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M. A. A. R.



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M. A. A. R., 641d ago

June 26, 2023

how to develop bangladesh by AI in a young university students perspective

During my research, I examined discussions on various Reddit threads related to the development of Bangladesh, the introduction of AI, and the experiences of people working in the AI industry. The sources provided a range of perspectives and suggestions on how AI could potentially contribute to the development of Bangladesh, particularly from the viewpoint of young university students. There were some disagreements among users, but overall, the discussions shed light on potential areas where AI could be beneficial, as well as the challenges that need to be addressed for successful implementation.

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Eradicating Corruption and Enhancing Accountability

One of the key factors that must be addressed for the development of Bangladesh is the eradication of corruption and the establishment of accountability within the government and other institutions. According to a discussion on Reddit, Bangladesh ranked as the 13th most corrupted country in the world due to strong control over the media. Users suggested that the freedom of media could help reduce corruption in the country. By leveraging AI technologies, young university students could potentially develop tools and platforms that promote transparency and accountability in various sectors, ultimately contributing to the country's overall development.

AI and Machine Learning Applications

A group of university students in Bangladesh expressed interest in advancing their coding skills in AI and machine learning, with the goal of building an app for their country that uses this technology. Several AI/ML app suggestions were discussed, including an image processing app for classifying cuts and wounds, an e-commerce app with ML-based predictions and recommendations, and an educational app that uses AI to develop personalized curricula. By pursuing these ideas, students can potentially contribute to the country's progress and create valuable tools for various industries.

Developing a ChatGPT-like AI for Bangla

A Bangladeshi AI startup plans to build a ChatGPT-like AI for Bangla, which could be useful for many domain-specific applications like telecom and ride-sharing. The startup aims to collect good quality data and contribute positively to the Bangla NLP community, experimenting with fine-tuning a multilingual open-source model and training a 1-3 billion parameters model from scratch. Developing such an AI could greatly benefit the Bangla-speaking community and pave the way for further advancements in language processing and AI applications.

Improving Infrastructure and Industry

Various users on Reddit mentioned the importance of developing infrastructure and industry in Bangladesh as a means to promote economic growth. By leveraging AI technologies, young university students could potentially develop tools and platforms that assist in the planning and management of infrastructure projects, as well as promoting innovation in different industries. This could help attract foreign investment and create a more diverse and stable economy for the country.

Promoting Tourism

Some Reddit users discussed the potential for AI technologies to promote tourism in Bangladesh, suggesting ideas such as building infrastructure around tourist spots, keeping areas clean, and marketing Bangladesh's unique culture. By leveraging AI and machine learning, young university students can potentially develop tools and platforms that help identify and promote lesser-known tourist spots, improve visitor experiences, and ultimately contribute to the growth of the tourism industry in Bangladesh.

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"Asia’s Challenges - OECD"

Not used in article


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Not used in article

"[D] opinions on Unify AI"

Not used in article

"Building a ChatGPT-like AI for Bangla. Please suggest some places where Bangla text data is plentiful."

Relevant: true Importance: 6 Notes:

  • A Bangladeshi AI startup is planning to build a ChatGPT-like AI for Bangla that will be open-source and useful for many domain-specific things like telecom, ride-sharing, etc.
  • They are seeking plentiful Bangla text data sources that are not just news sites to collect good quality data and contribute positively to the Bangla NLP community. Many users offer recommendations in the comments, such as Bengali book PDFs available online, edu publications like Panjeree, and Bengali.ai group on Facebook.
  • The startup plans to experiment with fine-tuning a multilingual open-source model and training a 1-3 billion parameters model from scratch to get the best results that can surpass the capabilities of ChatGPT itself.
  • The lack of available Bangla NLP resources led the startup to do this research project, hoping to train a small 1B param model and see how well it does.
  • The startup has access to significant compute infrastructure at a very cheap price, and they are willing to collaborate with those who are interested in the project.
  • Users discuss the important of building reasoning capability since ChatGPT works well in English but falls behind in Bangla. They suggest contacting edu publication like Panjeree, who has helpful guides and question banks, or Bengali.ai group to collaborate.
  • The Bangla community is excited about the project and appreciates the initiative. One user thought that competing is not necessary but is happy to see Bangladeshis building something that can positively impact the community.
  • Others share their experience with ChatGPT in Bangla, finding it slightly awkward, feeling less personal, and indicating a hit or miss quality when generating Bangla sentences.
  • Some users have expressed doubt regarding this project’s feasibility due to challenges in making headway in even the basics of NLP in Bengali, as most available models take an easy way out by translating to English, processing, and translating back to Bengali. However, the startup believes that they can make a difference by conducting research on Bangla NLP.
  • Users provide suggestions for Bangla text data sources such as Prothom Alo, BBC Bangla, Bengali literature book online sites like ebangalalibrary.com and Myebooksfree.com/PDF/tag/read-bengali-books-online, or contests like Bangla Intelligence.
  • The data and the language models will be open-sourced, allowing everyone to benefit from the project.

