May 01, 2023

Канада и Австралия похожи между собой. как дочери одной матери-Великобритании. При сравнении обратить внимание на следующие моменты: 1) площады территорий, особенности ЭГП (как оно менялось на различных исторических этапах, ускоряя или замедляя развитие стран) 2) общие черты в их истории, символике флагов 3) особенности формирования населения этих стран 4) природные условия и ресурсы: черты сходства и различия 5) общие черты в структуре хозяйства, отраслях специализации 6) структура экспорта-импорта

I researched various sources, including Reddit discussions, web articles, and presentations, to compare Canada and Australia. Most of the sources I found were quite relevant to the original query, and there was a moderate level of consensus among them. I am fairly confident in my findings, but there is always room for uncertainty due to the nature of the sources.




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Territory and Economic Development

Canada is the second largest country in the world in terms of land area and is bordered by oceans, boasting the world's longest coastline. Australia has a smaller population, primarily due to its mostly uninhabitable semi-arid desert interior. Both countries have experienced different economic growth patterns throughout history, with Canada's economy being dependent on exporting natural resources and lacking diversification.

History and Flag Symbolism

Canada and Australia share similarities as former British colonies, with similar flag symbolism such as the Union Jack and Southern Cross. Both countries have experienced significant immigration, leading to multicultural societies, and have taken steps to address past mistreatment of Indigenous populations.

Population Formation

Canadian society is multicultural, with English and French as the predominant languages. Australia's small population is attributed to its mostly uninhabitable interior, Indigenous Australians' nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle, and racist immigration policies that limited non-white migration up to the early 70s.

Natural Conditions and Resources

Canada has a well-developed industry, with mining and agriculture playing significant roles in its economy. Australia also has large uninhabited areas in the center of the country due to a lack of infrastructure and the semi-arid/desert climate. Natural conditions and resources may differ between the two countries.

Economic Structure and Specialization

In Canada, the service sector dominates the economy. Similarly, Australia and Canada both originally focused on exporting natural resources. Both countries have also been compared to smaller countries like Belgium and South Korea, as their economies rely on exporting natural resources and lack diversification.

Export-Import Structure

The United States is Canada's main trading partner. Although the source material does not provide specific information about Australia's export-import structure, it is known that both countries have had similar immigration policies favoring people from selected countries in the past.

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Source: "Why is the Canadian economy such a basket case,..." (from reddit, r/CanadianInvestor)

  • The Canadian economy is often compared unfavorably to other economies, such as America and Asia.
    • Canada’s economy is dependent on exporting natural resources and lacks diversification.
    • Its highest market cap stocks are all banks.
    • Canada has a population of 38 million, making it better compared to smaller countries like Belgium and South Korea.
    • “Advanced” industries require large investments and research and development sectors that Canada cannot attract.
  • Canada and Australia share similarities due to their history as former British colonies.
    • Both originally focused on exporting natural resources.
    • Both have similar symbols in their flags, like the Union Jack and Southern Cross.
    • In the past, both had similar immigration policies that favored people from selected countries.
    • Canada and Australia have both experienced significant immigration, leading to multicultural societies.
    • Both countries have taken steps to address past mistreatment of Indigenous populations.
    • Both also have cold northern climates and vast landscapes.
  • None.

Source: "Why have places like Canada, Australia, New Zea..." (from reddit, r/AskHistorians)

  • Explanation for success of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the US:
    • Stable government, peaceful, socially cohesive
    • Colonized with relatively low native populations, allowing for settlement and transplanted culture (British culture in particular)
    • Founders brought democratic traditions, common language, appreciation for education, religious cohesion, settling in resource-rich lands
    • No belligerent neighbors, mostly fought wars outside of home territories
    • Gradual transition to modern states over a couple of hundred years
  • Difference in colonizing practices and resulting legacies:
    • In Australia, Aborigines were mistreated, marginalized, and subjected to “Aboriginal hunts.”
    • In New Zealand, Maori were treated with slightly more respect, and the Treaty of Waitangi is unique in dealing with Europeans vs. native peoples.
    • In North America and Australasia, native populations were smaller, and settlers transplanted much of their local, British culture with them.
  • Naturally delineated borders play a role in stability: Canada/US separated by a long, artificial border, while Australia/NZ defined mostly by their coastlines and two internal populations of differing numbers and technology.
  • Explanation for success of Botswana (compared to less prosperous neighboring countries):
    • Inclusive economic and political institutions, democratic practices
    • Low population, lack of friction between ethnic groups

Source: "Why does Australia have a small population?" (from reddit, r/AskAnAustralian)

  • Reasons for Australia’s small population:
    • Mostly uninhabitable due to the semi-arid desert interior
    • Difficult and expensive to get to, especially compared to places like Florida
    • Indigenous Australians’ nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle didn’t promote population growth factors like the agricultural revolution seen in other countries today
    • Racist immigration policies limited non-white migration up to the early 70s
  • Most of the population lives in coastal cities due to the interior being semi-arid/desert and difficult to populate
  • Aborigines live in sparsely populated areas that were inhabited by peoples that regularly needed to continue nomadic lifestyles just to survive
  • Large empty spots in the center of the country due to lack of infrastructure
  • Natural conditions and resources may differ between Canada and Australia
  • None

Source: "Economic history of the 20th and 21st century" (from reddit, r/AskEconomics)

  • None.

💭  Looking into

How have the economic structures of Canada and Australia evolved over the last century?

💭  Looking into

What are the similarities and differences between the natural resources and environments of Canada and Australia?

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What were the geopolitical and economic changes that took place in the United Kingdom during the 20th century?

💭  Looking into

How has the population of Australia changed over the last century?

💭  Looking into

What were the geopolitical and economic changes that took place in Canada during the 20th century?

Source: "Kanada i Avstraliia - prezentatsiia k uroku Geo..." (from web,


Source: "Kanada -- Vikipediia" (from web,

  • Канада:

    • Общие черты со странами отмеченными в запросе:

      • Бывшие колонии Великобритании.

      • Похожая символика флагов.

    • Площадь территории и косвенные особенности ЭГП:

      • Вторая по площади страна в мире.

      • Омывается океанами и имеет самую длинную береговую линию в мире.

    • Особенности формирования населения:

      • Многокультурная страна.

      • Преобладающие языки - английский и французский.

    • Природные условия и ресурсы:

      • Развитая промышленность, добыча полезных ископаемых присутствует.

      • Развитое сельское хозяйство.

    • Общие черты в структуре хозяйства, отраслях специализации:

      • Доминирующее место в экономике страны занимает сфера услуг.
    • Структура экспорта-импорта:

      • Основной внешнеторговый партнер - США.

Source: "Chem sviazany mezhdu soboi Avstraliia, Kanada, ..." (from web,


Source: "Парапарапам-фьють-пам" (from reddit, r/tjournal_refugees)


💭  Looking into

What are the similarities and differences between Canada and Australia in terms of territory size, economy, population, natural resources, economy structure, and trade?