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Ч. Н.



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Ч. Н., 654d ago

April 30, 2023

the best brawl in brawl stars duel

I researched the best brawl in Brawl Stars Duels by examining various sources, including Reddit discussions, web articles, and a YouTube video. The sources contained recommendations for different brawlers and their effectiveness in duels. Some sources agreed on certain brawlers being strong in duels, while others provided varying opinions on the matter. Overall, there was a reasonable consensus on some brawlers, but opinions varied depending on the map and team composition.

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Stu is frequently mentioned as a good character to use in Duels. He is recommended as the first pick for Shrouding Serpent, Duelists Destiny, and Danger Chambers maps due to his scouting abilities and effectiveness against opponents.


Crow is considered a solid counter to Gale and is mentioned as a strong pick for duels. He also appears in the A tier of a Reddit user's duels tier list.


Piper is recommended for the No Surrender map, where she dominates the mid with her high damage potential and auto-aimer gadget. She has also been mentioned as a strong pick by several Reddit users.


Gale is useful for countering short-range aggressive brawlers and can be effective in Duels. His freezing snow star power is helpful for chipping down opponents.


Darryl is considered a well-rounded brawler and a fine first pick for Duels. He can deal with both tanks and longer-range brawlers effectively.

Other Brawlers

Other brawlers, such as Leon, Gene, Tara, and Rosa, were also mentioned as strong picks for specific maps and situations. For example, Leon's invisibility and range make him effective in Duels. Additionally, Mortis was mentioned as a poor option for duels, while Edgar was considered strong against certain team compositions. It is important to note that the success of a Duel trio also depends on the map used and the enemies faced. Players might need to adjust their brawler choices based on the specific map and opponent they are facing.

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Source: "What’s your most played duel trio?" (from reddit, r/Brawlstars)

  • Webpage:

  • Comments:

    • User 1: Solid, also some of my faves. (2 karma)

    • User 2: I change with each map, for example, in the last map it was more beneficial picking brawlers like piper. (4 karma)

    • User 3: My next most played substitutes are: Tara, Tick, Belle, Ruffs, Mortis, Squeek & Stu. You can prob tell I’m not partial to tanks lol (2 karma)

    • User 4: Piper, Lola, Ruffs (2 karma)

    • User 5: I haven’t played enough to have a good set, but my current one is Nita, Dynamike, Emz (the Emz will most likely change but I haven’t had to use her in the ~5 games I’ve played with this so idk) (2 karma)

    • User 6: Spike, Darryl, Leon until I got them to rank 25. Now it’s Bea, Pam, and Sprout (2 karma)

    • User 7: Darryl, Penny, Tick, and it surprisingly works (2 karma)

    • User 8: Mine is Brock first to destroy as much walls as possible with gadget and super and then Colt and Bea to finish off. (1 karma)

    • User 9: That’s a legit strategy damn I feel likes it been used against me lol (1 karma)

    • User 10: Elprimo, Piper, Spike (1 karma)

    • User 11: Ruffs, Emz, Colette (1 karma)

    • User 12: Rosa, Sandy, Lola (1 karma)

    • User 13: Darryl, Frank, Primo. Though if you want a more hybrid one, I got Piper, Gene, Primo for day one. (1 karma)

    • User 14: Lou, Colette, Lola (1 karma)

    • User 15: Leon, Squeak, and Barley (1 karma)

    • User 16: Buzz, Squeak, Poco. I’ve been trying ALL DAY to push Squeak to rank 25 but was stuck around the 730-740 range :( (1 karma)

    • User 17: Stu, 8bit, Mortis/Piper (1 karma)

    • User 18: Colt, Edgar, and Colette (1 karma)

    • User 19: The mode isn’t fun I don’t play it (1 karma)

    • User 20: Stu for the free Supers. Meg to synergize with Stu’s Insta-Super. And Leon as a backup Sweeper. (1 karma)

    • User 21: I play poco double tank it works I win with poco most of the time (1 karma)

    • User 22: Mine is Darryl, 8bit, and Rosa (1 karma)

    • User 23: Its Spike, Stu, and Buzz. Spike counters a lot of tanks or assassins. Stu is like mid, I pick him cuz he charges super for Buzz. Buzz cause he can basically kill any brawler if played right with super. (1 karma)

    • User 24: For this map I play Penny, then Stu, lastly Daryll (1 karma)

    • User 25: Spike + 2 random Brawlers cuz I 3 to 0 everyone (1 karma)

    • User 26: Stu, Mortis, Lola (1 karma)

    • User 27: Piper, Colt, and Brock (1 karma)

