beings.
      • The movie reviews suggest that viewers should think about farm animals and other animals that are mistreated, and take action.

    Source: "Mosley Movie Review | Common Sense Media" (from web, www.commonsensemedia.org)


    💭  Looking into

    What other creatures from other films or media resemble Mosley the thoriphant?

    💭  Looking into

    What other animals are similar in appearance and/or behavior to Mosley the thoriphant?

    💭  Looking into

    What are the similarities between Adam and Eve, and Mosley the thoriphant?

    💭  Looking into

    What are the behaviors of monkeys that make them similar to Mosley the thoriphant?

    💭  Looking into

    What are the characteristics of elephants which make them similar to Mosley the thoriphant?

    Source: "Mosley - movie: where to watch stream online - ..." (from web, www.justwatch.com)


    Source: "The Mandalorian: 10 Star Wars Species That Rese..." (from web, screenrant.com)

    • Kryknas
      • Star Wars version of massive spiders
      • Terrifying appearance
      • Many eyes, long legs, sharp teeth
    • Frog Lady
      • Amphibian design
      • Skin, massive eyes, long tongue
      • Produces eggs that hatch into tiny tadpoles
      • Leaps around on all fours
    • Quarrens
      • Resemble squids
      • Two teeth, many limbs on face
    • Hutts
      • Giant slugs
      • Move and produce slime
    • Porgs
      • Resemble various species of birds
      • Tiny build, huge eyes, long tongue
      • Popularity is continuing to grow
    • Ewoks
      • Resemble bears
      • Small ears, furry bodies, slightly creepy faces
    • Geonosians
      • Resemble beetles and bugs
      • Hatched from a Queen
    • Mudhorns
      • Resemble Rhinos
      • Lethal intent
    • Ardennians
      • Resemble primates
    • Zygerrians
      • Resemble cats and goats
      • Feline features, fur, nose, whiskers, horns

    Source: "The animated Movie Mosley is a beautiful film t..." (from reddit, r/movies)

    • Elephants
      • Mosley is a “thoriphant” creature, which is similar to an elephant.
      • The synopsis mentions that Mosley embarks on a journey to find the fabled city of Uprights, which might be connected to elephants being seen as wise creatures.
    • Monkeys
      • The plot involves Mosley rebelling against his life of servitude, which could be connected to the intelligence of monkeys.
      • The YouTube trailer shows various scenes of Mosley interacting with monkeys.

    Source: "Mosley Trailer Introduces the Thoriphants and T..." (from web, collider.com)


    Source: "Mosley (2019) directed by Kirby Atkins * Review..." (from web, letterboxd.com)

    • Adam and Eve
      • Adam and Eve were thoriphants according to the source.

    💭  Looking into

    What are the real life animals that are similar to Mosley the thoriphant?