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M. A.



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M. A., 587d ago

August 19, 2023

how to design heap leaching pads and construction?

During my research, I found various webpages discussing heap leaching pad design and construction. Some sources were not directly related to the query, while others provided in-depth information on specific aspects of heap leaching pads. The most relevant sources were a comprehensive guide on heap leach pad design and construction from 911metallurgist.com and a research paper on heap leach pad design practices in the 21st century from ore-max.com. Other sources, such as Reddit discussions on different topics, provided limited insights into heap leaching design<1-5>. The information gathered from these sources provides a general understanding of heap leaching pad design and construction, although the level of consensus and specificity varies.

Have an opinion? Send us proposed edits/additions and we may incorporate them into this article with credit.




6m 38s



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Heap Leach Pad Configuration

Designing a heap leach pad requires considering several factors, including ore material properties, water balance, land availability, ground slope, and project cost. There are different types of leach pad configurations, such as single-use pads, on/off or reusable pads, valley fill pads, and hybrid pads. The choice of configuration depends on the specific requirements of the project, including the type of ore, topography, and leaching characteristics.

Liner System Design

The liner system is a critical component of heap leach pad design, and it includes foundation materials, underliner soils, geomembrane liners, overliner materials, and solution collection/air injection piping. The liner system must be tested for compatibility with high loads and harsh conditions under anticipated ore loads. A construction quality assurance program is necessary for good liner performance.

Operational Considerations

Heap leach pad operation involves several factors, including ore stacking and scheduling, leach scheduling, chemistry control, water balance, and climate operation. These operational aspects must be taken into account when designing and constructing heap leach pads to ensure efficient and effective extraction of metals from low-grade ores.

Alternative Uses of Leach Field Area

For those interested in utilizing the space around heap leach pads, some suggestions include terracing or swaleing the area and creating a native or perennial flower garden with benches for sitting. Opinions on planting in leach fields vary, with some warning against it due to potential root interference, while others have had success with specific plants like banana trees. Further research and consultation with experts may be required to determine the feasibility of such uses for a specific heap leaching pad design. In conclusion, the design and construction of heap leaching pads involve careful consideration of various factors, including pad configuration, liner system design, operational aspects, and potential alternative uses of the leach field area. While the information gathered provides a general understanding of the process, consulting with experts and further research may be necessary for specific projects.

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"Aussies dropshippers: can you provide some advise?"

  • The webpage on Reddit was posted in the “dropship” subreddit and was titled “Aussies dropshippers: can you provide some advice?”.
  • The post was made 4 years ago and has 10 points.
  • The user who posted the question is looking to start an e-commerce business and has questions related to starting a dropshipping business in Australia.
  • Specifically, the user asks about obtaining an ABN number, using an .com.au domain, opening a business bank account and credit card, and getting insurance for their business.
  • The user also asks if Aussies prefer to buy from .com.au websites and if they should expect credit card blocks for orders placed with constantly changing shipping addresses.
  • One commenter mentions that Aussies don’t care about .com.au domains and major stores in Australia operate on either .com or .com.au.
  • The same commenter recommends getting an ABN number along with a business name, both of which can be registered easily online.
  • The commenter also suggests getting a business bank account, insurance to protect from fraud, and having a clear return policy for customers.
  • Another commenter explains what carding is and suggests taking fraud prevention measures, such as checking billing and postage details for orders to see if they match.
  • Another commenter recommends setting up a separate PayPal account for the business, offering PayPal as a payment option, and getting a PO box.
  • There is a recommendation for a YouTuber named Tristan Broughton who has videos related to dropshipping in Australia.
  • One commenter mentions that an ABN number is not needed unless earning over 75k and the business is not considered a hobby or leisure activity.
  • Other commenters refute this and recommend getting an ABN sooner rather than later to avoid tax penalties.
  • There is a recommendation to visit an accountant to ensure all legal requirements are met when starting a business in Australia.
  • The thread provides helpful resources and tips for starting an e-commerce business in Australia.

"Designing pad foundations"

Not used in article

"Construction vs Design"

Not used in article

"What git guidelines or best practices do you follow?"

Here are the notes from the webpage:

  • Git’s adaptability is both its strength and weakness. It’s highly customizable to a wide range of workflows.

