February 24, 2023
best books for people who like Ken Liu according to goodreads
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The Dandelion Dynasty
The Grace of Kings
The Wall of Storms
The Paper Menagerie
The Hidden Girl
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Source: "The Grace of Kings (The Dandelion Dynasty, #1) ..." (from web, www.goodreads.com)
The Grace of Kings (The Dandelion Dynasty, #1)
- This debut is super underrated and reimagines the birth of China’s Han Dynasty
- Features characters based on Liu Bang and Xiang Yu, trying their best to do what’s right according to their ideals
- Features minimal fantastical elements, such as the existence of airships, the meddling gods, and the creature Cruben
- The second half of the novel features many pivotal female characters in a role that decides the outcome of a war
Mistborn trilogy
- Features only about four major female characters throughout the entire trilogy
- One of them is Vin, the main character
Source: "Ken Liu (Author of The Paper Menagerie and Othe..." (from web, www.goodreads.com)
The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories
- avg rating of 4.37 out of 5 stars
- published in 2016 with 36 editions
The Grace of Kings (The Dandelion Dynasty, #1)
- avg rating of 3.75 out of 5 stars
- published in 2015 with 49 editions
The Wall of Storms (The Dandelion Dynasty, #2)
- avg rating of 4.32 out of 5 stars
- published in 2016 with 29 editions
The Hidden Girl and Other Stories
- avg rating of 3.93 out of 5 stars
- published in 2020 with 26 editions
Invisible Planets: Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction in Translation
- avg rating of 4.05 out of 5 stars
- published in 2016 with 22 editions
The Cleaners
- avg rating of 3.49 out of 5 stars
- published in 2020 with 4 editions
The Paper Menagerie
- avg rating of 4.58 out of 5 stars
- published in 2011 with 7 editions
Star Wars: The Legends of Luke Skywalker
- avg rating of 3.44 out of 5 stars
- published in 2017 with 21 editions
Broken Stars: Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction in Translation
- avg rating of 3.85 out of 5 stars
- published in 2019 with 20 editions
The Veiled Throne (The Dandelion Dynasty, #3)
- avg rating of 4.16 out of 5 stars
- published in 2021 with 13 editions
Source: "Release date updates to Ken Liu's The Veiled Th..." (from reddit, r/Fantasy)
The Grace of Kings
- Ken Liu’s longest, most substantive piece of fiction
- Published on November 2, 2021
- Has its (magnificent!) cover revealed last month
- Described as incredibly creative with fantastic worldbuilding and a exciting, propulsive plot
- Bloated at times and some things made little sense
The Wall of Storms
- Published April 2022
- Sprawling, languidly paced
- Really needed more editing to tighten it up and construct it better
- Unique narrative approaches
- Did a great job conveying the sense of how the society as a whole exercised agency in the story
The Paper Menagerie
- Described as slightly better than The Grace of Kings
Source: "I’m Ken Liu, author of "The Paper Menagerie" an..." (from reddit, r/books)
The Grace of Kings
- Author of “The Paper Menagerie” and The Grace of Kings
- Epic fantasy series, The Dandelion Dynasty
- Novel, The Hidden Girl and Other Stories
- Animated series based on stories in the collection
Good Hunting
- Love Death and Robots adapted Good Hunting
- Came to author’s agents to acquire the rights
- Author wasn’t involved in creative process
The Paper Menagerie
- Literalizing some aspect of reality
- Parental love as animating force
- Personal narratives by women usually described as “mail-order brides”
The Dandelion Dynasty series
- Had in mind the very last scene of the very last book before writing a single word
- Multiple characters died along the way
- 4 characters who didn’t exist emerged to take over the fate of Dara
Asian-inspired works
- Tochi Onyebuchi — Riot Baby
- Peter Tieryas — United States of Japan
- Sarah Pinsker — A Song for a New Day
- S.L. Huang — Zero Sum Game
- Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone — This Is How You Lose the Time War
- Cat Valente’s upcoming “The Past Is Red”
- Rebecca Roanhorse’s Black Sun
Translation of Three Body Problem
- More “literary”
- Accurate to story the author was trying to tell
- Fascinating to see how readers will get completely different stories out of the text
Source: "I’m Ken Liu, author of the Dandelion Dynasty, a..." (from reddit, r/books)
The Dandelion Dynasty
- Epic fantasy series reimagining of the legends around the rise of the Han Dynasty
- Uses the pacing and structure of the Iliad
- Flying, fire-breathing, oversized hippos, sentient, scaled, magical narwhals
- Engineers craft “silkmotic” machines
- War between restaurants fit for reality TV
- Hundred and one different ways to write and make books
- Discussions about taxes and litigation
- Last book, Speaking Bones, just came out on June 21, 2022
The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories
- Collection of short stories
- Some being turned into a TV show
The Hidden Girl and Other Stories
- Collection of short stories
Other literary influences
- Beowulf, Paradise Lost, the Aeneid, Shiji (Records of the Grand Historian), Herodotus’s Histories, the poems of Emily Dickinson, Zhuangzi, Catullus
- Old court opinions
- No plans for other collections yet
- Published short fiction in various venues
💭 Looking into
What other books by authors similar to Ken Liu would be suitable for people who like The Dandelion Dynasty according to Goodreads?
