May 12, 2023

Developing desktop application with Pyqt5 and Qt Designer

During my research process, I went through several sources including Reddit discussions, online tutorials, and articles related to PyQt5 and Qt Designer. The sources provided a range of opinions and experiences from users, as well as tutorials and guides on using PyQt5 and Qt Designer for desktop application development. There seemed to be a general consensus that Qt Designer is a useful tool for creating GUI applications with PyQt5, although there are some trade-offs when compared to hand-coding the GUI. Overall, I feel confident in the information gathered from these sources.




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Qt Designer and PyQt5

According to a Reddit user, Qt Designer is an incredibly useful tool for designing UIs and can help accomplish weekend-long projects in just a day <(1)>. Qt Designer is likely a better solution for proper cross-platform applications than Glade, an alternative UI design tool that creates files for the GTK framework <(1)>. All widgets in Qt Designer are transformed into clean Python code, and the resulting files can be converted to Python using the `uic` command <(1)>. Qt Designer's interface is easy to use, allowing widgets to be added by selecting them from a menu and dropping them onto a window, which saves a significant amount of time compared to writing code <(2)>. Qt Designer's layout systems are flexible and can adjust to any display resolution, simplifying the process of widget positioning and enabling the creation of various layouts, including auto layout <(2)>. Some Reddit users recommend using Qt Designer for more complex applications compared to tkinter, as it is easier to work with and provides better cross-platform support <(1)(3)>.

Tutorials and Resources

Several online resources are available for learning PyQt5 and Qt Designer. Tech with Tim has a good tutorial series on PyQt5 and Qt Designer, while Sentdex has a series on PyQt4, which is a bit outdated but still relevant <(1)>. also offers tutorials and a learning path for PyQt <(4)>.

Licensing and Limitations

When using Qt Designer for commercial purposes, it is important to ensure that the application meets LGPL licensing requirements <(1)>. Some users also mentioned that Qt Designer-generated code can be "ugly" and difficult to read, which might be a concern for more complex projects <(1)>.

Qt Designer vs Hand-Coding

There are pros and cons to using Qt Designer versus hand-coding your GUIs. Qt Designer can boost productivity but offer less control over GUI components, whereas hand-coding can offer more control but be slower and more tedious <(5)>. Ultimately, the choice depends on the developer's preferences and the specific requirements of the project.


In conclusion, Qt Designer is a popular and useful tool for designing desktop applications with PyQt5. It offers an easy-to-use interface, flexible layout systems, and saves time compared to hand-coding. However, developers should consider licensing requirements when using it for commercial purposes and weigh the trade-offs between using Qt Designer and hand-coding the GUI. Numerous tutorials and resources are available for learning PyQt5 and Qt Designer, making it an accessible option for developers new to GUI programming.

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"Holy shit is QT Designer useful"

  • User shared their love for QT Designer for UI design
  • QT Designer can help accomplish weekend-long projects in a day
  • Glade is an alternative UI design tool that creates files for the GTK framework
  • QT Designer is probably a better solution for proper cross-platform applications
  • QT Designer does not support dynamic widget generation but fixed widgets can be easily set up and new widgets can be added in the code
  • All widgets in QT Designer are transformed into clean Python code
  • QT Designer files can be converted to Python using the uic command
  • The designed GUI can be repeated for instance using QFrames
  • Tech with Tim has a good tutorial series on PyQt5 and QtDesigner
  • Sentdex has a series on PyQt4 which is a bit outdated
  • QT Designer is easier for more complex applications compared to tkinter
  • QT Designer has licensing requirements beyond personal use and users must ensure application meets LGPL licensing scheme when used commercially
  • QT Designer creates code that is often “ugly” and flat and difficult to read and is often neglected in more complex projects
  • QT Designer is amazing for creating mock-ups, exploring widget functionality, and reverse-engineering stuff
  • QT Designer is perfectly fine for creating production tools UI, can inject custom widgets in runtime, having tabs, etc.
  • QT Creator is also a useful tool

Note: These points are very specific to the discussion of Qt Designer in the context of Python application development. They are not a comprehensive guide to using Qt Designer or PyQt5 in general.

"How to download and design a desktop app using Qt Designer (for PyQt5, PySide, Qt)"

  • Video tutorial about designing desktop app using Qt Designer (2 years old)
  • Language used: PyQt5 and PySide for Qt Designer
  • Video tutorial shows how to download and use Qt Designer
  • Tutorial offers a simple example presented in a clear and concise manner
  • Comments from Reddit users share that the video is well-produced and helpful
  • One user thanks the creator for the video and expresses that it would have been useful when starting to use Qt Designer
  • Several other users express gratitude for how helpful the creator’s videos have been for their work.
  • One user requests an ELI5 explanation on the licensing ramifications for using Qt in different projects.
  • No responses to the user’s request for licensing information.
  • The user’s comment is currently showing only one upvote.
  • The subreddit where this post was shared is r/Python.
  • The post has 328 points.
  • The post was submitted 2 years ago.
  • The post was submitted by an anonymous Reddit user.
  • One Reddit user commented on the post saying they liked it.
  • This user’s comment has no replies or upvotes.
  • Some users have also rewarded the creator with medals.

