April 26, 2023
Best biography of Leonardo da Vinci
I researched the best biography of Leonardo da Vinci by examining various online sources, including Reddit discussions, Amazon, and Goodreads. There was a general consensus on some highly recommended biographies, with a few differing opinions on which book is the best. The sources were quite related to the original query, and I feel confident in presenting the findings.
Have an opinion? Send us proposed edits/additions and we may incorporate them into this article with credit.
2m 26s
Words read
Leonardo da Vinci by Walter Isaacson
The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci: Flights of Mind by Charles Nicholl
Leonardo da Vinci: Complete Paintings and Drawings by Frank Zollner
Other Biographies and Works
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Source: "anyone that got that book on pdf ? ( Frank Zöll..." (from reddit, r/LeonardodaVinci)
Title: Best biography of Leonardo da Vinci
- URL: https://i.redd.it/e2u9y2nyvsl81.jpg
- Reddit post: “anyone that got that book on pdf ? ( Frank Zöllner ; Leonardo da Vinci. The Complete Paintings and Drawings)” - 1 year, 1 month ago - r/LeonardodaVinci - 5 points
Posted by a reddit user - 1 year, 1 month ago - 2 karma
- “I think it was never distributed as an ebook.”
Posted by a reddit user - 1 year, 1 month ago - 1 karma
- “Did you try internet archive?”
Posted by a reddit user - 1 year, 1 month ago - 1 karma
- “Its on the archive site”
- https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.459086/page/n3/mode/2up
Posted by a reddit user - 1 year, 1 month ago - 1 karma
- “There are small format paper versions available for $30.”
Posted by a reddit user - 1 year, 1 month ago - 2 karma
Source: "Can anyone tell me where I might buy a collecti..." (from reddit, r/history)
“Best biography of Leonardo da Vinci”
Comment on the webpage suggested a good book: “The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci” compiled and edited by Jean Paul Richter
- Comes as two volumes
- ISBN 0-486-22572-0 (vol 1) and ISBN 0-486-22573-9 (vol 2)
- First published in 1970
- Unabridged edition of the work first published in London in 1883 by Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, with the title ‘The Literary Works of Leonardo da Vinci’.
- Both volumes still being published, albeit with different editors and publishers
- Dover Publications has published different works on Leonardo da Vinci, including the recommended volumes:
Comment on the webpage suggested a good book: “The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci” compiled and edited by Jean Paul Richter
Source: "Leonardo da Vinci. The Complete Paintings and D..." (from web, www.amazon.co.uk)
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💭 Looking into
Are there any other biographies about Leonardo da Vinci that have been recommended?
💭 Looking into
What is the Frank Zollner hardcover book mentioned in the notes?
💭 Looking into
Is Leonardo on the Human body published by Dover Publications?
💭 Looking into
Is The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci Volume 2 published by Dover Publications?
💭 Looking into
What is the publisher of The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci Volume 1?
💭 Looking into
What year was Leonardo da Vinci: Complete Paintings and Drawings published?
💭 Looking into
What is the author of Leonardo: The Artist and the Man?
Source: "Recommended reading on Leondardo da Vinci?" (from reddit, r/history)
Titles of recommended books:
- Leonardo: The Artist and the Man
- Leonardo da Vinci: Complete Paintings and Drawings
- The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci Volume 1
- The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci Volume 2
- Leonardo on the Human body
All the books are published by Dover Publications, except the first one which is published by Penguin.
A reddit user suggests buying only the giant Frank Zollner hardcover book.
Some reddit users mentioned the movie Wolf Of Wall Street and the documentary The DaVinci Detective on Netflix, but these are not biographical works about Leonardo da Vinci.
A reddit user incorrectly suggests The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown as a source of information about Leonardo da Vinci’s life.
Source: "Best Biography on Leonardo DaVinci?" (from reddit, r/suggestmeabook)
- URL: https://www.reddit.com/r/suggestmeabook/comments/3m75s3/best_biography_on_leonardo_davinci/
- Subreddit post “Best Biography on Leonardo DaVinci?” from 7 years ago, with 3 points.
2 reddit users commented on the post:
1st user, 7 years ago, with 1 karma:
- Recommended a biography by Charles Nicholl.
- Book title: “Leonardo Da Vinci: Flights of Mind”.
- Book has lovely images.
- Also suggested “Leonardo” by Martin Kemp, which is divided into thematic chapters, but did not read it.
- Mentioned Giorgio Vasari as the Renaissance biographer of Da Vinci.
2nd user, 7 years ago, with 1 karma:
- Thanked 1st user for suggestions.
1st user, 7 years ago, with 1 karma:
Source: "Has anyone read 'Leonardo Da Vinci: A Biography..." (from reddit, r/booksuggestions)
Reddit webpage with comments on the biography of Leonardo da Vinci by Walter Isaacson:
Some users found it brilliant, fascinating, and highly recommended it.
Others thought it was not Isaacson’s best work because few primary sources exist, but still an intriguing read and good enough to keep you hooked.
The book centers on Leonardo’s life, personal relations, political involvement, psyche, and some of his creations, rather than an in-depth analysis of his works.
One user loved Isaacson’s Benjamin Franklin biography but did not find Leonardo’s book as good as Steve Jobs or Benjamin Franklin.
Source: "What is the best biography that you have ever l..." (from reddit, r/audible)
Leonardo da Vinci biography suggestions:
- Da Vinci by Walter Isaacson recommended by a user in comments
Other biography suggestions:
- Good Neighbor (about Mr. Rogers) recommended by a user in comments
- The Path to Power (about Lyndon Johnson) recommended by a user in comments
- Titan - The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr by Ron Chernow recommended by a user in comments
- A Beautiful Mind (about John Forbes Nash) by Sylvia Nasar recommended by a user in comments
- No relevant info on other biographies about Leonardo da Vinci.
💭 Looking into
What is the best biography of Leonardo da Vinci?