April 04, 2023

what is encapsulation in java

I researched the concept of encapsulation in Java by reviewing various sources, including Reddit discussions [1][2][6][7], web articles [3][4][5][8][9][10], and explanations from websites focused on Java programming and software development. There was a general consensus among the sources about the definition, implementation, and benefits of encapsulation in Java. The sources were directly related to the original query, and given the consistency in the information provided, I am confident in the accuracy of the information presented.




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Definition of Encapsulation in Java

Encapsulation in Java is the process of wrapping code and data together into a single unit, preventing external code from directly accessing the internal components of the unit [1] [5] . It is a mechanism used to hide the data and methods that work on that data, forming a single unit [4] . Encapsulation is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming (OOP) and is one of the four important OOP concepts [8] [10] .

Purpose of Encapsulation

The purpose of encapsulation is to help developers safely make changes to one part of the program without damaging other parts [2] . It minimizes the interdependence between classes and is typically implemented through information hiding [9] . Programs that use encapsulation are also easier to understand and maintain [2] [10] . Encapsulation provides a clear interface for working with an object, making it easier to use and interact with [10] .

Implementation of Encapsulation in Java

In Java, encapsulation is implemented using access modifiers (public, private, protected) and getter and setter methods [8] [10] . To create a fully encapsulated class in Java, we need to make all the data members of the class private and use setter methods to set and getter methods to get the data in the class [3] . Getter and Setter methods are public methods that can be used to create, modify, delete, or view the values of the private variables [4] .

Advantages of Encapsulation

Encapsulation offers several advantages, such as providing control over the data [5] , achieving data hiding in Java [3] [5] , making it easier to unit test encapsulated classes [3] , and facilitating the creation of encapsulated classes in Java [3] . It also allows developers to hide implementation details from other classes, making code easier to read, understand, and maintain [10] . Encapsulation improves modularity, maintainability, and reusability, as well as reduces complexity and improves security [10] .

Abstraction vs. Encapsulation

While both abstraction and encapsulation are mechanisms for hiding information, they serve different purposes. Abstraction is the mechanism of hiding unnecessary information to avoid misuse of code, highly coupled code, and confusion leading to more errors, while encapsulation is the mechanism of hiding data in a single entity/unit with a method that protects the information from the outside, even when giving get/set access [3] [7] . Abstract classes are implemented using abstract class and interfaces, while encapsulation involves using access modifiers like private along with getter and setter methods [3] .


Encapsulation in Java is an essential concept in object-oriented programming that helps developers create more secure, maintainable, and understandable code. It is implemented using access modifiers and getter and setter methods to protect data and methods from unauthorized access or modification. The advantages of encapsulation include improved control over data, data hiding, ease of unit testing, and easier creation of encapsulated classes, among others. Encapsulation and abstraction are related concepts, but they serve different purposes and are implemented differently in Java.

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Source: "Java Encapsulation Tutorial | Developer.com" (from web, www.developer.com)

  • Encapsulation is a fundamental concept in object oriented programming (OOP)
    • It enables developers to create classes that hide their internal details and protect their state and behavior from being accessed or modified from outside the class.
    • It helps keep data safe from unauthorized access and modification, which can lead to data corruption and other issues.
    • It allows developers to hide implementation details from other classes, which can make code easier to read, understand, and maintain.
    • It provides a clear interface for working with an object, making it easier to use and interact with.
  • It is implemented in Java using access modifiers (public, private, protected) and getter and setter methods.
  • Benefits of Encapsulation include improved modularity, maintainability, and reusability, as well as reduced complexity and improved security.
  • Disadvantages of Encapsulation include program overhead, inflexibility, complexity, and bloated code.
  • Getters and Setters are methods in Java that are used to access and modify the values of private fields (instance variables) in a class.
  • Best Practices for Encapsulation include keeping fields private, using getter and setter methods, validating inputs, using the principle of least privilege, minimizing mutability, and maintaining consistency.

Source: "Encapsulation in Java OOPs with Example - Guru99" (from web, www.guru99.com)

  • Encapsulation in Java is a mechanism to wrap up variables (data) and methods (code) together as a single unit.
    • It is the process of hiding information details and protecting data and behavior of the object.
    • It is one of the four important OOP concepts.
    • A variable in a class is set as “private” which can only be accessed with the methods defined in the class.
  • Data Hiding in Java is hiding the variables of a class from other classes.
    • It can only be accessed through the method of their current class.
    • It hides the implementation details from the users.
  • Getter and Setter in Java are two conventional methods used to retrieve and update values of a variable.
    • The setter method is used for updating values and the getter method is used for reading or retrieving the values.
    • They are also known as an accessor and mutator.
  • Abstraction vs. Encapsulation
    • Encapsulation is more about “How” to achieve a functionality
    • Abstraction is more about “What” a class can do.
  • Advantages of Encapsulation in Java
    • Encapsulation is binding the data with its related functionalities.
    • It keeps variables and methods in one place.
    • It improves security by hiding critical data members.
    • It provides access to private variables by using public “getter” and “setter” methods.

Source: "Is there a difference between encapsulation & a..." (from reddit, r/javahelp)

  • Encapsulation is the active process of suppressing read/write access to methods, variables, classes, interfaces, etc.
    • This is done by using access modifiers such as private and protected.
  • Abstraction is the process of hiding unnecessary complexity from the user.
    • It is often implemented using interfaces and abstract classes.
    • It can also be used to show only what is necessary and ignore the rest.
    • An example is the abstraction provided by high-level programming languages, which eliminates the need for low-level assembly.

Source: "oop - Java encapsulation - Stack Overflow" (from web, stackoverflow.com)

  • Encapsulation is an object-oriented programming concept that consists in minimizing the interdependence between classes and it is typically implemented through information hiding.
    • It is achieved by hiding details using the accessibility modifiers (public, protected, private, plus no modifier which implies package-private).
    • The goal is not to hide the data itself, but the implementation details on how this data is manipulated.
    • It provides a public interface through which you gain access to this data.
    • It allows you to switch to a new data representation (i.e. calculated fields, different data types) without compromising the public interface of the class.
    • You can hide entire classes, by this, hiding the implementation details of an entire API.
  • The beauty of encapsulation is the power of changing things without affecting its users.
    • You can take actions when the field is modified (trigger event, validate, etc.).
    • You can provide thread safety by synchronizing the method.
    • You can limit the values that can be stored in a field (i.e. gender must be F or M).
    • By exposing the data itself, you compromise encapsulation, and therefore, the capacity of changing the way you manipulate the data without affecting its users.

Source: "Can someone explain java Inheritance, Encapsula..." (from reddit, r/AskComputerScience)

  • Encapsulation refers to hiding the data and implementation from consumers of a class
    • For example, HashSet does a bunch of work to manage it’s internal hash table, but users of the class don’t need to really know about it, and shouldn’t depend on it
    • Encapsulation sometimes also refers to using one class or interface as a field inside the implementation of another class, which is often a way to avoid rewriting boilerplate code
  • Encapsulation is the ability to hide some of the properties of a class from other classes, maybe even to child classes
    • You prefix a property with public, protected or private, and that property then can be accessed by: any class, only child classes, or no other classes, respectively
    • The point of this is to protect internal attributes being messed with by other classes in ways that you don’t intend

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Source: "What is Java - Encapsulation? | Interview Kicks..." (from web, www.interviewkickstart.com)

  • Encapsulation in Java refers to wrapping the data, variables, methods acting on the data, and code together into a single unit.
    • Encapsulation hides the class variables from other classes.
    • These class variables can be accessed only through the methods of their current class, leading to data hiding.
    • To create a fully encapsulated class in Java, we need to make all the data members of the class private. We then use setter methods to set and getter methods to get the data in the class.
  • Advantages of Encapsulation in Java
    • Since other classes can’t access data in the private data members of a class, it is a means to achieve data hiding in Java.
    • It is easy to unit test an encapsulated class.
    • It is quick and easy to create an encapsulated class in Java using standard IDEs that facilitate the generation of the getter and setter methods.
    • If we give only a setter or getter method, we can make the entire class read-only or write-only.
    • We can make class fields read-only or write-only.
    • A class can control what we can store in its fields.
    • It gives us control over the data.
  • Abstraction vs. Encapsulation in Java
    • Abstraction is the mechanism of hiding unnecessary information to avoid misuse of code, highly coupled code, and confusion leading to more errors.
    • Encapsulation is the mechanism of hiding data in a single entity/unit with a method that protects the information from the outside, even when giving get/set access.
    • Abstract classes are implemented using abstract class and interfaces, while encapsulation involves using access modifiers like private along with getter and setter methods.

Source: "ELI5: Encapsulation in Java" (from reddit, r/explainlikeimfive)

  • Encapsulation is when you make some parts of your program unable to access other parts of your program.
    • The purpose of encapsulation is to help you (or others) safely make changes to one part of your program without damaging other parts.
    • Programs that use encapsulation are also easier to understand.
    • In Java, one of the main ways to use encapsulation is to create classes with private member variables.
  • You can use encapsulation to make sure that when you change the radius of a circle, the area is automatically updated to match the new radius.
    • People using the Circle class don’t need to understand how to find the area of a circle and don’t need to worry about messing anything up if they set the radius.
    • You can also use encapsulation to compute the area of a circle when someone asks for it, without storing it inside the Circle class.

Source: "Encapsulation In Java: Complete Tutorial With E..." (from web, www.softwaretestinghelp.com)

  • Encapsulation in Java can be defined as a mechanism using which the data and the methods that work on that data is wrapped to form a single unit.
    • Data and methods are enclosed in a single unit.
    • Access modifiers are used to protect the data, so that it is not accessible to the outside world.
    • This is also known as “data hiding”.
  • To implement encapsulation in Java, we use the access modifier ‘private’ to declare the class member variables and getter and setter methods are provided to access these private member variables and change their values.
    • Getter and Setter methods are public methods that we can use to create, modify, delete, or simply view the values of the private variables.
    • Private variables are not accessible outside the class including the class object, so getter and setter methods are used to access them.

Source: "Encapsulation in java." (from reddit, r/javahelp)

  • Encapsulation in Java is the process of wrapping code and data together into a single unit, preventing external code from directly accessing the internal components of the unit.
    • Code should be formatted as code blocks, with empty line before the code, each code line indented by 4 spaces, or linked via an external code hoster, like pastebin.com, github gist, github, bitbucket, gitlab, etc.
    • Plain posting assignments is forbidden and such posts will be removed, as is asking for or giving solutions.
    • Moderators may remove posts and require them to be resubmitted if the post has remained in violation of the rules for a prolonged period of time (at least an hour).

Source: "Encapsulation in Java - Javatpoint" (from web, www.javatpoint.com)

  • Encapsulation in Java is a process of wrapping code and data together into a single unit.
    • The Java Bean class is the example of a fully encapsulated class.
  • Advantage of Encapsulation in Java
    • It provides control over the data.
    • It is a way to achieve data hiding in Java.
    • It is better for unit testing.
    • It is easy and fast to create an encapsulated class in Java.
  • Read-Only class
    • The class can only be set, not retrieved.
  • Write-Only class
    • The class can only be retrieved, not set.

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