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P. K.



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P. K., 521d ago

October 24, 2023

What are some video games that have bad UI design that doesn't show health/stamina/sanity bar or any other vital status bar directly

In order to find video games with bad UI design that doesn't show health, stamina, sanity bars, or any other vital status bars directly, I examined multiple Reddit threads discussing UI design in games. The discussions ranged from general bad UI design to specific examples of games with poor UI. However, none of the sources explicitly mentioned games that lack vital status bars. Despite this, several games were mentioned repeatedly for having bad UI design, which I will discuss below. Due to the lack of information specifically addressing the absence of vital status bars, I am uncertain about the relevance of these examples to the original query.

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Dwarf Fortress

Dwarf Fortress is frequently mentioned as a game with bad UI design. The game's menus are described as being difficult to navigate, with many layers and arcane key combinations that make the UI hard to use. While the game is highly praised for its depth and complexity, the UI is often cited as a major barrier for new players.

Dark Souls

Dark Souls is another game that has been criticized for its UI design. The placement of the status bar in the center of the screen is considered ridiculous by some users, as it can obstruct the view of the game world and make it difficult to keep track of vital information. However, there is also a debate around whether this design choice is intentional and adds to the challenge of the game.

Super Smash Bros for Wii U

Super Smash Bros for Wii U is noted for having bad UI design. Issues include the placement of menu options, the lack of GamePad touch screen support, and the existence of a convoluted game mode called "Smash Tour". Users complain about the difficulty in navigating the game's menus and accessing certain features.


Skyrim's UI design is criticized for its inventory system, which is essentially a large list of words split up into categories. The system requires a significant amount of scrolling and doesn't provide helpful information like icons or numbers to quickly identify items. Additionally, the majority of the screen space is taken up by a 3D model of the item, which is considered visually appealing but not useful for the player.

Monster Hunter World

Monster Hunter World's UI design has been criticized for being difficult to navigate and lacking in clarity. The game's menus and information display are considered convoluted, making it hard for players to find specific information and manage their inventory effectively. While the games mentioned above have been criticized for their UI design, it is important to note that none of them were explicitly mentioned for lacking vital status bars. However, these examples provide insight into games with bad UI design that may be relevant to your query.

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"Good and/or bad UI designs?"

  • Examining user interfaces in video games for use in a personal analysis
  • Focus on notable games in FPA and any genre
  • Request for recommendations on good/bad UI design
  • Halo praised for its UI design (16 karma)
    • Information is accessible without cluttering the screen
    • Everything important exists in easily identifiable areas of the screen
    • Menus are laid out in a familiar format for all modes
    • All extraneous content is bundled in a way that doesn’t stop the player from immediately jumping in and playing the game
    • The UI design is customizable and communicates everything effectively
    • Consistent layout in each game screen, making it easy to learn and navigate
  • Persona 5 praised for its intuitive UI (12 karma)
    • Strongly stylized to fit within the game and very immersive
    • In-combat menu is easy to navigate and not overwhelming
    • Animations in the menus do not detract from user experience
    • Superb confidant-related stores that add to the game’s personalized vibe
    • Using triggers to swap through each character in every inner menu
    • Consistency and ease of use in all inner menus
  • Recommendation for Persona 4 UI (7 karma)
    • Fun menus to use
  • Stalker: Call of Pripyat UI negatively criticized (7 karma)
    • Icons are small and ambiguous
    • Minimap is semi-transparent with directional arrows that are not properly contrasted against the map
  • Complaints about Mass Effect: Andromeda’s UI design on PC (7 karma)
    • Everything is a submenu
    • Involves pressing ESC and SPACE to navigate menus
    • Horizontally aligned icons open different pages
    • Not tailored to PC functionality
  • Recommendation for games with no HUD, ie. King Kong (7 karma)
  • Brief mention of UI design in Destiny and Overwatch (4 karma)

"Great examples of good and bad UI and menu design"

  • The video on YouTube is titled “Great examples of good and bad UI and menu design” and is six years old.
  • There are 16 upvotes on this post from “r/gamedev.”
  • There are comments on this YouTube video discussing different aspects of UI/UX, visual design, and game design.
  • One of the comments focuses on the definition of “graphic design,” arguing that it should be defined as “your presentation of information.”
  • There is a debate in the comments section about whether tacky visuals affect the usability of a UI.
  • One user suggests that flashy visuals do not affect their ability to use a UI.
  • Another user recommends including more real-world examples of poor navigation in the video.
  • A third user provides a link to an article discussing the effect of visual design on UX.
  • The article asserts that poor design does have a negative effect on usability.
  • The video examples featured include “Resident Evil 6,” “Mark of the Ninja,” “Dead Space,” and “Mario Party 8.”
  • “Resident Evil 6” is criticized for having unclear messaging and font that blends into the background.
  • “Mark of the Ninja” is cited as an example of a game with inconsistent button prompts and unclear messaging.
  • “Dead Space” is criticized for its inventory system, which is described as being convoluted and difficult to navigate.
  • “Mario Party 8” is criticized for its poor use of space, with many UI elements cluttering the screen.
  • The video begins by defining graphic design as “your presentation of information.”
  • Overall, there is a consensus in the comments section that this video provides helpful insights into UI/UX and game design.