  • It’s important to use a Git workflow that meets your needs and is efficient without adding additional pain.

  • Best practices are often based on personal preferences, rather than strict guidelines.

  • Personal preferences can include:

    • Rebasing over merging for a clean linear history
    • Fetching first instead of pulling, inspecting new commits and then manually rebasing
    • Avoiding git stash since WIP commits with default and soft resets make it easy to rebase development branches on top of updates to master
    • Liberal reordering/cleaning of commit history on dev branches before merging to master
    • Using concise and present tense commit messages with action verbs
    • Not squashing commits into a single feature commit before merging to master, since it makes debugging harder
  • One contributor suggests writing git comments that you would want to read tomorrow, next week, or next year, adding notes about why you solved a task the way you did, future plans for code, etc.

  • Another contributor recommends using GitFlow if you’re working on a team.

  • One Reddit user mostly works off master.

  • There is a need for established guidelines that can become design principles for teams.

  • One Reddit user recommends always using “rebase = true” in the ~/.gitconfig file.

  • Another recommends following Chris’ guide to “How to Write a Git Commit Message” exactly.

  • As a final note, code blocks using triple backticks (`) don’t work on all versions of Reddit. To fix this, indent every line with 4 spaces.


  • The webpage provides comprehensive information on designing and constructing heap leach pads.
  • Heap leach pads are used to extract metals such as gold, copper, and uranium from low-grade ores.
  • There are different types of leach pad configurations like single use pads, on/off or reusable pads, valley fill pads, and hybrid pads.
  • To design a suitable leach pad configuration, ore material properties, water balance, land availability, ground slope, and project cost must be considered.
  • For single-use pads, a large area is required, with a flat topography to maintain geotechnical stability, a large storm event pond, and low initial capital costs.
  • On/off pads are suitable for ore with short leach cycles and consistent leaching characteristics in areas with limited flat terrain. They require a rinsed ore site/pad, a durable “high-stress” liner system, and are practiced under a wide range of climate conditions.
  • Valley fill pads are best suited for hard, durable ore with good drainage and can accommodate extended leach times. They are used in steep terrain with slopes up to 40% and have a robust liner system that includes a retaining structure for confinement of the heap.
  • Hybrid pads include a combination of dedicated single-use pads, on/off pads, and valley fill pads.
  • Liner system design includes components like foundation materials, underliner soils, geomembrane liner, overliner materials, and solution collection/air injection piping.
  • The liner system must be tested for compatibility with high loads and harsh conditions under anticipated ore loads. A construction quality assurance program is required for good liner performance.
  • Liner design advancements include experience with geosynthetics, operation of heap leach pads with significant ore loads, construction, and operation of very large leach pads across varying foundation materials and solution collection pipe performance under high ore load.
  • Ore properties testing includes geomechanical properties like heap stability, ore compression, settlement, hydraulic properties like percolation, flow versus ore load, drain-down moisture content, metallurgical testing, among others.
  • The operational considerations of designing and constructing a heap leach pad include ore stacking and scheduling, leach scheduling, chemistry control, water balance, cold or hot climate operation, wet or dry climate operation, and difficult ore types like those with low permeability, slow leaching, and acid consuming/generating.
  • Wet climate poses water management and heap instability problem leading to increased solution and storm pond sizes, capital cost and land constraints, rain skirts/covers, and excess

"[Septic Design] Maintaining usability of leach field area"

  • The text on the webpage is a Reddit post on the r/Permaculture subreddit. The post is titled “[Septic Design] Maintaining usability of leach field area” and was posted by a Reddit user 7 months ago.
  • The post is about building a home on a hill in San Diego, which has a sloped area where the leach field for the septic system will be located. The user is looking for ideas on how to make use of this area and not let it go barren or unused.
  • The user has considered terracing or swaleing the area so that the leach lines can be run through flat sections. They want to then use the area for a native or perennial flower garden with benches for sitting.
  • Another user suggests planting banana trees or bamboo on the leach field, although they warn of the risk of roots. They also suggest leaving the area to wildflowers and running bees over it.
  • Another user suggests using an engineered bioreactor for the septic system, which has a smaller footprint than traditional systems and can allow for natural gas extraction. They also suggest using the leach field as a green manure source or for a flower/bee garden.
  • A user suggests a prairie seed mix from Prairie Moon Nursery that is specifically designed for leach fields and septic areas.
  • There are mixed opinions on whether it is safe to plant anything on a leach field due to the potential for roots to interfere with the system. Some users warn against planting anything or suggest only planting wildflowers, while others have had success with certain plants like banana trees.
  • Overall, the post provides some ideas on how to make use of a sloped area where a leach field is located. These ideas may be relevant for designing heap leaching pads that can effectively utilize space and potentially support plant life.

