April 30, 2023
best free roblox gui libraries for exploiting
I researched various sources, including Reddit discussions and GitHub repositories, to gather information about the best free Roblox GUI libraries for exploiting. There was some consensus among the sources, particularly regarding Twink Lib as a popular choice. However, there were other options mentioned as well, such as Finity and loglizzy's UI library. Given the information available, I have a moderate level of certainty about the recommendations.
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Twink Lib
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Exploit Recommendations
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Source: "Good and safe exploits to use and not what to use" (from reddit, r/ROBLOXExploiting)
Relevant information on “best free Roblox GUI libraries for exploiting” query:
- Synapse X (strong executor but paid $20)
- Krnl (free executor, only accessed via their discord not off of wearedevs) (key system is trash tho)
Not to use:
- Jjsploit (a weak executor, often crashes, data miner, bitcoin miner, deletes important files)
- Dansploit (virus and wants money to remove virus via bitcoin)
- Anything off of Wearedevs (creator has a trojan on computer so anything on their comes with a virus)
- Anything off of YouTube that is free or unheard of (sketchy and possibly malware)
- Furk OS (extremely sketchy, AdWare, potential trojan/unwanted software)
- Sirhurt (it is run by child predators and is paid therefore making you support them)
- Sentinel v3 (a waste of money, no difference to v2)
- Fluxus (unsafe, off of WeAreDevs)
Other relevant information:
- Furk OS creator is a bad person, racist, encourages raids against people he does not like, and faked his suicide
- Krnl’s key system sells cookies without your permission.
- Avoid WeAreDevs as it contains viruses
- Sentinel V3 is not out yet, do not know if it will be same as v2
- XTASY is a free exploit that is safe to use, and is not sketchy as the creator is in their discord
Source: "GitHub - loglizzy/ui-lib: ui library for roblox" (from web, github.com)
- GitHub - loglizzy/ui-lib: ui library for roblox
- Window(<string> title)
- Toggle(<string> text, <function> callback)
- Slider(<string> text, <table> options {max, default}, <function> callback)
- local lib = loadstring(game:HttpGet(‘https://raw.githubusercontent.com/loglizzy/lib/main/main.lua’))()
- local window = lib:Window(‘title here’)
window:Toggle(‘toggle’, function(enabled)
- print(enabled)
- end)
window:Slider(‘slider’, {
- max = 80,
- def = 20
}, function(value)
- print(value)
- end)
Source: "What is exploit level" (from reddit, r/robloxhackers)
An exploit level is a context level for executing a script that has a “keycard” to allow/disallow access to specific objects/properties within a game. There are 9 official context levels.
- Changing the context level is necessary for exploits to function properly, especially wrappers that work with the raw LuaC API.
Exploit levels DON’T depict the capabilities/power of the exploit.
- Level 6 exploits have all the permission that can be granted, while level 7 is for Roblox’s Web API, and level 8 is for one-sided, data replication from server to client.
Full Lua exploits can execute any script possible, but improve memory management, have custom environment functions, and direct graphic/drawing APIs that can draw on top of what the game displays.
Synapse is a popular exploit that has advanced environment/custom functions, including multiple libraries for debugging, drawing, websockets, encryption/obfuscation.
- The website and documentation for Synapse X is [https://x.synapse.to/docs/].
Synapse is a popular exploit that has advanced environment/custom functions, including multiple libraries for debugging, drawing, websockets, encryption/obfuscation.
- None
Source: "Nihon Hub" (from reddit, r/robloxhackers)
- URL: https://www.reddit.com/r/robloxhackers/comments/q0ssy1/nihon_hub/
Relevant Info:
- “Nihon Hub” is a new hub based on the exploit Nihon
- Uses the Twink library
- Currently supports Tower of Hell and Prison Life
- Some users recommend Sexy hub
- SirWeeb made the Prison Life version since it was easy
- One user had trouble with the UI not loading
- No mention of “best free roblox gui libraries for exploiting” query specifically
Source: "A challenge for the community" (from reddit, r/ROBLOXExploiting)
No relevant information available.