💭 Looking into
What other books by Ken Liu would be suitable for people who like The Dandelion Dynasty according to Goodreads?
💭 Looking into
What are the reviews of The Paper Menagerie by Ken Liu on Goodreads?
💭 Looking into
What are the reviews of Good Hunting by Ken Liu on Goodreads?
💭 Looking into
What are the reviews of The Dandelion Dynasty by Ken Liu on Goodreads?
Source: "Authors like Ted Chiang, Greg Egan, Ken Liu?" (from reddit, r/printSF)
Ursula K. Le Guin:
- The Shobie’s Story
- Dancing to Ganam
- A Fisherman of the Inland Sea
Stanislaw Lem:
- Eden
- Fiasco
- Solaris
- His Master’s Voice
- Cyberiad
Peter Watts:
- The Island
- The Things
Arthur C. Clarke:
- Crystal Spheres
Octavia E. Butler:
- Children of Time series
Ray Nayler:
- The Mountain in the Seas
Hiroshi Yamamoto:
- The Stories of Ibis
David Brin:
- Short story collections
Mike Resnick:
- Will the Last Person to Leave the Planet Please Shut off the Sun?
- Valuable Humans in Transit
- There Is No Antimemetics Division
- Fine Structure
Adrian Tchaikovsky:
- Children of Time series
Source: "Book Review - The Grace of Kings by Ken Liu" (from reddit, r/Fantasy)
The Grace of Kings by Ken Liu
- Written in 2015, Ken Liu has given epic fantasy a much-needed breath of fresh air and a novel that will expand the genre for years to come
- Follows several POV characters but primarily the story lines of Kuni Garu and Mata Zyndu
- World-building is very vast and epic
- Gods play a big role in this world, bickering amongst themselves on who to support, when, and how
- Introducing kite-fighters, Asian inspired combat techniques, and even airships
- Book 3 The Veiled Throne set to be released next year
Wall of Storms by Ken Liu
- Proselytize about this book as much as possible
- Writing is fine, but proceeds in a much more languid pace
- Character work is far more staid
- Still quite creative, but a lot of things just unfold in a way thats just not as believable in the world Liu’s created
Source: "Review: The Dandelion Dynasty by Ken Liu" (from reddit, r/printSF)
The Dandelion Dynasty by Ken Liu
- A common description of The Dandelion Dynasty is that it is George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire, but Asian
- Narrative style is grand and sweeping, reminiscent of a particularly gripping history textbook
- Characters’ motivations are understandable and sympathetic
- Worldbuilding is lush and vibrant, woven into the plot
- True Science Fantasy, with science being universal
- Writing style might not be for everyone
- World is neat and tidy, with few inconvenient details
- Characters have modern novel sensibilities
- Plot is heavily inspired by Chinese history
Good Hunting by Ken Liu
- Award-winning short story seen in Netflix’s Love Death + Robots
The Paper Menagerie by Ken Liu
- Award-winning short story
Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin
- Translated by Ken Liu
Source: "Just finished The Paper Menagerie by Ken Liu" (from reddit, r/printSF)
The Paper Menagerie by Ken Liu
- Variety in the different short stories
- Treats a large panel of themes
- Thoughtful and exciting stories
- Emotional stories
- Impressed over how much Ken Liu could tell in some really short stories
Ted Chiang
- Perfect mix of wonder and sentimentality
- 70:30 in favor of sentimentality
- Imaginativeness and craftmanship
The Hidden Girl by Ken Liu
- Even better than The Paper Menagerie
- Explores themes around history, memory, and responsibility
- Content can be violent/graphic and emotionally devastating
Escape Pod audio of The Paper Menagerie
- Great audio of the short story collection
💭 Looking into
What are the best books by Ken Liu according to Goodreads?