February 25, 2023
What are the real life animals that resemble Mosley the thoriphant?
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Animal Characteristics
Animal Habits and Behaviors
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Source: "How do Hutts move? Can they use the force? If t..." (from reddit, r/swtor)
- Move the same way slugs/snakes/etc do
- Use what’s called muscular peristalsis
- Move like a slug
- Use a hoversled or make slaves carry them
- Use microrepulsors
- Wealthy Romans were carried around on litters
- Political leaders often use their own armies to stay in power
- Humans can move faster than most bipeds
- Mob bosses have an army that will do anything and everything for them
Baron Harkonnen
- Fatty because of an STD, not sloth
Hypnotoad-like abilities
- A possibility, but not confirmed
Force-using Hutts
- Recorded example of a Jedi turned Sith named Beldorion
Source: "Is it ever explained how the Hutts gained so mu..." (from reddit, r/MawInstallation)
- Hutts are modeled after what a pulmonate snail would look like if it was the size of a horse
- Hutts are based on worms
- Hutts are said to be descendants of an insectoid species named Varlians and the slug-like appearance on the Hutts was caused by some genetic mutation or something, causing the Hutts to never undergo metamorphosis, instead growing larger with the slug-like larvae body
Source: "Krykna (Knobby Spider) Stats (The Mandalorian)" (from reddit, r/StarWarsD6)
Krykna (Knobby Spider):
- Mobile predatory plant
- Origin: Dagobah
- Dexterity 4D, Perception 2D+1, Strength 6D
- Bite: Does STR+1D damage
- Eight Legs: Due to their number of limbs, knobby spiders can perform two actions per round with no penalty; a third action in a round receives a -1D penalty, a fourth action in a round receives a -2D penalty and so forth.
- Move: 11
- Size: Up to 4 meters tall
Krykna (Arachnid predator):
- Habitat: Arid deserts and caves
- Homeworld: Atollon
- Dexterity 2D, Perception 2D+2, Strength 3D
- Brawling 4D+2, Climbing/Jumping 5D
- Mandibles: Does STR+1D damage
- Six Legs: Due to their number of legs, krykna receive a +2D modifier to climbing and +1D+1 to brawling
- Carapace: Te krykna’s thick, rock textured carapace grants it +7D versus physical and energy attacks
- Natural Camouflage: Krykna burrow into the ground during the warm days, blending into the natural desert and rocky areas of Atollon (+2D to hide sneak skill checks)
- Darkvision: Can see up to 20 meters in total darkness
- Webbing: Kryknas can weave one web a round; creating up to three webs per standard hour
- Force Resistance: Kryknas have an innate defense against Force-based mind manipulation techniques and roll double their Perception dice to resist such attacks
- Move: 8
- Size: 2.4 meters
- Scale: Character
- Orneriness: -
Source: "Quarrens. Might be One of the Best Skin for the..." (from reddit, r/starwarsgames)
- Mentioned in a post on the r/starwarsgames subreddit as a possible skin for the Heavy in Star Wars Battlefront 2015
- Mentioned in a comment on the post, as the Heavy in Survival game modes was a Quarren
- Mentioned in a comment on the post, as there was an issue of the Zabrak’s neck being human flesh-coloured
- Mentioned in another comment on the post, as it looked like face paint before
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How do Hutts move?
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Source: "The Mandalorian: 10 Star Wars Species That Rese..." (from web, screenrant.com)
- Star Wars version of massive spiders
- Terrifying appearance
- Many eyes, long legs, sharp teeth
Frog Lady
- Amphibian design
- Skin, massive eyes, long tongue
- Produces eggs that hatch into tiny tadpoles
- Leaps around on all fours
- Resemble squids
- Two teeth, many limbs on face
- Giant slugs
- Move and produce slime
- Resemble various species of birds
- Tiny build, huge eyes, long tongue
- Popularity is continuing to grow
- Resemble bears
- Small ears, furry bodies, slightly creepy faces
- Resemble beetles and bugs
- Hatched from a Queen
- Resemble Rhinos
- Lethal intent
- Resemble primates
- Resemble cats and goats
- Feline features, fur, nose, whiskers, horns
Source: "Mosley (2019) directed by Kirby Atkins * Review..." (from web, letterboxd.com)
Adam and Eve
- Adam and Eve were thoriphants according to the source.
Source: "The animated Movie Mosley is a beautiful film t..." (from reddit, r/movies)
Real life animals that resemble Mosley the thoriphant
- Mosley is a creature known as a “thoriphant”
- He rebels against his life of servitude
- He embarks on a treacherous journey to find the fabled city of Uprights
- The themes in the movie are a bit heavy (slavery) and may be a bit much for younger or more sensitive kids
💭 Looking into
What are the real life animals that are similar to Mosley the thoriphant?