February 24, 2023
best arabic words to call your wife
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Habibi ana
Ya Hayati
Ya Elbi
Regional Origin
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Source: "Hi, what are some terms of endearment for a bab..." (from web, www.reddit.com)
ya ammoura - ammour
- Cute girl/boy
ya zghiri - zaghtoura - zaghtour
- Small one - girl - girl - boy
ya heloueh - helo
- Cute girl/boy
habibet mama - habib mama
- The love of your mom girl/boy
habibet baba - habib baba
- The love of your dad girl/boy
yeslamli l amar!
- May you stay healthy little moon
oborini - oborni
- Diminutive of to2borni - may you bury me… typical levantine endearment expression
ya sanadi
- My support - precious
Source: "How is habibi/habibti used?" (from reddit, r/learn_arabic)
- Can be used in a friendly manner with another man or woman
- Can be used in romantic or non-romantic context
- Habibi is for a boy and habibti is for a girl
- Can be used for a friend
- Can be used as a term of endearment
- May be mistaken as being romantic
Ya Hayati
- My life
- Can be used in a friendly or romantic context
Ya Elbi
- My heart
- Can be used in a friendly or romantic context
Ya Rouhi
- My soul
- Can be used in a friendly or romantic context
Ya Ayuni
- My eyes
- Can be used in a friendly or romantic context
Source: "Arabic terms of endearment?" (from reddit, r/learn_arabic)
حبيبي / حبيبتي
- Commonly used term of endearment
- Commonly used term of endearment
- Commonly used term of endearment
- Commonly used term of endearment
- Commonly used term of endearment
حبيب قلبي / حبيبة قلبي
- Commonly used term of endearment
تقبرني / تقبريني
- Meaning “you bury me,” i.e. I’d rather die than live without you. Limited to the Levant
- Translates to “my dear”
💭 Looking into
Are there any other sources of useful information about Arabic terms of endearment?
💭 Looking into
Are there other variations of these terms of endearment in Arabic?
💭 Looking into
How is Hayati pronounced?
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Is Habibi used to refer to a man or a woman?
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What is the literal translation of Rooh 'albi?
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What is the literal translation of Noor 'eini?
💭 Looking into
How is Habibti pronounced?
Source: "12 Ways to Express Your Love in Arabic this Val..." (from web, www.arabamerica.com)
Habibi or Habibti
- Means “my love” in Arabic
- Most common expression of love in the Arabic language
- Said to friends, children, and even strangers
Hayati, ya hayati
- Means “my life” in Arabic
- Found in Arabic songs about love and spoken in the Lebanese dialect
- Translates to “my soulmate”
- Translates to “my eye”
- Eyes are considered precious and beautiful in the Arab world
- Translates to “my heart”
- Used to refer to families or loved ones
- Translates to “my hope”
- Expresses strength from the people you love
- Translates to “my life” and “my darling”
Ma Atyaback or Ma Atyabeck
- Translates to “how cute are you?”
- Used as a term of endearment
Bahlam feek or bahlam feeki
- Translates to “I’m dreaming of you” or “you’re in my dreams”
- Translates to “I miss you”
Ya Amar
- Translates to “the moon”
- Used as a metaphor to express love
Ana Bahebak or Ana Bahebik
- Translates to “I love you”
Source: "Arabic terms of endearment for my husband?" (from reddit, r/arabs)
- Means “my love”
- Said by a Lebanese husband
Noor ‘eini
- Means “light of my eyes”
- Pronounced “Noor Ayni”
Rooh ‘albi
- Means “soul of my heart”
- Pronounced “Ruh Albi”
- Means “my love”
- To a man
- Means “my life”
- Pronounced “Hayati”
- Means “bury me”
- Quintessential Lebanese saying with a morbid literal meaning, but a sweet sentiment
- Means “my love”
Ya ruhi/roohi
- Means “my soul”
- Sounds funny, but it’s an expression of love too
- Means “my moon”
Noor al aiyn
- Means “light of my eyes”
Kullu kullu
- Means “forever ever”
- At least in Sudanese Arabic
Habibi ana
- Means “my beloved”
Source: "136 Terms of Endearment in Different Languages ..." (from web, languagedrops.com)
حبيب/حبيبة قلبي (habib albi) - “love of my heart”
- This term of affection means “love of my heart” and it can be used by either a male or female to refer to a male or female partner.
يا حياتي (ya hayati) - “my life”
- In Arabic, you can also call your partner “my life”.
يا قمر (ya amar) - “my moon”
- If you’d like something a little different from “my life” or “love of my heart”, you can also refer to your loved one as “my moon”.
يا حلو/حلوة (ya helo) - “my beautiful”
- It may seem like the pet name “my beautiful” is something you’d only use with a female loved one, but it can actually be used with either male or female counterparts.
💭 Looking into
What are the best endearments to call your wife in Arabic?