"Introduce AI/ML to Bangladesh"

  • A group of university students in Bangladesh are interested in advancing their coding skills in AI and machine learning during quarantine, with the goal of building an app for their country that uses this technology.
  • They are seeking suggestions for what kind of app or program they could develop using AI/ML from doctors or CEOs to turn it into a business.
  • One Reddit user suggests that the usefulness of such a program would be limited by the availability of relevant data points, suggesting it could be useful for specific industries, such as telecoms, or by seeking out large datasets that are already available, such as that of the Dhaka Stock Exchange.
  • Others suggest specific ideas for AI/ML apps or programs:
    • An app that uses image processing to classify whether cuts and wounds are infected or require medical attention.
    • An e-commerce website or app that makes ML-based predictions and recommendations for users to save money and improve their overall shopping experience.
    • An educational app that uses AI to identify students’ strengths and weaknesses and develop personalized curricula. One user provides the example of Squirrel AI, a Chinese company that uses AI in education.
  • Another user suggests taking part in AI/ML competitions on platforms like Kaggle to hone their skills and even earn money with the prize money attached. The user points to the BengaliAI-CV19 competition as an example.
  • When asked about their knowledge of deep learning models for time series forecasting, such as LSTM, RNN, and GRU, the students admit they haven’t looked into it yet but are willing to learn.
  • Overall, the Reddit thread offers several specific ideas and industries to explore, as well as potential resources and competitions that could help the students reach their goals of developing an app for their country using AI/ML.


  • Every country wants to become more comfortable and prosperous.
  • A user on r/bangladesh asked what should be done for Bangladesh to become more comfortable and prosperous.
  • Need to get rid of corruption for Bangladesh to develop.
  • Bangladesh’s export and remit are strong and can be a source of investment for the country.
  • Information technology makes it easy for Bangladesh to establish more low- and medium-tech industries.
  • Bangladesh needs to control its environment first and stop annual flooding.
  • Controlling the water would solve half of the problems that Bangladesh faces.
  • Bangladesh ranked as 13th most corrupted country in the world due to strong control on media.
  • Freedom of media can help to reduce corruption in Bangladesh.
  • A stable environment with no flooding or drought will allow people to invest in their land without fear of losing it all the next year.
  • Returns to education, particularly in countries with a low-educated population base like Bangladesh, are tremendous.
  • The bottom 50% of Bangladesh relies on poorly funded government schools or madrasas that don’t equip students for life in the 21st century.
  • Stultifying generations after generations by pushing kids through this education system where they learn very little in the way of critical thinking or English or modern sciences.
  • Get rid of corruption and instill accountability among people (including Hasina, who is implied to be responsible for some of the issues).
  • Development will skyrocket only after corruption is eradicated and accountability is ensured.

"What are some positive economic developments in the country that you've noticed recently?"

Title: “What are some positive economic developments in the country that you’ve noticed recently?”

URL: https://www.reddit.com/r/bangladesh/comments/shxg4x/what_are_some_positive_economic_developments_in/

  • Discussion on subreddit r/bangladesh about positive economic developments in the country
  • One user mentions the construction of skyscrapers in Chattogram as a positive sign for development in the city
  • Another user mentions that part of Sylhet initiated the underground cable network that is planned for Dhaka and Chattogram
  • Discussion of more foreign investments and a freelancing boom in the country
  • One user claims that Bangladesh is now the least backward country in South Asia
  • Some users discuss the challenges facing the country such as the need for green spaces and traditional architecture
  • Another user mentions the importance of a business-friendly environment to boost the economy and create more jobs
  • There is also discussion about the RMG sector and the need to transition to a more diverse and stable economy
  • Various users mention the issue of corruption in Bangladesh’s government
  • One user mentions the need to measure true economic gain by looking at the purchasing power of the bottom 50% of the population
  • Overall, the thread provides insight into some of the ways in which Bangladesh is trying to progress economically. Users also discuss some of the challenges that the country is facing in its efforts to grow, such as corruption and the need for a more diverse and stable economy.

