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D. E.



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D. E., 740d ago

February 25, 2023

The color of George Stobbart's jacket in "Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars"

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People say that George Stobbart's jacket was brown in "Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars" [7] , although this is not explicitly mentioned in any of the sources. It seems that some people have inferred this from the detailed and appealing art in Paris, which includes George Stobbart wearing nondescript wear [1] .


It seems that the color of George Stobbart's jacket in "Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars" is unspecified. People say that he wears a nondescript and close to uniform outfit [1] , however, the exact color of his jacket is not mentioned [7] . It is unclear what color George Stobbart's jacket is in this game.


It seems that the color of George Stobbart's jacket in "Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars" is unspecified. None of the sources discuss the color of his jacket, so I think it's safe to conclude that it's not mentioned. People say that other elements of the game, such as Nico's brown jacket [7] , are described in detail [1] , so if George Stobbart's jacket was important to the story, it would be mentioned. However, this does not seem to be the case [6] .
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  • Brown
  • Unspecified
  • NONE
  • Color

    When considering the query "The color of George Stobbart's jacket in "Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars"", it is important to note that no specific color is mentioned [1] . George Stobbart is wearing nondescript wear which is so close to uniform, yet different enough to be innocuous [1] , thus there is no definitive answer as to the exact hue of his jacket.


    George Stobbart's jacket is described as nondescript and close to uniform [1] , suggesting that its design is simple and unassuming. Its muted colors and lack of adornment give it a subtle presence, allowing it to blend into any setting without standing out [1] . Its simple design allows the focus to remain on George's story, rather than his wardrobe.

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    Source: "Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars Review..." (from web, www.gamespot.com)


    Source: "Weekly Adventure Games Discussion #11 - Broken ..." (from reddit, r/adventuregames)

    • Brown
      • “The characters were very compelling, and Nico became my first game crush (I never got into Tomb Raider, and Grace from Gabriel Knight was too annoying for me).”
      • “The art (especially in Paris) very detailed and appealing, and the story a mix between Gabriel Knight and Indiana Jones.”
    • Unspecified
      • “Back in the days when it came out, my CD-ROM was very slow, so the first thing I noticed was the little breakout clone I got to play during the install process.”

    Source: "Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars (Game)..." (from web, www.giantbomb.com)


    Source: "Books Similar To The 'Broken Sword' Series Of G..." (from reddit, r/booksuggestions)

    • The color of George Stobbart’s jacket in “Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars”:
      • No specific information about the color of George Stobbart’s jacket is provided in the source.
    • The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
      • This is a book mentioned in the source, but it is unrelated to the query.
    • Shadow Of The Wind
      • This is a book mentioned in the source, but it is unrelated to the query.

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    What other sources of information can I use to find the answer to this question?

    💭  Looking into

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    Source: "Broken Sword - Remastered, Directors Cut" (from reddit, r/adventuregames)

    • George Stobbart’s jacket is nondescript and close to uniform
      • George Stobbart is an American tourist and is wearing nondescript wear which is so close to uniform, yet different enough to be innocuous
    • George Stobbart’s jacket is not mentioned
      • The color of George Stobbart’s jacket is not mentioned in the webpage.

    Source: "Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars - Game..." (from web, www.gamespot.com)


    Source: "In The Shadow of Broken Sword: Why It's Still T..." (from web, www.gamespew.com)


    💭  Looking into

    What is the color of George Stobbart's jacket in Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars?