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P. P.



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P. P., 670d ago

April 22, 2023

where can i find video memes about dat science

During my research, I examined several sources including Reddit posts and discussions, as well as websites containing data science memes. Most of the sources focused on image memes rather than video memes specifically related to "dat science." However, some sources offered suggestions for finding video memes in general, but not limited to data science.

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Reddit r/memes

In a post on the subreddit r/memes, a user shared an image meme with the caption "Science studies show that infact, it do be like dat". The post received 40 points but did not have any relevant quotes or discussions about video memes related to data science.

Reddit r/youtubers

A Reddit user posted a question in the r/youtubers subreddit asking where to find memes for their videos. The post is 3 years old and has 8 upvotes. Commenters left a few suggestions for sources, including Giphy.com and YouTube . They also shared a YouTube playlist that has good background music, sound effects, and memes. Unfortunately, there was no information on video memes about data science specifically.

Interview Query

The website Interview Query has a collection of "40 Hilarious Data Science Memes". While the focus is on providing comic relief for data scientists, the website does not specifically mention video memes about data science.

Reddit Recommendations for Learning Science

A discussion thread on the r/memes subreddit mentions several YouTube channels for learning science, such as Veritasium, Vsauce , Mark Rober , and CGP Grey . While these channels may not focus exclusively on data science or video memes, they might occasionally feature humorous content related to data science. In conclusion, there is limited information available on video memes specifically about data science. Most sources focus on image memes or general video meme sources. However, some YouTube channels that teach science might occasionally feature humorous content related to data science.

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Source: "I'M LEARNING SCIENCE!!!!" (from reddit, r/memes)

  • Relevant information:
    • User’s query: “where can i find video memes about dat science”
    • URL: https://i.redd.it/qzgmhzgq4w771.jpg
    • Webpage is a Reddit post with comments
    • Veritasium is suggested as a channel to learn science
    • Other channels suggested for learning science:
      • Vesauce
      • Mark Rober
      • Tom Scott
      • CGP Grey
      • Kurzgesagt
      • NileRed
      • Veritaserum
      • Aperture
      • Smarter Every Day
      • Stuff Made Here
      • Vsauce 2
      • Bill Nye
    • MythBusters is mentioned frequently as a source for learning science through experiments and practical examples.
    • There are some discussions about definitions and fundamentals of what science is and how it relates to math.
    • Various comments about how school taught science vs. how they learned science through other sources.
    • Some comments are humorous, off-topic, or contain profanity.

Source: "How about that science?" (from reddit, r/memes)

  • Webpage:
    • URL: https://i.redd.it/9abpqwyf40b81.gif
    • r/memes post from 1 year, 3 months ago.
    • Title: “How about that science?”
    • 433 points
    • Comments
      • Posted by a reddit user
        • 2 karma
        • Waiting for someone to wooosh on this
      • Posted by a reddit user
        • 2 karma
        • Missed the part where that’s my problem
      • Posted by a reddit user
        • 1 karma
        • Cameraman has goals that many people don’t understand
      • Posted by a reddit user
        • 1 karma
        • Flicking his hair is infuriating but don’t know why.

Source: "The Good Thing about Science Is That Its True W..." (from reddit, r/memes)

  • Webpage:
    • URL: https://i.redd.it/bfhq1jyhfw981.jpg
    • Discussion thread in the meme subreddit about a meme related to science and truth
    • Users discuss whether science is always true and how it changes with new discoveries and technology
    • Some users bring up biological sexes and variations
    • Some users make jokes and pop culture references

Source: "From a post in r/Science..." (from reddit, r/memes)

  • Website:
    • URL: https://i.redd.it/do11nqvvto4a1.png
    • Subreddit: r/memes
    • Rule violated: No memes that are text only
    • Comments:
      • Several users commented on the moderation of posts in r/science
      • Some users speculated on what could have happened to the removed comments
      • One user posted a link to the original post in r/science
    • No video memes about dat science found on this webpage (None)

Source: "True dat" (from reddit, r/memes)

  • URL: https://i.redd.it/hzsc8oibznra1.jpg
    • Image post on r/memes
    • Title: “True dat”
    • 256 points
  • Comments:
    • User wonders if they had sex afterwards
    • User suggests they gave each other hush money
    • User makes a violent joke
    • User says the photo looks like Romney making a deal with the devil
    • User says Romney looks uncomfortable

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How can I ensure I'm finding the most relevant video memes about dat science?

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What other sources can I use to find video memes about dat science?

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What types of video memes about dat science can be found on this website?

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What kind of video memes about dat science can be found on this website?

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What are the most popular video memes about dat science found on this subreddit?

Source: "[QUESTION] Where do you guys go to find memes f..." (from reddit, r/youtubers)

  • Source for Video Memes
    • Reddit user posted a question in r/youtubers asking where to find memes for their videos
      • The post is 3 years old and has 8 upvotes
      • Commenters left a few suggestions for sources:
        • giphy.com
          • A redditor who does editing for different youtubers/twitch highlight videos uses gifs/memes from giphy
        • YouTube
          • Some channels have green screens that can be downloaded using a downloader instead of the links
          • Memes can also be created by realizing audio or mask oneself
      • A redditor shared a playlist on YouTube that has good background music sound effects and memes
    • No information on video memes about dat science specifically

Source: "Fuck science" (from reddit, r/memes)

  • Relevant webpage for query: https://i.redd.it/r3vvkxfbity51.jpg
    • Image shows a man with a magnifying glass looking at an atom
    • Caption reads “Fuck science”
    • Comment section includes various jokes and comments about science and the image
    • Some comments reference quantum tunneling and smell enhancers, but not directly related to “video memes”
    • Overall, webpage does not have any video memes about dat science.

Source: "Science studies show that infact, it do be like..." (from reddit, r/memes)

  • URL: https://i.redd.it/dslivj9wz7e31.jpg
    • Image meme with caption: “Science studies show that infact, it do be like dat”
    • Subreddit: r/memes
    • Posted 3 years ago
    • Received 40 points
  • None

💭  Looking into

What is the best video meme about science?