July 27, 2023

can i trust the magnet links from btdig

During my research, I found discussions on Reddit and information on how magnet links work, but no clear consensus on whether magnet links from btdig.com are trustworthy. I analyzed two Reddit threads, a HowToGeek article on magnet links, and the btdig.com website itself. The Reddit discussions mainly focus on accessing BTDigg and how btdig.com operates as a DHT crawler/indexer, rather than the trustworthiness of the magnet links. The HowToGeek article provides general information on magnet links and their advantages, but does not specifically address btdig.com. Given the lack of direct information on the trustworthiness of magnet links from btdig.com, a certain level of uncertainty remains.




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s., 336d ago

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Accessing BTDigg

The first Reddit thread discusses issues with accessing BTDigg, as users report being redirected to other sites or experiencing the site being down. One user suggests using the TOR2Web proxy or TOR URL to access BTDigg. It is reported that the redirection seems to be based on an IP filtering system, with certain IPs being redirected and others not. Users confirm that they were able to access the site again after switching IPs. Despite the discussion on accessing BTDigg, there is no clear answer or recommendation on whether the magnet links from BTDigg are trustworthy.

BTDigg as a DHT Crawler/Indexer

The second Reddit thread focuses on how btdig.com operates as a DHT crawler/indexer, which does not use trackers. To add torrents to btdig.com, users must seed their own public torrents in their torrent clients with DHT enabled. Other DHT indexer sites offer similar functionality. While users suggest enabling DHT and PEX in their clients and waiting for the crawler bot to find the torrent, they also recommend double-checking the source of the torrent before downloading to avoid malware or inauthentic content.

Magnet Links in General

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  • Magnet links are a common alternative to traditional torrent files
  • Torrent files don’t contain any data of the files you want to download
  • Torrent files contain a list of torrent trackers that coordinate all the peers participating in the torrent
  • Torrent files contain information about the files that are being shared, such as their names, sizes, and information needed to do integrity checks on the data
  • Torrent files can contain extended information, such as a Distributed Hash Table (DHT)
  • A magnet link is simply a string of text that contains a unique identifier, various parameters depending on the exact nature of the torrent, and a cryptographic hash of the torrent files
  • A cryptographic hash is a mathematical algorithm applied to data that results in a short unique string that represents that data.
  • A magnet link strips out only the essential information and does away with the rest of the torrent file
  • The first big advantage of magnet links is that they are links and not files
  • Any files downloaded from the internet come with the inherent risk malware, which does not apply to magnet links
  • Magnet links are much easier to share
  • Magnet links have a big advantage over the use of torrent trackers
  • Using a magnet link is as simple as clicking the link on a web page
  • If you have a magnet link-capable BitTorrent client installed, your web browser should prompt you to open the magnet link in your torrent client
  • Magnet links based on a hash are incredibly robust
  • As long as a single seeder remains online, anyone else with the magnet link can find them
  • Magnet links will still work even if none of the original contributors are there, as long as the hash can be made from the torrent files again.

"How can I announce my torrent to btdig.com? Is there a tracker?"

  • btdig.com is a DHT crawler/indexer and does not use trackers.
  • The DHT network is trackerless, and hence no trackers are involved.
  • The only way to add torrents to the btdig.com indexer is to try seeding your own public torrent(s) in your torrent client with DHT enabled.
  • With some luck, a DHT crawler will eventually find the torrent and index it in their search database.
  • There are some other DHT indexer sites that also allow the option to add torrents to their database, such as bitsearch.to and solidtorrents.to.
  • The sidebar post https://www.reddit.com/r/torrents/comments/qhj2lc/search_site_exclusively_for_torrents/ has mention of the same thing. It says that DHT crawler indexers like btdig.com essentially crawl the DHT network for downloadable content and their data is updated regularly.
  • A user suggests in the comments section that one should try to enable DHT and PEX in their client and wait for the crawler bot to find the torrent.
  • Some users recommend that one should upload the torrent to the PirateBay as it tends to get indexed automatically by several crawler bots.
  • Another user points out that if the torrent file is not public, it will not be indexed by the DHT indexer.
  • Some users suggest that one should keep seeding the torrent for a longer duration to increase the chances of it getting indexed by the bots.
  • A user advises to always double-check the source of the torrent before downloading to avoid downloading malware or inauthentic content.
  • One user points out that the DHT network is not as reliable as a private tracker network when it comes to maintaining the health and availability of the torrents.


  • The website is a search engine for torrent content.
  • Users can search for torrent files using keywords.
  • The website provides filter options for users to narrow down their search results.
  • Results can be sorted by relevance, size, files, date, and seeds.
  • Users can view details of a torrent file, including its hash, size, files included, and number of seeds and peers.
  • The website also lists related torrents that users may be interested in.
  • There is a section on the website for “recent findings” which lists the newest torrents added to the database.
  • The “about” section provides information on the website’s purpose and history.
  • Users can change the language of the website by selecting an option in the top right corner.
  • There is a “contacts” section where users can submit feedback or report issues.

"Anyone knows what happened to BTDigg?"

  • The thread is titled “Anyone knows what happened to BTDigg?”
  • One user reports that the link they were using for BTDigg (btdig.com) now redirects to another site, and btdigg.org is down as well.
  • Another user suggests using the TOR2Web proxy or TOR URL to access BTDigg.
  • A user reports that the redirect seems to be based on an IP filtering system, with certain IPs being redirected and others not.
  • Another user confirms this and states that they were able to access the site again after switching IPs.
  • One user reports being redirected to archive.ph instead of BTDigg when they try to access the site from Canada.
  • There is no clear answer or recommendation on whether the magnet links from BTDigg are trustworthy, as the discussion mainly focuses on accessing the site itself.
  • One user expresses surprise at the existence of TOR2Web proxy and thanks the user who suggested it.
  • Overall, the thread provides useful information on how to access BTDigg despite its recent issues with redirecting and being down.

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Overview of the risks associated with downloading untrustworthy magnet links from btdig

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Top 3 ways to check if a magnet link from btdig is safe