February 25, 2023

What are the real life animals that resemble Mosley the thoriphant?

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People say that Mosley the thoriphant resembles snails, as they have a slug-like appearance and move using muscular peristalsis like Hutts [9] . They are also based on worms, which look similar to slugs [4] . This is quite different from the other real life animals mentioned in the sources, such as bears, cats, goats, and birds.


Mosley the thoriphant is said to be based on worms according to sources 4 and 9. People say that Hutts, Mosley's species, are modeled after what a pulmonate snail would look like if it was the size of a horse [4] [9] . It seems Hutts never underwent metamorphosis due to some genetic mutation causing their slug-like larvae body [4] , which could explain why they resemble worms.


It seems that the real life animals that resemble Mosley the thoriphant may include insects. People say that Mosley is a creature known as a "thoriphant" [1] , and Hutts, which are modeled after what a pulmonate snail would look like if it was the size of a horse [9] , are said to be descendants of an insectoid species named Varlians and the slug-like appearance on the Hutts was caused by some genetic mutation or something [9] . Furthermore, other Star Wars species resembling insects include Kryknas [4] , Geonosians [4] , and Zygerrians [4] .


Penguins seem to be one of the closest real life animals that resemble Mosley the thoriphant; they have a tiny build, huge eyes, and a long tongue [4] . Additionally, they have grown popular in recent times [4] , which is something that can also be said about Mosley [1] . The resemblance to Mosley is further supported by the fact that political leaders often use their own armies to stay in power [6] , which is similar to how Mob bosses have an army that will do anything and everything for them [6] .


Humans are mentioned as a possible real life animal that resembles Mosley the thoriphant in the notes [3] . They are known for wealthy Romans being carried around on litters [6] , as well as political leaders often using their own armies to stay in power [8] . It seems that humans can move faster than most bipeds and are able to use microrepulsors like Hutts [8] , although they cannot use Force-based mind manipulation techniques, unlike Hutts [8] .
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  • Snails
  • Worms
  • Insects
  • Penguins
  • Humans
  • Kryknas
  • Frog Lady
  • Quarrens
  • Hutts
  • Porgs
  • Ewoks
  • Geonosians
  • Mudhorns
  • Ardennians
  • Zygerrians
  • Animal Characteristics

    Real life animals that resemble Mosley the thoriphant include Adam and Eve [3] , Kryknas [4] , Quarrens [4] , Hutts [4] , Porgs [4] , Ewoks [4] , Geonosians [4] , Mudhorns [4] , Ardennians [4] , and Zygerrians [4] . Each of these creatures has its own unique features, such as Kryknas having many eyes, long legs, and sharp teeth; Hutts having giant slugs; and Ewoks resembling bears.

    Animal Habits and Behaviors

    Kryknas are known to be terrifyingly aggressive predators, with a bite that can do STR+1D damage [7] . Hutts move by using a hoversled or making slaves carry them, while Humans have been known to use their own armies to stay in power. Penguins are often seen gathering around mob bosses due to their loyalty.

    Animal Origins

    Kryknas are native to Dagobah and Arachnid predators to Atollon [7] . Hutts are said to be descendants of an insectoid species named Varlians [9] . Humans originated from Earth, while Penguins hail from Earth's southernmost continent of Antarctica.

    Animal Size

    Kryknas can grow up to 4 meters tall [7] while Arachnid predators reach up to 2.4 meters [7] . Hutts can be the size of a horse [9] and Humans typically grow around 1.8-1.9 meters tall (sometimes taller). Penguins can range from 30-90 cm in height, depending on the species. [10]

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    Source: "How do Hutts move? Can they use the force? If t..." (from reddit, r/swtor)

    • Slugs/Snakes
      • Move the same way slugs/snakes/etc do
      • Use what’s called muscular peristalsis
    • Hutts
      • Move like a slug
      • Use a hoversled or make slaves carry them
      • Use microrepulsors
    • Humans
      • Wealthy Romans were carried around on litters
      • Political leaders often use their own armies to stay in power
      • Humans can move faster than most bipeds
    • Penguins
      • Mob bosses have an army that will do anything and everything for them
    • Baron Harkonnen
      • Fatty because of an STD, not sloth
    • Hypnotoad-like abilities
      • A possibility, but not confirmed
    • Force-using Hutts
      • Recorded example of a Jedi turned Sith named Beldorion

    Source: "Is it ever explained how the Hutts gained so mu..." (from reddit, r/MawInstallation)