"Games with the WORST UI"

  • The webpage is a Reddit thread in the r/gachagaming subreddit titled “Games with the WORST UI” that was posted 2 years ago and has 11 points.
  • The original poster asks what people think is the worst UI in gacha games and encourages explanations for why it is bad.
  • Multiple users reply with their own opinions:
    • User “greendrops” dislikes E7’s UI because of submenus for everything, having to navigate too much to access daily tasks, and a cluttered UI with too many buttons, as well as constant spam of “exclusive” promotions. They previously enjoyed a simpler version of E7’s UI before it became overstuffed.
    • User “zel_zelman” also dislikes E7’s UI, agreeing with greendrops’s complaints, and adds that Korean RPGs in general prioritize showing buyable packs over gameplay.
    • User “Deag1e347” thinks DFFOO has a good game but bad UI as every menu takes far too long to load, making it tedious to navigate.
    • User “StillFood” dislikes games that lazily put all their menu buttons on one screen, and also hates the overused and copy-pasted flying islands UI in less creative idle gacha games.
    • User “BOOM_shalakalaka” dislikes 7ds’s UI for being slow, with animations and transitions adding extra time to even simple tasks like logging in and forfeiting in PvP.
    • User “Endoshi” enjoys Arknights’s UI, but finds Girls Frontline and Azur Lane’s UIs exhausting, especially at the beginning of the game.
    • Several other users name games with bad UIs for a variety of reasons, such as Digimon ReArise, Disgaea RPG, GBF, and CN mobile MMOs.
  • The thread emphasizes that what makes for a bad UI can vary depending on the player, and that some people like certain aspects that others would despise. Some noted that complaints about excessive ads might vary from user to user.
  • There is no specific mention of games that do not display vital status bars directly.

"what are some games with bad UI UX design"

  • The webpage is a Reddit post titled “what are some games with bad UI UX design” on the subreddit r/GameUI.
  • The post is 1 year, 3 months old and has 3 points at the time of posting this query.
  • One user comments that color accessibility is non-existent in modern World of Warcraft.
  • In World of Warcraft, if the dungeon features green spells, all the spells are different shades of green, on a brown-green background, with greenish mobs.
  • The spell indicators on the ground are made to taper off with a gradient to 0 opacity, so players can’t actually tell where the hard line of dead/not-dead is.
  • This problem repeats for the blue/purple dungeon and again for the red/black dungeon.
  • Another user comments that Rainbow Six Siege and BF 2042 were poor design choices.
  • In Rainbow Six Siege, there are countless different operators (different ones on offense/defense), each with multiple equipment slots (weapons, abilities, grenades, etc.).
  • Each ability slot often has multiple gadgets to equip, and each slot can be individually color configured.
  • All of this adds up to a ton of clicking in a UI that feels sluggish/slow.
  • The experience is generally bad, although the user acknowledges that it is a great game regardless.
  • The same user also mentions Battlefield 2042 as having bad design choices.

"What are some examples of BAD UI design in otherwise good games?"

  • Discussion forum from Reddit on video game UI design
  • Post from 5 years ago asking for examples of bad UI design in otherwise good games
  • Users recommend following games with examples of bad UI design:
    • Dwarf Fortress (15 karma)
    • Super Smash Bros for Wii U (multiple comments and karma points)
    • Older PC games from the 90s, specifically Dune 2 and Warcraft (8 karma)
    • Dark Souls (6 karma)
    • Skyrim (2 karma)
    • Monster Hunter World (2 karma)
    • Company of Heroes 2 (1 karma)
    • XCOM 2 (1 karma)
    • The Elder Scrolls Online (PC) (1 karma)
  • Discussion around issues with the UI design in Super Smash Bros for Wii U, including the placement of menu options, the lack of GamePad touch screen support, and the existence of a convoluted game mode called “Smash Tour”
  • Discussion around the placement of the status bar in the center of the screen in Dark Souls and whether it is good or bad UI design
  • Comments on the user experience navigating menus in Destiny, Warframe, and other games that require slow cursor movement with an analog stick
  • Discussion around issues with the UI design in Monster Hunter World, specifically the difficulty in navigating menus and finding specific information
  • Additional comments about other games with bad UI design, including issues with flickering holographic screens in XCOM 2 and the lack of hotkey functionality in The Elder Scrolls Online
  • Some users discuss how advances in UI design have surpassed advances in game design over the years, specifically citing the improvements made in digital user interfaces
  • Overall, the forum provides several examples of games with bad UI design and some specific issues that users have with those designs. While it does not specifically address games that don’t show vital status bars directly, it does touch on the importance of clear and concise UI design for game functionality.