"Best python GUI to learn?"

Not used in article


  • Python supports various GUI frameworks or toolkits such as Tkinter, PyQt, wxPython, etc.
  • Python’s standard GUI toolkit is Tkinter which is user-friendly, easy-to-learn with a small footprint. However, it provides only basic functionality.
  • PyQt is another popular GUI toolkit that provides more advanced features and is widely used.
  • The article focuses on using PyQt to create a desktop application.
  • Installing PyQt library is a prerequisite to using it for developing a desktop application.
  • The article provides step-by-step instructions for installing PyQt library on different operating systems.
  • PyQt allows developers to use Qt Designer tool that provides a drag and drop interface to build user interfaces.
  • The article provides a brief about Qt Designer tool and its features.
  • Qt Designer tool can be installed from the PyQt package itself or can be installed separately.
  • Qt Designer tool can be used to create .ui files which can be loaded in the Python code to build a GUI.
  • The article provides step-by-step instructions to create a desktop application using PyQt and Qt Designer tool.
  • The article covers the following topics:
    • Installing PyQt on different operating systems
    • Overview of Qt Designer tool and its features
    • Creating a GUI in Qt Designer tool
    • Loading .ui files in Python code
    • Connecting GUI elements with Python code
  • PyQt provides various GUI elements such as buttons, text boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, combo boxes, etc. that can be used to build user interfaces.
  • The article provides sample code snippets to demonstrate how to use various GUI elements in PyQt.
  • Connecting the GUI elements to Python code requires defining slot functions that will be executed when the user interacts with the GUI.
  • The article explains how to define and connect slot functions with GUI elements.
  • The article demonstrates how to handle different types of events generated by the GUI elements such as button clicks, text changes, etc.
  • The article also covers how to customize the appearance of the GUI elements using stylesheets.
  • Additional resources are provided for learning more about Python GUI programming using PyQt.


  • Qt Designer is a tool for designing and creating graphical user interfaces (GUI).
  • GUIs can be built either by writing the code or with Qt Designer.
  • One of the major advantages of using Qt Designer is the set of layout managers that simplify the process of widget positioning and the ability to easily create any kind of layout.
  • Layout Editors in Qt Designer include Horizontal Layout, Vertical Layout, Grid Layout, Form Layout, and Splitter Layout.
  • Qt Designer’s interface is easy to use and it allows adding widgets to a window by selecting them from a menu and dropping them on a window, which saves a significant amount of time compared to writing code.
  • Qt Designer’s layout systems are flexible and can adjust to any kind of display resolution.
  • Layouts automatically reposition widgets according to a set of rules when the display resolution changes.
  • Qt offers a set of layout managers that simplify the process of widget positioning and will allow you to easily create any kind of layout, including auto layout.
  • Some of the essential terms to know for creating layouts using Qt Designer are widgets, layout managers, and spacers.
  • The most accessible way for creating layouts is using the layout section of Qt Designer’s main toolbar.
  • One of Qt Designer’s most useful features is the ability to drag and drop hierarchies of layout managers to arrange widgets into functional interfaces.
  • Qt’s layout managers include QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, QGridLayout, and QFormLayout.
  • Splitters are container objects that arrange widgets horizontally or vertically in two resizable panels, and they can be used in the layout process alongside the other layout managers.
  • To create a Dialog example using several widgets with a consistent layout, you can follow the previously mentioned steps.
  • Qt Designer is different from a code editor and brings a different set of approaches for desktop application development.
  • Integrating written code with the layout designer may require testing and experimentation before settling on a consistent solution.
  • Qt Designer’s main interface looks clear and user-friendly.
  • When using Qt Designer, form preview can be initiated to view the layout’s approximation on the desktop application.
  • Different widgets created on the Menu can be added to Forms, and selected to implement and monitor specific settings and behaviors.
  • Layout related options can be selected from the following: Qt Designer options on the main toolbar, Qt Designer options on the main menu, and layout options on the form’s context menu.
  • Each layout object will have its own set of properties.

