May 01, 2023

Канада и Австралия похожи между собой. как дочери одной матери-Великобритании. При сравнении обратить внимание на следующие моменты: 1) площады территорий, особенности ЭГП (как оно менялось на различных исторических этапах, ускоряя или замедляя развитие стран) 2) общие черты в их истории, символике флагов 3) особенности формирования населения этих стран 4) природные условия и ресурсы: черты сходства и различия 5) общие черты в структуре хозяйства, отраслях специализации 6) структура экспорта-импорта

I researched various sources, including Reddit discussions and web articles, to find information on the similarities and differences between Canada and Australia. The sources were somewhat related to the original query, but there was not complete consensus among them. Some sources provided relevant insights, while others were less informative. Based on the research, I have a moderate level of certainty in the information I found.




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Territory and Historical Development

Canada and Australia are both former British colonies, and as such, they share some similarities in their history and development. Both countries have large territories with a relatively small population and vast uninhabited areas.

Flags and Symbols

There is a similarity in the symbolism of the flags of Canada and Australia, as both countries have ties to the British monarchy.

Population Formation

Canada is a bilingual and multicultural country with both English and French recognized as official languages at the federal level. On the other hand, Australia is primarily an Anglophone country with more Irish influence and very little French influence.

Natural Conditions and Resources

Both countries have unique natural conditions and resources. Canada has the world's longest coastline, being surrounded by the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic Oceans. Australia, being in the Southern Hemisphere, has a different climate than Canada, which is located in the Northern Hemisphere.

Economic Structure and Specialization

Canada and Australia have similarities in their economic structure and industrial specialization. Both countries have a strong focus on the service industry, as well as a developed mining, energy, and agricultural sector. Additionally, both countries are among the world's leading exporters.

Export-Import Structure

The primary international trade partner for Canada is the United States, which accounts for more than three-quarters of Canada's exports. Information on Australia's export-import structure was not found in the researched sources.

Cultural and Social Aspects

According to Reddit users, Australia is more similar to Canada in terms of social culture, healthcare, work culture, and living expenses. However, Australians are said to be more conservative and have a different approach to parenting. Another difference is that Australians tend to support more local brands, while Canadians are heavily influenced by American culture.


In summary, Canada and Australia share some commonalities as former British colonies, but they also have distinct differences in language, culture, and natural conditions. Their economic structures are similar, both focusing on the service industry and being among the world's leading exporters.

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Source: "How does life in Canada compare with Australia?" (from reddit, r/canada)

  • Canada and Australia are often compared to each other.
    • Same social culture, healthcare, work culture, and living expenses.
  • Wages are better in Australia, and older people seem more conservative.
  • Australians are freer with parenting, Canadians are more cautious.
  • Australians support more Australian brands, Canadians are too close to America.
  • Canadians are seen as more optimistic and complain less.
  • Both countries have similar cultural values, economic structures, and abilities.
    • Both have massive amounts of empty space, strong entrepreneurial culture, and reasonable welfare benefits.
    • Healthcare systems are not based on the ability to pay.
    • The largest difference might be that Canada has two cultures: the Francophone one, and the Anglophone one, while Australia is only Anglophone.
  • Natural conditions/restrictions and resources have similarities and differences.
  • Both countries have similar structures of economy and industrial specialization.
  • Canada and Australia have independent foreign policies, the Commonwealth is a shared history that helps to connect these two countries.
  • Australia is more social and has cheaper and faster travel across the country, and has a welcoming expat community.
  • Cost of living is comparable to Toronto and Vancouver, but rent is higher (1 bed in Sydney is at least $2200/mo).
    • Australians like to shorten words and love to drink coffee, Canadians are more cautious about swearing.
  • European settlement started in Canada in the 16th/17th centuries, and in Australia in the 19th century (like Western Canada).
    • Indigenous people were treated similarly in both Canada and Australia (residential schools, etc).