    • User 28: Tara, Spike, and third (1 karma)

    • User 29: Squeak, Surge, Shelly. The most trophy brawlers. (1 karma)

    • User 30: Haven’t played much but going with Stu, Brock, Tara (1 karma)

    • User 31: Stu, Leon, and Pam…solid comp as long as I have my Leon super (1 karma)

    • User 32: Darryl, Spike, Buzz (1 karma)

    • User 33: Crow, Gene, and Piper (1 karma)

    • User 34: Primo, Primo, and Primo. Also, Darryl and Primo, and also Darryl and Primo and Primo, Pr

Source: "Duels | Brawl Stars Wiki | Fandom" (from web, brawlstars.fandom.com)

  • Duels:
    • An event mode in Brawl Stars.
    • Two players each choose a brawler from a trio of brawlers
    • Objective: defeat all of your opponent’s 3 brawlers in a series of rounds.
    • If your brawler defeats an opponent’s brawler, they move on to face another brawler.
    • Game ends in a draw if both players’ third brawlers are defeated at the same time.
    • Poison gas serves as a tiebreaker for whoever survives first.
    • Gadget charges and supers (except for Meg’s mecha super) carry from brawler to brawler.
    • Brawlers gain and lose roughly 1/3rd of the trophies gained in a 3v3 event.
    • Tips:
      • Pick brawlers who can charge their supers quickly at the beginning of the match
      • Brawlers with high burst damage and the ability to quickly get up close to enemies are great.
      • Counter these brawlers with abilities that provide slows, stuns, or other defensive abilities.
      • For second and third brawlers, pick brawlers with high-damaging supers, supers that can provide pulls or knockbacks, or brawlers that have a super with great self-utility.
      • If facing an opponent you are certain you will lose to, save your super or gadget for the next round instead of wasting it.
      • When creating a brawler composition, make sure your second and third brawlers counter most brawlers the previous brawler will lose against.
      • Try not to pick throwers especially on open maps, as they can easily be countered by assassins.
    • Useful brawlers:
      • Darryl: Well-rounded brawler; fine first pick; can deal with tanks and longer-range brawlers.
      • Gale: Good for countering short-range aggressive brawlers; freezing snow star power is useful for chipping down opponents.
      • Leon: Invisibility and range make taking out enemies easy.
      • Tara: Attack range allows slow chipping of enemy brawler; super can keep them from attacking.
      • Stu: High burst damage potential; great mobility with his super.
      • Piper: Good for open maps; homemade recipe gadget aids in hitting attacks.
      • Crow: Crow’s poison can pressure enemies.
      • Edgar: A huge advantage due to his trait; does a lot of damage; both gadgets helpful in duels.
      • Sam: Trait gives big advantage by starting with his super charged.

Source: "Brawl Stars Duels Challenge Guide: Maps, Team C..." (from web, gamefaqs.gamespot.com)

  • Brawl Stars Duels Challenge Guide:
    • Duels game mode released in December update
    • Players pick 3 brawlers to fight 1v1
    • Special Brawl Stars Duels Challenge requires winning 10 matches across 5 maps to win exclusive pin and other rewards
  • Maps for Duels Challenge:
    • No Surrender
    • Shrouding Serpent
    • Monkey Maze
    • Duelist’s Destiny
    • Danger Chambers
  • Best Brawlers for Duels Challenge:
    • High Damage:
      • Piper
      • Colt
      • Brock
      • Bea
    • Control:
      • Gene
      • Tara
      • Sandy
      • Mr. P
    • Tank:
      • Rosa
      • El Primo
      • Bull
      • Jackie
  • Best Builds for Brawlers:
    • Piper:
      • Snappy Sniping
      • Ambush
      • Homemade Recipe
    • Colt:
      • Slick Boots
      • Magnum Special
      • Silver Bullet
    • Brock:
      • Incendiary
      • Rocket No. Four
      • Tactical Retreat
    • Bea:
      • Rattled Hive
      • Insta Beeload
      • Honey Coat
    • Gene:
      • Magic Puffs
      • Pat on the Back
      • Spirit Slap
    • Tara:
      • Black Portal
      • Healing Shade
      • Psychic Enhancer
    • Sandy:
      • Rude Sands
      • Healing Winds
      • Sweet Dreams
    • Mr. P:
      • Tin Can
      • Revolving Door
      • Service Bell
    • Rosa:
      • Hardy Hard Hat
      • Strong Stuff
      • Thorny Gloves
    • El Primo:
      • Meteor Rush
      • El Fuego
      • Suplex Supplement
    • Bull:
      • Berserker
      • Tough Guy
      • Stomper
    • Jackie:
      • Hardy Hard Hat
      • Counter Crush
      • Run N Gun

Source: "Which brawler is the best counter to gale in duels" (from reddit, r/BrawlStarsCompetitive)

  • Best Brawler in Brawl Stars Duels:
    • The best counter to Gale:
      • Spike is the best counter to Gale in duels meta
      • Outranges Gale and beats him in most maps
      • Also good on bushy or full of walls maps
      • High damage at close range and can tank non-piercing shots
    • Other counters to Gale:
      • Crow is a solid counter
      • Tick can also annihilate Gale
      • Grom, Ash, Belle, EMZ, and Throwers are also good depending on the map
      • Any brawler that has longer range than him
      • Eeeel Primooooo and Edgar can counter Gale as well
    • Other Struggles:
      • Darryl and Fang are also a problem for the user
      • Buzz is not very consistent, and Stu is up in the air
  • None

Source: "DUELS Best Brawlers and Tips to Win More - Duel..." (from web, www.youtube.com)

  • None._failed to fetch webpage

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How do the maps affect the success of a duel trio?

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Source: "Brawl Stars Duels Challenge Guide: Maps, Team C..." (from web, gamingonphone.com)

  • Brawl Stars Duels Challenge Guide:
    • Solo mode where players pick 3 brawlers to fight in 1v1 battles
    • Defeat one picked brawler and the other comes into battle
    • Win by taking down all 3 enemy brawlers
    • 10 matches across 5 maps to win exclusive pin among other rewards like star points, tokens, big box, and mega box
  • Maps and best brawlers for Duels Challenge:
    • No Surrender:
      • Open map where brawlers with long-range strive
      • Piper dominates mid with her insane damage potential and auto-aimer gadget
      • Belle is a good option if players don’t feel comfortable with Piper
      • Byron, Nani, Leon, and Gene are the best choices for second and third brawlers
    • Shrouding Serpent:
      • Map is covered with grass, so brawlers who can scout the bush are important as first pick
      • Crow and Gale are the best Scouts, while Stu can also act as the first pick
      • Tara, Rosa, Ash, and Spike are the best options for second and third picks
    • Monkey Maze:
      • With many walls, early matchups are slow
      • Brawlers who can charge their supers or have a fast super-charge rate are suitable for the first pick
      • Surge, Gale, Tara, and Janet are the best options for second and third slots
    • Duelists Destiny:
      • Map has an open mid with walls for support, making the battle highly contested by brawlers with decent range and/or high burst potential
      • Stu, Tara, Gale, Gene, Janet, and Spike are the best picks
    • Danger Chambers:
      • Closed nature of mid is surrounded by rectangular walls, making Stu and Gale the best picks
      • Leon, Darryl, Spike, Ruffs, Emz, and Squeak are other viable options.

Source: "Best brawlers for Duels (Tier list) : r/Brawlst..." (from web, www.reddit.com)

  • Best brawlers for Duels (Tier list)
    • None

Source: "Best brawlers for Duels (Tier list)" (from reddit, r/Brawlstars)

  • Webpage:
    • URL: https://i.redd.it/ehmajexfie781.jpg
    • 1 year, 4 months old post from r/Brawlstars with 2 upvotes about the “Best brawlers for Duels.”
    • Tier list:
      • Crow is A tier, but a solid S or even SS
      • Poco is A tier and can win most 1v1 matchups
      • Lobbers are at the lowest tier but they can be good in certain situations or maps
      • Penny is underrated but very good for pressuring the opponent
      • Frank is up a rank, and he is an easy win if you can dodge
      • Dynamike is in the lowest tier
      • Barley is god at duels
      • Layout and performance in duels depends on the map, the enemy, and the situation

Source: "The best duel trio?" (from reddit, r/Brawlstars)

  • Relevant Info from Webpage:
    • URL: https://i.redd.it/m4shzzvmhjo91.jpg
    • Title of Post: “The best duel trio?”
    • Date: 7 months ago
    • Location: r/Brawlstars
    • Upvotes: 8 points
    • Comments:
      • Stu is a good character to use in duels
      • Mortis is not a good option for duels
      • The suggested team composition (Edgar, Mortis, and Stu) is not great for duels
      • The success of a duel trio also depends on the map used
      • One Mortis character can easily defeat the suggested team composition
      • Edgar is a strong character to use against this suggested team composition

Source: "Who's the best brawl stars player?" (from reddit, r/Brawlstars)

  • Relevant Information from webpage:
    • None.

💭  Looking into

What is the best Brawl in Brawl Stars Duel?