"PyQt5 tutorial: Create a Python GUI in 2018"

  • PyQt5 tutorial instructing how to create a Python GUI in 2018 and utilize the latest features of PyQt5
  • Introduction to PyQt5 and its advantages for developing applications
  • Comparison of different GUI frameworks including Tkinter, wxPython, Kivy, and PyQt/PySide
  • Discussion on which GUI framework to choose depending on the specific requirements of the project
  • Instructions on installing PyQt5 and creating a simple PyQt5 application
  • Explanation of how to create a window, set its attributes, add widgets, and use layouts
  • Examples of different types of widgets including buttons, labels, line-edits, and combo-boxes
  • Explanation of how to use and customize menu and toolbar
  • Instructions on how to add images and icons to the application
  • Explanation on how to incorporate multiple windows and dialogs into the PyQt5 application
  • Tutorial on how to create standalone applications with PyQt5 using pyinstaller
  • Discussion on creating complex GUIs using the Qt Designer application
  • Showcase of an open-source project that uses PyQt5
  • The project showcases how to manage dependencies, linting, freeze, and docs with standalone PyQt5 applications
  • Discussion on how to create a simple PyQt5 GUI for both Windows and Linux platforms
  • Links to other PyQt5 resources such as official documentation and an online course from Udemy
  • Comments from Redditors who have found the tutorial useful and informative
  • Information on creating a Python GUI using WPF
  • Mention of GTK bindings for Python
  • Reference to a PyQt5 boilerplate on GitHub
  • Explanation of how the boilerplate does not require any license like fbs

"How to Make a Desktop GUI Application in Python?"

  • Python is a popular programming language with universality for different types of tasks, and often developers have to write programs with an intuitive graphical interface.
  • The following 3 development tools are listed as the most popular: PyQt, Tkinter, and WxPython.
  • PyQt is a GUI development toolkit that is available in various languages and is written in C++. It allows the development of applications that have a familiar and ordinary appearance. Installation can be done through pip3 install PyQt5.
  • Tkinter is a standard toolkit for developing GUI applications and is referred to for its long history and ease of use. It has an extensive and active community, and users can find a large number of semi-finished products or publications in the network.
  • WxPython is similar to Tkinter while also being slightly younger and a more advanced approach to creating GUI applications in Python.
  • The article focuses on PyQt and demonstrates an example of creating the simplest application for a content manager.
  • Qt Designer is an application for creating and managing custom widgets that can be used to create graphical interfaces.
  • The author created the application using the following steps:
    • Open Qt Designer and create the necessary form using standard elements.
    • Save the layout of the form to receive a file with MainForm.ui extension.
    • Convert the MainForm.ui file to the *.py extension using the command pyuic5 -x MainForm.ui -o
    • Run the newly created file to get a prototype of the application.
  • Creating a full-fledged application from a Python script requires building an executable file. PyInstaller and cx_Freeze are the two popular tools to build the application.
  • For using cx_Freeze, the first step in creating a full-fledged application is to form a file. It includes an ‘options’ dictionary, which is used to improve the build and may have parameters such as “excludes”, “includes”, “packages”, etc. The executable class includes parameters such as “targetName”, “base”, and “icon”.
  • Once the file is properly formed, a user can compile it using the command, python build.
  • The building process can take time depending on the size and number of interconnected modules in the application.
  • The article also covers common errors that may occur during the build process and provides solutions to some of them. For instance, if a user sees “missing required dependencies” error, they can copy the missing file from the folder of installed libraries to the appropriate folder of the assembly


  • PyQt5 allows for the creation of desktop applications in Python.
  • Qt Designer is a tool that provides a WYSIWYG user interface for creating GUIs for PyQt applications.
  • Qt Designer is platform and programming language independent. It creates .ui files, which are XML files with descriptions of how to generate Qt-based GUIs.
  • You can install Qt Designer and PyQt5 by creating and activating a Python virtual environment and then running the command pip install pyqt5 pyqt5-tools.
  • There are several GUI templates available in Qt Designer, including options for creating dialogs, main windows, and custom widgets.
  • The New Form dialog in Qt Designer allows for the selection of a desired template and then the creation of a new form.
  • The Widget Box in Qt Designer provides a selection of layout managers, spacers, standard widgets, and other objects that you can use to create a GUI for your dialogs and windows. It also has a Scratchpad section for frequently-used items.
  • The Object Inspector is a tree view of all the objects on the current form. You can use it to set the name and other properties of the form and its widgets.
  • The Property Editor is a two-column table with the active object’s properties and their values. You can use it to edit the value of an object’s properties.
  • There are several dock windows in Qt Designer, including Widget Box, Object Inspector, Property Editor, Resource Browser, Action Editor, and Signal/Slot Editor.
  • You can connect signals and slots (a PyQt technique for handling events) in Qt Designer using the Signal/Slot Editor.
  • There are pros and cons to using Qt Designer versus hand-coding your GUIs. Using Qt Designer can boost productivity but offer less control over GUI components, whereas hand-coding can offer more control but be slower and require more knowledge.
  • To build main window-style applications, you can use the Main Window template in Qt Designer and then create a main menu, add and populate toolbars, and lay out widgets.
  • PyQt5 includes a pyuic5 command-line tool that translates .ui files into Python code.

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Tips and best practices for developing desktop applications with Pyqt5 and Qt Designer

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A step-by-step guide to building a desktop application with Pyqt5 and Qt Designer