Source: "Why have places like Canada, Australia, New Zea..." (from reddit, r/AskHistorians)

  • The question asks about why countries like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the US have fared better than other European colonies in terms of wealth, democracy, and stability.
    • One explanation given is that stability and peace are major criteria for long-term economic prosperity and these countries have had stable government for over a hundred years, no foreign invasion for over a hundred years, and social cohesion for over a hundred years.
      • This is due to the legacy of the circumstances of their colonial past where these countries were settled in such a way that the relatively low native populations were swamped by the influx of settlers.
      • This led to societies that were mostly cohesive with a long tradition of peaceful stability.
      • These societies formed around the same time and their transition to modern states occurred gradually over a couple of hundred years.
    • Another potential explanation is that these countries are largely defined by their coastlines and two internal populations of differing numbers and technology.
      • Canada and the US share a massively long, mostly artificial border that can potentially be explained by their shared British culture.
      • Australia and New Zealand both treated their respective native populations differently, but relative wealth today is due to Australia having more natural resources and industry.
    • MIT economist Daron Acemoglu argues that the main determinant of a nation’s success is the extent to which they are able to enshrine inclusive economic and political institutions, but what leads a country to adopt inclusive institutions is a confluence of all sorts of reasons.
      • The rise of China questions this theory and Botswana’s success may be attributed to its low population and lack of friction between ethnic groups.
  • None

Source: "Do you think Australia is more like Canada or t..." (from reddit, r/CANZUK)

  • Australians and Brits play the same sports and have similar-ish accents.
    • Australia has a history of heavy immigration making them more similar to Canada.
    • Both countries also have vast, uninhabitable regions and the same kind of indigenous issues.
  • Both Australia and Canada are settler colonial countries, with an emphasis on immigration from India, Philippines, and China.
  • Australia is closer to Canada than the UK in terms of political structure due to their state setup.
  • Both have huge swaths of unsettled land.
  • Impossible to differentiate between these countries as part of the CANZUK group, but in general:
    • Canada is the black sheep due to the heavy influence of American culture.
    • Australia and NZ are far more similar to the UK in terms of humor, slang, accents, sports, etc.
    • Southern Ontario and Quebec can get as hot as most of Australia.

Source: "Is Australia similar to Canada?" (from reddit, r/AskACanadian)

  • “Australia is like Canada, but slightly more conservative and slightly more British.”
    • Comment by a Reddit user
  • “three or four big cities” and “big countries with small populations and a lot of empty areas”
    • Comparison of Canada and Australia by a Reddit user
  • “More Irish influence in Australia and very little French” and “More male-oriented in Australia”
    • Differences between Canada and Australia mentioned by a Reddit user
  • “Canada were stuck in the middle of using metric in some areas but have to conform with US to use imperial in others”
    • A Reddit user mentions the challenge of converting between metric and imperial units in Canada
  • “Canada is bilingual means that there’s really nowhere in Australia like Quebec City.”
    • The difference in language and culture pointed out by a Reddit user
  • “Canada is in the Northern Hemisphere” and “Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere”
    • Differences between Canada and Australia according to a Reddit user
  • None

Source: "Australia VS Canada: Country comparison" (from reddit, r/CANZUK)

  • None

💭  Looking into

What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a former British colony for both Canada and Australia?

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What political events have Canada and Australia both experienced in common?

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What are the similarities and differences between the economic systems of Canada and Australia?

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What is the total land area of Canada and Australia?

Source: "Kanada -- Vikipediia" (from web,

  • Канада и Австралия - похожи между собой как дочери одной матери-Великобритании

    • Общие черты в истории:

      • Канада была сформирована в XVII-XIX веках как комплекс французских и британских колоний и получила независимость в результате мирного процесса, длившегося с 1867 по 1982 год

      • Канада - федеративная конституционная монархия с парламентской системой правления, входящая в состав Содружества наций, формальным главой которого является монарх Великобритании

    • Природные условия и ресурсы:

      • Канада омывается Атлантическим, Тихим и Северным Ледовитым океанами, имеет самую длинную береговую линию в мире

      • Канада входит в число мировых лидеров по экспорту ряда полезных ископаемых, пшеницы, минеральных удобрений и целлюлозно-бумажной продукции

    • Особенности формирования населения и общие черты в структуре хозяйства:

      • Канада - двуязычная и многокультурная страна, где английский и французский языки признаны официальными на федеральном уровне.

      • В Канаде развита промышленность (в особенности добывающая), энергетика и сельское хозяйство.

      • Доминирующее место в экономике страны занимает сфера услуг

      • Канада входит в число мировых лидеров по экспорту

    • Структура экспорта-импорта:

      • Основной внешнеторговый партнер Канады - США, на долю которых приходится более 3/4 канадского экспорта.


Source: "Kanada i Avstraliia - prezentatsiia k uroku Geo..." (from web,


Source: "Chem sviazany mezhdu soboi Avstraliia, Kanada, ..." (from web,


Source: "Парапарапам-фьють-пам" (from reddit, r/tjournal_refugees)


💭  Looking into

What are the similarities and differences between Canada and Australia in terms of territory size, economy, population, natural resources, economy structure, and trade?