- None.
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What documentation and features does Twink Lib provide?
Source: "KiwiExploits - Best Roblox Exploits & Scripts &..." (from web, kiwiupload.wixsite.com)
KiwiExploits webpage
- Provides cheats, exploits, and scripts for Roblox
- Offers recommended exploits that are safe to use and updated with Roblox updates
- Includes a list of exploits from popular developers in the community
- Features Tiger Eye, a sleek, powerful, and user-friendly script executor
- Offers Synapse, a remake updated on June 12 with no key system required
- Contains an exploit with no crashes, fast injection, and over 185 games available
- Has a release with a completely new UI redesign, added stability, and free full Lua script support
- Provides a dominating exploit with auto updating and the ability to execute anything, released in June
- Includes a free exploit with 24-hour keys and insane script support, released in June
- Contains Roblox scripts to execute on the site
- Includes an Arsenal script by an unknown developer with ESP, aimbot, and speed features
- Contains a Jailbreak script by Wolfz with extensive features
- Contains a Prison Life script by Jake11price with overpowered GUI script features
- Provides tools such as a features-packed injector and a file opener for archived files
- Allows opening multiple Roblox games with no limitations
- Offers cheats such as infinite jumping and wall walk that are noted to be unpatchable and undetectable
- Provides information on Roblox exploits, what they can do, and the possibility of getting banned for using them
- Claims to provide only software and scripts from trusted and reliable developers
- Indicates the website is always expanding and improving with new additions and features
- Claims the KiwiExploits team is passionate and professionalizes in the cheat market.
Source: "How to make a Exploit GUI With a UI Library" (from reddit, r/ROBLOXExploiting)
- Twink Lib is used as a free UI library for creating a Roblox exploit GUI.
- Twink Lib requires basic knowledge of Lua.
- To use Twink Lib, you must read the library’s documentation and features.
Sample code:
- Local MainUI = UILibrary.Load(“Tutorial”)
- Local FirstPage = MainUI.AddPage(“Home”)
- Local FirstLabel = FirstPage.AddLabel(“Section 1”)
- Local FirstButton = FirstPage.AddButton(“Hello”, function() print(“Hello”) end)
- Local FirstToggle = FirstPage.AddToggle(“Hello”, false, function(Value) print(Value) end)
- Local FirstSlider = FirstPage.AddSlider(“Hello”, { Min = 0, Max = 255, Def = 50 }, function(Value) print(Value) end)
- Local FirstPicker = FirstPage.AddColourPicker(“Hello”, “white”, function(Value) print(Value) end)
Local FirstDropdown = FirstPage.AddDropdown(
“Hello”, {
}, function(Value) print(Value) end)"Hello", "Goodbye"
- To run Twink Lib, execute it in a real game, not in Roblox Studio.
Sample code:
- An alternative GUI library is mentioned, called twink Marie.
- An answer is provided for how to delete an element in the GUI, specifically a dropdown.
Source: "roblox-exploiting * GitHub Topics * GitHub" (from web, github.com)
Relevant information:
- ui library for roblox: available for exploiting
- Finity: available for exploiting, customisable GUI
- Roblox Exploit DLL Collection: available for exploiting
- Xarus SS: available for exploiting, free server side executor
- level 7 keyless Lua executor: available for exploiting, free forever
- KRNL’s Key System bypass: available for exploiting, closed-source
- Exploit for Hacking Roblox: available for exploiting, supports multiples API
- Roblox exploit: available for exploiting, only Lua C
- autofarm for Anime Dimensions: made by the author for the game
- Roblox pentration test: a testing tool None
Source: "roblox-ui * GitHub Topics * GitHub" (from web, github.com)
Relevant information for “best free Roblox GUI libraries for exploiting” query:
- Webpage is not relevant and does not provide information on the query. None.
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What is the best free Roblox GUI library for exploiting?