February 25, 2023
What are the real life animals that resemble Mosley the thoriphant?
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Adam and Eve
Cave Bears
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Physical Characteristics
Offspring Resemblance
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Source: "Animals Resemble Their Parents Teaching Resourc..." (from web, www.teacherspayteachers.com)
Offspring of animals
- Students will match baby animals with adult animals
- Students will sort animals that resemble their parents and animals that do not resemble their parents when born
- Offspring resemble their parents
- Some parents teach characteristics, while others learn from environment
- Students compare color, body structure, coverings, ways of moving, and what they eat
- Some differences give individuals an advantage in surviving and reproducing
- Life cycle of a flowering plant
- Both plants and animals are like their parents
- They have inherited specific traits to recognize them for what they are
- Students match pictures of animal young with their parents
- Students sort animals into groups based on physical characteristics such as color, size, body covering
- Plants and animals have life cycles that are part of their adaptations for survival in their natural environment
Source: "8 Human-Like Behaviors of Primates | Live Science" (from web, www.livescience.com)
Great Apes
- 97% of human genes DNA match up with other great apes
- Bonobos shake their heads “no” in disapproval
- Recognize and beg for food using open hands
- Laugh out loud when tickled
- Recognize faces, but not grotesque ones
- Eat junk food to calm nerves
- Use sex toys
- Choose gender-specific toys
- Play fair
Rhesus Monkeys
- Exhibit stress-comfort-food link
- Exhibit gender-specific toy preferences
- Recognize inequities
- Play cooperative games
Source: "Does anyone else think that the war elephants c..." (from reddit, r/PrimalShow)
- Suggested by a user as a more apt comparison to Mosley the thoriphant, as it is bigger than the Colombian mammoth
Syrian Elephants
- Largest known modern Asian elephant subspecies of which is extinct
- Suggested by a user as the closest any Pachyderm has come to the consistent size of the behemoths show in the episode
Cave Bears
- Suggested by a user as an alternative to Arctotherium, which has some weird proportions that the Primal bears don’t reflect
- Suggested by a user as the bears the Vikings rode (loosely named)
- Has some really weird proportions that the Primal bears don’t reflect
Source: "Mosley (2019) - IMDb" (from web, www.imdb.com)
Real life animals that resemble Mosley the thoriphant
- The movie Mosley (2019) features a species of creatures known as “thoriphants” that rebel against their life of servitude and embark on a treacherous journey to find the fabled city of Uprights.
- The movie explores themes of slavery, mistreatment and power over other living beings.
- The movie reviews suggest that viewers should think about farm animals and other animals that are mistreated, and take action.
💭 Looking into
What other creatures from other films or media resemble Mosley the thoriphant?
💭 Looking into
What other animals are similar in appearance and/or behavior to Mosley the thoriphant?
💭 Looking into
What are the similarities between Adam and Eve, and Mosley the thoriphant?
💭 Looking into
What are the behaviors of monkeys that make them similar to Mosley the thoriphant?
💭 Looking into
What are the characteristics of elephants which make them similar to Mosley the thoriphant?
Source: "The Mandalorian: 10 Star Wars Species That Rese..." (from web, screenrant.com)
- Star Wars version of massive spiders
- Terrifying appearance
- Many eyes, long legs, sharp teeth
Frog Lady
- Amphibian design
- Skin, massive eyes, long tongue
- Produces eggs that hatch into tiny tadpoles
- Leaps around on all fours
- Resemble squids
- Two teeth, many limbs on face
- Giant slugs
- Move and produce slime
- Resemble various species of birds
- Tiny build, huge eyes, long tongue
- Popularity is continuing to grow
- Resemble bears
- Small ears, furry bodies, slightly creepy faces
- Resemble beetles and bugs
- Hatched from a Queen
- Resemble Rhinos
- Lethal intent
- Resemble primates
- Resemble cats and goats
- Feline features, fur, nose, whiskers, horns
Source: "The animated Movie Mosley is a beautiful film t..." (from reddit, r/movies)
- Mosley is a “thoriphant” creature, which is similar to an elephant.
- The synopsis mentions that Mosley embarks on a journey to find the fabled city of Uprights, which might be connected to elephants being seen as wise creatures.
- The plot involves Mosley rebelling against his life of servitude, which could be connected to the intelligence of monkeys.
- The YouTube trailer shows various scenes of Mosley interacting with monkeys.
Source: "Mosley (2019) directed by Kirby Atkins * Review..." (from web, letterboxd.com)
Adam and Eve
- Adam and Eve were thoriphants according to the source.
💭 Looking into
What are the real life animals that are similar to Mosley the thoriphant?