"Bangladesh Development"

  • The webpage discusses the development of Bangladesh from the perspective of users on a Reddit forum.
  • Users provide varying opinions on the development of infrastructure and industry in Bangladesh, as well as socioeconomic development and corruption.
  • Some users mention the pandemic and recession adversely affecting many people.
  • Bangladesh is developing pretty fast, but it’s not very apparent as a lot of development is in infrastructure and industry.
  • Building infrastructure and industry is better than building shiny skyscrapers and hotels like many other countries do.
  • The opinion on development depends on who is being asked. BNP supporters will always say No, and Awami supporters will say yes.
  • Economic development varies from person to person as Bangladesh is just as capitalistic as America.
  • The business policy has been more liberalized now, and it’s pretty easy to do business here. However, corruption remains a significant issue. To get a license, you still have to bribe someone to get a signature.
  • Bangladesh ranks next to last worldwide on the enforcing contracts indicator, and it is ranked 184th out of 190 on the registering property indicator. Transferring a property title in Bangladesh takes on average 271 days, almost six times longer than the global average of 47 days. Resolving a dispute takes 1,442 days, almost three times more than 590 days on average among OECD high-income countries.
  • According to the World Bank, to get electricity connection in Bangladesh, a new business needs 150.2 days, whereas in Vietnam, it needs 31 days, in Singapore 30 days, in Malaysia 24 days, and in neighboring India 55 days. Besides, Bangladesh is ranked 100th out of 160 countries in the index of Trade Logistics Performances of the World Bank indicating that it lags much behind China, Thailand, India, and Vietnam. In global connectivity, Bangladesh was placed 121st out of 140 economies, the WB study said.
  • Bangladesh has achieved the highest HDI among developing countries, but development is unbalanced, and 90% of people cannot afford good food every day while 10% can go shopping in Europe for Eid.
  • Poverty rate declined from 40% in 2008 to 20% in 2019, but a lot of funds for projects were not used transparently or diligently.
  • 80 percent of all development budgets were reportedly stolen. Those projects will begin to fail and will need to be redone.
  • Bangladesh has changed, but a lot of problems, such as

"What advice would you like to give to promote tourism in Bangladesh to foreigners?"

  • A Reddit thread in the Bangladesh subreddit with the topic “What advice would you like to give to promote tourism in Bangladesh to foreigners?”
  • User upset about the lack of unique characteristics in Bangladesh to attract tourists. No ancient cities, no global wonders, and beach culture restricted due to cultural and religious reasons.
  • User stating that nothing sells by itself, no matter how excellent the product is, so marketing it is necessary.
  • Debate about public nudity and the norms around it in Bangladesh and around the world.
  • Disagreement about Bangladesh having nothing unique. The country has many ancient mosques, Hindu and Buddhist temples, stunning scenery, wildlife, and the world’s largest Muslim gathering.
  • Suggestions for how to strengthen tourism: building infrastructure around potential tourist spots, keeping areas clean, paying bloggers to promote Bangladesh, building something like Burj Al Arab in Cox’s Bazar, protecting a certain area of Sundarbans for a safari zone, starting private sky jumping sessions, teaching children not to litter, promoting pilgrimage tourism to religious sites, and marketing Bangladesh’s unique culture.
  • Concerns about the safety and security of tourists in Bangladesh and poor online information and cheap tours for budget travelers.
  • Recommendations on building up Kaptai and Rangamati for tourism and improving access to healthcare, decreasing crime and corruption.
  • Debate about whether the entire Sunderbans should be an attraction or only a certain part and the risk to wildlife and ecodiversity.
  • Score discussion for different recommendations. For example, one user said that building a casino in Cox’s Bazar was a good idea, but another user downvoted the suggestion.
  • Recommendation to focus on lesser-known spots like Sonargaon and building infrastructure and marketing around them.
  • Advice to remove beggars/panhandlers and increase security to protect tourism and livelihoods.
  • Importance of cleanliness, security, and medical facilities in tourism.
  • Recommendation to make tourism cheaper for budget travelers and market more online.

"People who work with AI, what major did you choose in college, do you think the money you make is fair, and what do you think about the near future of jobs in AI?"

-Relevant: true -Importance: 3 -Notes:

  • People in the AI industry share their experiences and opinions on the effects of AI and its value.
  • Some found a degree in AI helpful, while others found it was not necessary.
  • Computer science, software engineering and electrical computer engineering are common degrees amongst those with a background in AI.
  • Proficiency in maths is paramount to work in the AI industry – including linear algebra, statistics, calculus and diffEQ.
  • The industry is hyped up to be in-demand in the future.
  • AI is used in a diverse range of projects within the computing and medical industries.
  • A user commented the most important skills in AI include proficiency in maths, coding, and translating academic papers into functional implementations.
  • Knowledge of statistics or signal processing is recommended for those seeking a career in AI.

💭  Looking into

Ways for young university students to contribute

💭  Looking into

Potential areas for AI in Bangladesh's development

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Current status of AI in Bangladesh