October 11, 2023
A breakdown of the main components of the worldview concept
I researched the main components of the worldview concept by examining six sources, including Reddit discussions and academic articles. The sources varied in their relevance to the original query, but overall, there was a general consensus on the importance of understanding and defining worldviews. My level of uncertainty is relatively low, given the variety and depth of the sources I analyzed.
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Questions and Components of Worldviews
Definitions of Worldview
Worldview Questions in Research
Quotes Supporting Worldview Components
Influence of Sociology on Worldviews
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Here are my notes on the webpage:
- Quote by G.K. Chesterton calling the view of the universe the most practical and important thing about a person.
- The author submits that a person’s worldview is the most important issue in their life, since it guides and directs everything else.
- The author highlights the importance of America’s worldview for determining its future, especially in politics, economics, science, technology, and education.
Definitions and Illustrations of the Concept of Worldview:
- A view of the universe and theory of the cosmos (G.K. Chesterton).
- The whole manner of conceiving of the world and humanity’s place in it, the widest possible view which the mind can take of things (James Orr).
- A life-system, rooted in a fundamental principle from which was derived a whole complex of ruling ideas and conceptions about reality (Abraham Kuyper).
- A perspective on life, a whole system of thought that answers the questions presented by the reality of existence (Francis Schaeffer).
- A set of presuppositions or assumptions held consciously or unconsciously, consistently or inconsistently, about the basic make up of reality (James Sire).
- A comprehensive framework of one’s basic beliefs about things (Albert Wolters).
- An interpretative framework by which one makes sense of life and the world (Norman Geisler).
- Perceptual frameworks, ways of seeing, embodied in actual ways of life (Brian Walsh and Richard Middleton).
- A vision of God, the universe, our world, and ourselves rooted and grounded in the embodied human heart as the seat and source of our worship and spirituality, ideas and beliefs, loves and affections, and decisions and actions (David Naugle).
- A worldview is like lenses or a pair of eye glasses through which we look at the world. Depending upon the lens prescription, wv glasses will make everything blurry or clear or somewhere in between. Similarly a wv is like a pair of sunglasses or shades. They color everything we see.
- A worldview is like contact lenses: they affect everything you see, but you don’t notice them.
- A worldview is like a map and compass: it guides, directs, orients where we are, where we are going, and how to get there, personally and culturally.
- A worldview is like a filter and framework: it sifts and sorts,
- The webpage aims to explain the components of a research design, which involves the intersection of philosophy, strategies of inquiry, and specific methods or procedures.
- Two important components of research are philosophical assumptions and distinct methods or procedures.
- The philosophical assumptions include different worldviews, which shape the approach to research.
- In planning a study, researchers need to think through the philosophical worldview assumptions that they bring to the study, the strategy of inquiry that is related to this worldview, and the specific methods or procedures of research that translate the approach into practice.
The four different worldviews discussed are:
- postpositivism - deterministic philosophy in which causes probably determine effects or outcomes.
- social constructivism - subjective meanings are negotiated socially and historically. Researchers seek to understand the context or setting of the participants through visiting this context and gathering information personally. They also interpret what they find, an interpretation shaped by the researcher’s own experiences and background.
- advocacy/participatory - researchers hold to the philosophical assumptions of the advocacy/participatory approach. They work with marginalized individuals in our society or issues of social justice that need to be addressed.
- pragmatism - researchers use both quantitative and qualitative methods together.
- Researchers need to make explicit the larger philosophical ideas they espouse in their research proposal or plan.
- The importance of identifying one’s own worldview and how it influences research is emphasized.
- Philosophical assumptions influence practice of research and need to be identified.
- Researchers using each worldview make certain assumptions that shape the approach, such as the importance of numeric measures for postpositivists and the importance of subjective meanings for social constructivists.
- Specific methods and procedures of research depend on the philosophical worldview.
- Examples of qualitative strategies include ethnography, quantitative strategies include experiments, mixed methods strategies include sequential.
- A researcher’s worldview is shaped by the discipline area of the student, the beliefs of advisers and faculty in a student’s area, and past research experiences.
- Individuals develop subjective meanings of their experiences - meanings directed toward certain objects or things.
- Researchers with a social constructivist worldview look for the complexity of views rather than narrowing meanings into a few categories or ideas.
Four different worldviews are presented with explanations of their elements:
- postpositivism - empirical observation and measurement, theory generation and verification.
- constructivism - meanings are constructed by human beings as they engage with the world they are interpreting; humans engage with their world and make sense of it based on their historical and social perspectives.
- advocacy
"What aspects does a philosophical worldview need to feel full or complete?"
- The article on Reddit is about building a complete worldview for a society.
- The author seeks to compile a list of important questions that make up a philosophical worldview concept.
- The focus is on the big questions that make up a worldview more than specific rituals or teachings.
Examples of questions include:
- What happens after death?
- Where did we come from?
- Is the world made up of spirit, material, or some combination?
- Are individuals more important than groups?
- Who determines what’s right and wrong?
- What is beauty and what makes life worth living?
- What are some of the roles of history?
- How does power relate to morality?
- What is a society’s sociopolitical power based on?
- The author believes that these questions can make a society feel more “full”.