"Hycroft Mining Holding Corporation (HYMC): Quite Possibly The Most Undervalued Miner Out There"

  • The webpage talks about Hycroft Mining Holding Corporation, a precious metals mining company that owns the Hycroft Mine located in Northern Nevada, USA.
  • Hycroft Mine is the largest silver deposit in the USA and the largest in any top-tier jurisdiction worldwide. It is also the second-largest gold deposit in the USA.
  • The mine’s ore body is low grade, which is a challenge and adds to the cost of extraction. However, analysts believe that the company will be profitable despite this.
  • Hycroft has decades of mine life left and a large land package with numerous additional areas to drill/explore.
  • The mine’s infrastructure is already on site from the predecessor, which removes the need to purchase expensive mining equipment with long lead times.
  • Hycroft is fully permitted for its current operations and plan.
  • The company has approximately 86% institutional ownership.
  • Hycroft is not currently profitable as they are in a state of low production as the mine comes back online. However, their bottom line is getting better and better as they have been ramping up their production slowly over time.
  • The CEO has a Ph.D. in engineering, masters in mineral economics, and decades of successful mining experience. She also has at least $500,000 in shares according to the reported insider transactions.
  • Hycroft’s forward P/E ratio (2023 consensus estimate) is currently less than 1 at today’s current price of $1.57 per share. The 2023 earnings consensus estimate is $1.58 per share, while the estimates for 2024 and 2025 are $1.91 and $2.39 per share, respectively.
  • Hycroft’s NPV at $1,300 gold is $2.1 billion, which is over 20 times the current market cap. Valued far lower than almost all of its peers despite being in a world-class jurisdiction.
  • There are other companies operating in extremely unstable regions that are valued many multiples higher relative to NPV.
  • Hycroft is not in any major mining indexes or ETFs (that the author is aware of) and is currently flying under the radar (very little discussion/awareness of this company online).
  • The webpage provides a link to Hycroft’s recent investor presentation with even more information: http://www.hycroftmining.com/wp-content/uploads/9-8-21-Beaver-Creek-PMS-2021-Final.pdf


Sorry, I am not able to take more notes on EVERYTHING on the webpage as it has already been summarized above in bullet points to answer your query. The webpage is about Heap Leach Pad design and construction practices and it discusses current design practices, slope stability performance, and the construction of heap fills and the leaching process. Additionally, it describes different types of geomembrane liners and factors to consider when selecting one. The page also goes into detail about the preferred pad liner system and underliner bedding fill design. Lastly, the article mentions the use of liner raincoats and interlift liners for copper heap leach operations.

"Types of Leaching (Tank, VAT, Heap, In-situ)"

  • This webpage is a post on Reddit on types of leaching (Tank, VAT, Heap, In-situ).
  • The post is discussing the conflicting information available on leaching techniques on Wikipedia and other sources.
  • The post has been active for 3 years and has received a total of 3 karma.
  • One of the commenters on the post suggests that each type of leaching has its own Wikipedia page and they are summarized on wikis hydrometallurgy page.
  • Another user suggests that the question is too vague and it would be easier to help if the person asking the question described where they were having hangups instead of asking to be given maybe amounts of information that may or may not even answer the questions they are having.
  • Another commenter gives suggestions that could be relevant to designing and constructing heap leaching pads such as dump and in-situ leaching.
  • The same commentator also suggests ore preparation methods which include crushing and agglomerating.
  • The commentator also mentions concentrate leaching through pressure oxidation.
  • The original post does not specifically address the design and construction of heap leaching pads, but it does provide useful information on different types of leaching and how to find more information on them.

💭  Looking into

Construction process of heap leaching pads

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Factors to consider when designing a heap leaching pad