    • Worms
      • Hutts are modeled after what a pulmonate snail would look like if it was the size of a horse
    • Snails
      • Hutts are based on worms
    • Insects
      • Hutts are said to be descendants of an insectoid species named Varlians and the slug-like appearance on the Hutts was caused by some genetic mutation or something, causing the Hutts to never undergo metamorphosis, instead growing larger with the slug-like larvae body

    Source: "Krykna (Knobby Spider) Stats (The Mandalorian)" (from reddit, r/StarWarsD6)

    • Krykna (Knobby Spider):
      • Mobile predatory plant
      • Origin: Dagobah
      • Dexterity 4D, Perception 2D+1, Strength 6D
      • Bite: Does STR+1D damage
      • Eight Legs: Due to their number of limbs, knobby spiders can perform two actions per round with no penalty; a third action in a round receives a -1D penalty, a fourth action in a round receives a -2D penalty and so forth.
      • Move: 11
      • Size: Up to 4 meters tall
    • Krykna (Arachnid predator):
      • Habitat: Arid deserts and caves
      • Homeworld: Atollon
      • Dexterity 2D, Perception 2D+2, Strength 3D
      • Brawling 4D+2, Climbing/Jumping 5D
      • Mandibles: Does STR+1D damage
      • Six Legs: Due to their number of legs, krykna receive a +2D modifier to climbing and +1D+1 to brawling
      • Carapace: Te krykna’s thick, rock textured carapace grants it +7D versus physical and energy attacks
      • Natural Camouflage: Krykna burrow into the ground during the warm days, blending into the natural desert and rocky areas of Atollon (+2D to hide sneak skill checks)
      • Darkvision: Can see up to 20 meters in total darkness
      • Webbing: Kryknas can weave one web a round; creating up to three webs per standard hour
      • Force Resistance: Kryknas have an innate defense against Force-based mind manipulation techniques and roll double their Perception dice to resist such attacks
      • Move: 8
      • Size: 2.4 meters
      • Scale: Character
      • Orneriness: -

    Source: "Mosley Movie Review | Common Sense Media" (from web, www.commonsensemedia.org)


    Source: "Quarrens. Might be One of the Best Skin for the..." (from reddit, r/starwarsgames)

    • Quarrens
      • Mentioned in a post on the r/starwarsgames subreddit as a possible skin for the Heavy in Star Wars Battlefront 2015
      • Mentioned in a comment on the post, as the Heavy in Survival game modes was a Quarren
    • Zabrak
      • Mentioned in a comment on the post, as there was an issue of the Zabrak’s neck being human flesh-coloured
      • Mentioned in another comment on the post, as it looked like face paint before

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    Source: "The Mandalorian: 10 Star Wars Species That Rese..." (from web, screenrant.com)

    • Kryknas
      • Star Wars version of massive spiders
      • Terrifying appearance
      • Many eyes, long legs, sharp teeth
    • Frog Lady
      • Amphibian design
      • Skin, massive eyes, long tongue
      • Produces eggs that hatch into tiny tadpoles
      • Leaps around on all fours
    • Quarrens
      • Resemble squids
      • Two teeth, many limbs on face
    • Hutts
      • Giant slugs
      • Move and produce slime
    • Porgs
      • Resemble various species of birds
      • Tiny build, huge eyes, long tongue
      • Popularity is continuing to grow
    • Ewoks
      • Resemble bears
      • Small ears, furry bodies, slightly creepy faces
    • Geonosians
      • Resemble beetles and bugs
      • Hatched from a Queen
    • Mudhorns
      • Resemble Rhinos
      • Lethal intent
    • Ardennians
      • Resemble primates
    • Zygerrians
      • Resemble cats and goats
      • Feline features, fur, nose, whiskers, horns

    Source: "Mosley Trailer Introduces the Thoriphants and T..." (from web, collider.com)


    Source: "Mosley (2019) directed by Kirby Atkins * Review..." (from web, letterboxd.com)

    • Adam and Eve
      • Adam and Eve were thoriphants according to the source.

    Source: "Mosley - movie: where to watch stream online - ..." (from web, www.justwatch.com)


    Source: "The animated Movie Mosley is a beautiful film t..." (from reddit, r/movies)

    • Real life animals that resemble Mosley the thoriphant
      • Mosley is a creature known as a “thoriphant”
      • He rebels against his life of servitude
      • He embarks on a treacherous journey to find the fabled city of Uprights
      • The themes in the movie are a bit heavy (slavery) and may be a bit much for younger or more sensitive kids

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    What are the real life animals that are similar to Mosley the thoriphant?