"Can /r/games provide me with examples of games with bad UI design?"

  • The post in r/Games is titled “Can /r/games provide me with examples of games with bad UI design?”
  • It was posted 10 years ago and has 14 points.
  • The post’s focus is on helping a friend with a coding class who needs examples of games with designs that are not user-friendly, glitchy, not well-kept, etc.
  • Commenters provide suggestions of past or present games with bad UI design, which are as follow:
    • Skyrim (49 karma): Inventory is basically a huge list of words split up in categories, requires massive amount of scrolling, doesn’t give information like icons or numbers. Word lists are squeezed into a small space so that the majority of the screenspace can be spent on showing a 3D model of the item, which is pretty but useless information for the player.
    • Morrowind (-10 karma): overall poor UI design.
    • Deus Ex (-10 karma): overall poor UI design.
    • Dwarf Fortress (44 karma): there are menus 5-6 deep accessed only by arcane key combinations. There are separate layout marking schemes for mining, building, and assigning tasks to an area with lots of unintuitive choices. The game simulates a fantasy world, but the UI is hard to use.
    • Battlefield 3 (22 karma): To change the attachment of weapons between spawns, players have to go through THREE screens (and back!) while the game is still going on in the background.
    • Far Cry 3 (19 karma): inventory system is a mess, especially for selling items.
    • Borderlands 2 (19 karma): terrible inventory system.
    • Mass Effect 3 (5 karma): the journal (missions) and codex had no form of organization.
    • Dungeon Defenders (4 karma): to access the item box, a vital part of the game, players have to click through several menus. To sell bad items, there is no sell all bad items option, players must individually unlock every bad item that is locked and lock every good item that is unlocked.
    • World of Warcraft (4 karma): the UI was hard to use for playing a healing class until players installed mods.
    • Most of Paradox Interactive’s grand strategies (4 karma): poor UI design.
  • Some comments mention specific aspects that make a UI bad, such as poor inventory management, lack of icons/numbers for quick reference, and convoluted menus. However, none of the comments specifically address games with poor UI design

"Is there a reason for video game UI to be so bad?"

  • Post questioning the reason behind common bad UI in video games
  • Speculation that designing for multiple playstyles and resolutions makes UI design harder, rushing UI development, or UI not being a priority for developers may be some of the reasons behind bad UI in games
  • UI being an integral part of gameplay and good UI making menu interactions smoother and more seamless and can teach players about the game
  • No specific games that lack vital status bars are mentioned in the post
  • Comments section discussion on whether the modern game UI is bad in general and some modern games that are exceptions to the bad UI trend
  • Several users speculate that supporting multiple platforms with singular UI solutions, like in web development, leads to generically bad UI
  • Discussion on the complexities of supporting multiple UIs for games, like accounting for different resolutions and playstyles, making it cost-prohibitive, and how core gameplay tends to be prioritized over UI testing
  • Various users share their own experiences with bad business software UIs
  • Most of the bad software UIs users experience are internal applications for their respective companies
  • Users share examples of good UI in modern games, including Control and the Hitman trilogy
  • A user who works in software development explains that UX has become a significant focus of enterprise software development relatively recently, with its own specialist professionals and testing methodology
  • UX testing is mainly concerned with user journeys with the software and how easy it is to find specific functionality while avoiding friction points
  • Obstacles to a good UI design for games include budget constraints, cross-platform compatibility, and the complexities of gaming systems, requiring UI to be tested with different input methods and display resolutions
  • A user shares a story about creating an app for internal business use, fighting for better UI, but eventually giving up due to no one else caring
  • Zoom and Teams video-conferencing software are criticized for having counterintuitive UIs and for not supporting all of the functionality users would expect
  • Examples of software with poor UI include computational chemistry software, Oracle, and SAP
  • A user shares an experience of working with Meta Business Suite, which is known to have poor functionality, which he/she is amazed is still used as a market leader when it’s not even working

💭  Looking into

Explanation and analysis of the importance of health/stamina/sanity bars in video game design

💭  Looking into

Expert opinion on games with UI issues and suggestions on how to fix them