The discussion in the comments section furthers the topic by proposing more questions:
- What determines a man’s lot in life?
- Does fate or destiny exist for individuals?
- Is morality objective, subjective, or non-existent?
- Is law justice because it informs justice or because it’s just?
- What forms do debt take and how important are empathy and sympathy?
- What counts as history and why is it important?
- What is the righteous self or the good life?
- What are cosmologies and their importance in defining a worldview?
- Some users suggest that it’s also essential to consider societies that don’t recognize some concepts or don’t recognize them as significant or important.
- The author plans to write about groups of people stuck in the middle of or between competing worldviews.
- The concepts discussed on the webpage and in the comments section are important elements in building a coherent worldview and have great philosophical value.
"How has sociology changed your world view or perspective on life?"
Unfortunately, there is not enough information on the webpage that directly pertains to the query of “A breakdown of the main components of the worldview concept.” The webpage is a forum discussion about how studying sociology has changed people’s worldview or perspective on life. There are only a couple of comments from people about their individual experiences with sociology, and aside from one commenter’s mention of the “social pillars that we unknowingly uphold”, there is not much content that relates to the components of worldview.
Here are the notes on the webpage:
- A forum discussion on Reddit’s Sociology subreddit from 11 years ago
- The thread asks “How has sociology changed your world view or perspective on life?”
Two users commented:
- One user said sociology is “a collection of things, that once you see, you can never unsee”, and that their pursuit of sociology is their reason for living
- Another user commented sarcastically that “we are in fact dooomed”, but did not provide any further elaboration
- The thread has 13 upvotes and the first comment has 12 karma, the second comment has 1 karma
Overall, while the thread serves as interesting commentary on how the study of sociology has impacted the perspectives of some individuals, it does not have specific content that would help with the query on the breakdown of worldview components.
"What is a "worldview"?"
- The post was made 9 years ago on r/askphilosophy, with a total of 19 karma points.
- A reddit user asks for a definition of “worldview” and the meaning behind when people refer to something as “against my worldview.”
- The word “worldview” comes from German (Weltanschauung) and has roots in cognitive psychology and linguistics, as well as folklore studies, mythologies, and epistemology in philosophy.
- One redditor provides a general answer: a “comprehensive, systematic understanding of the universe,” which may or may not include an epistemology or a system of morals.
- Another user explains that worldview is subjective, formed by personal experiences.
- Worldview is often tied to the social constructivist epistemology and the cultural stories and values that influence people’s outlooks on life.
- A user gives an example of how a Judeo-Christian worldview is pervasive and influential in the western world, regardless of religious beliefs.
- The same user also mentions the clash between worldviews, such as the exoticizing of foreign cultures and outlooks.
- A redditor describes Dilthey’s definition of worldview, which is related to metaphysics, epistemology, and morals. Dilthey believed that a worldview is an attempt to respond to the fundamental antinomies of life through three steps: a world-picture, valuation, and ideals.
- The redditor briefly explains that their worldview is that of a pragmatist, where problematic experiences are the most fundamental thing that exists, and what’s valuable are things that help deal with such experiences.
- Another user adds that one’s worldview doesn’t necessarily require the components to support each other. The person just has to be able to ignore the points where they don’t.
- One succinct definition of worldview offered by a user is “one’s own subjective view of the entire world in general, in some kind of gestaltist way.”
"Prepare today like the world will NOT end tomorrow"
- Fighting in Israel and Ukraine is not necessarily an indication of WW3.
- Regional conflicts have been simmering for a long time, and their fighting is a predictable outcome of both scenarios.
- Several wars are currently underway, which might be a part of a worldview concept that factors in current events.
- Any scenario in which Russia allows itself to be pulled into a religious war by Iran against Israel is highly unlikely, as Israel is friendly with Russia and a significant number of Israelis speak Russian.
- There is no need to panic-buy expensive prepping resources like MREs and gold bullion or digging bunkers.
- Temporary power outages could happen, so being prepared for them is reasonable.
- A Reddit user shares their experience with prepping, viewing world events like weather events, categorizing them into watches and warnings, but views current world events as just a watch situation.
- Another Reddit user shares that the conflict in Ukraine affected the global supply chain of goods.
- A few comments are unrelated to the topic of prepping, but instead discuss personal experiences living in Mississippi and near Pascagoula, and recommendations if visiting coastal areas.
- There is some disagreement among Reddit users about whether it is useful to estimate the probability of an SHTF (shit hits the fan) scenario. Some recommend ranking potential scenarios and allocating prepping resources accordingly, such as prepping for a power outage first and war second.
- One Reddit user believes that making accurate predictions about global wars is nearly impossible, and instead focuses on ranking events in order of likelihood.
- Another Reddit user makes a controversial claim about the conflict between Israel and Palestine, laying blame on Israel and suggesting that the situation could spiral out of control, leading to a larger war.
- Other Reddit users call out the previous comment as misinformed and lying that the US had paid Iran money during the Obama administration. They suggest that the aid to Iran was in the form of goods and not cash.
💭 Looking into
Identify and describe the most important components of a worldview
💭 Looking into
Overview of the concept of worldview and its significance