March 31, 2023

list sites that leak patreon content

I researched several sources to find information about sites that leak Patreon content, including Reddit discussions, web articles, and Patreon's own blog. There was some consensus on a few sites that are known for leaking Patreon content, but the discussions varied in depth and relevance to the original query. Some sources provided more information on how to prevent content leaks rather than listing specific websites. Based on the research, I cannot guarantee the accuracy of all information, but I can provide a summary of the findings [1][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10].




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Known Sites for Leaking Patreon Content

According to a Reddit discussion, some known sites that leak Patreon content include, torrent trackers, and direct download (DDL) sites [1] . is a site that scrapes content from Patreon and other platforms like Gumroad or Fanbox [1] [7] [8] . Another source lists Pornolab, a Russian tracker that requires registration with for downloads, as a site where Patreon content can be found [1] . Some users also mentioned searching Google Drive and Mega through specific search engines, as well as using popular torrent trackers to find leaked content [7] .

Preventing Content Leaks

Patreon itself does not have the legal authority to stop pirated work, but some creators have found ways to combat it [5] [9] . Creators can consult with copyright experts to determine how to protect their works, and they can also use services like and to file DMCA and copyright claims [6] . However, the chances of success may be slim if the website hosting the content is located in a country like Russia [6] . Another way to prevent content leaks is to post content through comments or direct messages, as these cannot be scraped yet [6] .

Patreon's Stance on Piracy

Patreon acknowledges that third-party sites leaking content are not hosted, located, or funded through Patreon, and it does not have the legal right to go after any third party that may be pirating or sharing creators' works without permission [9] . Patreon encourages creators to educate their patrons on what piracy is and how it negatively affects their creative business [9] . They also advise creators to show patrons the time and effort that goes into the creation of works and ensure patrons know the best and easiest way to gain access to them [9] . In conclusion, there are several websites and methods through which Patreon content can be leaked, and creators may need to take additional steps to protect their work from piracy. Patreon itself does not have the legal authority to stop pirated work, and it is up to the creators to consult with copyright experts and educate their patrons on the effects of piracy.

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Source: "What's Patreon's policy regarding online piracy?" (from web,

  • Third-party sites
    • These sites are not hosted, located or funded through Patreon.
    • Patreon does not have the legal right to go after any third party that may be pirating or sharing creators works without permission.
    • Copyright protection of digital works online is a right reserved for copyright owners and often requires the advice or representation of a legal professional.
    • Patreon cannot proactively dictate how and to what extent creators enforce copyright protection of their works.
  • Patrons
    • Patrons access, download, and leak creator works across the web.
    • Show patrons the time and effort that goes into the creation of works.
    • Educate patrons on what piracy is and how it negatively affects the creator’s creative business.
    • Make sure patrons know the best and easiest way to gain access to works.
    • Make sure patrons know what piracy is and how it affects the creator’s creative business.

Source: "Are there any Telegram/Discord groups that shar..." (from web,


Source: "Content Being Leaked" (from reddit, r/patreon)

  • Flag posts for reimport:
    • Flagging posts for reimport tells the site to overwrite it next time
    • Can delete posts at the moment if it’s deleted on Patreon this way, but it’s more efficient to update it instead to something useless and off putting
  • Create a secured server, use Patreon API to give them access and charge-up front:
    • Transfers the risk of managing content off Patreon and onto own site
    • As a Patreon Creator, sign over a royalty-free license to Patreon to offer content
  • DMCA and Copyright Claims:
    • File these with services like and
    • Slim chances of success if website is hosted in a country like Russia
  • Posting content through comments or DMs:
    • Can’t be scraped yet, so this is an effective way of preventing content from being leaked

Source: "Patreon Piracy Sites" (from reddit, r/Piracy)

Source: "How to view patreon content for free?" (from reddit, r/Piracy)

    • Site that allows users to access Patreon content for free
  • Begging someone who has subscribed to the content
    • Someone else has to pay for and download the content to share
  • Buy the content and upload it on Kemono
    • Not necessarily “useless”
  • Buy the content and chargeback
    • Not specified if this works for obtaining docs, executables etc
  • Not cool to access Patreon content without paying for it

💭  Looking into

What was the utility library used by Patreon to run in their production environment that was visible to real Patreon users?

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What is the legal authority of Patreon to stop pirated works?

💭  Looking into

What is the current marketing focus of Patreon and how can users know whether or not to support creators?

💭  Looking into

What content does scrape and how often is it updated?

💭  Looking into

How difficult is the maintainence ratio on Pornolab, and are there any bonus for seeding?

💭  Looking into

What specific Telegram/Discord groups are most commonly used to leak patreon content?

💭  Looking into

What specific torrent trackers and ddl sites are most commonly used to leak patreon content?

Source: "I'm a dickhead, is there any website that leak ..." (from web,


Source: "Patreon Leaks - Top 3 Free Patreon Leaks Sites ..." (from web,

  • Patreon Leaks
    • This is a free service provided by Patreon to users who are interested in discovering which content creators are getting paid.
    • This service allows users to discover which creators are receiving high-quality royalties, and can help them decide whether or not to support them.
    • It also allows users to learn more about the creators and their work.
    • Patreon recently announced that it was cutting down on its team of people and operations.
    • It has refocused its marketing efforts and is less likely to sign large-scale deals with big-name creators.
    • However, the company still looks to sign the right creators for membership.
  • Top 3 Free Patreon Leaks
    • Patreon creators are often divided on how to approach the problem of online piracy.
    • Although Patreon does not have the legal authority to stop pirated work, many creators have found ways to combat it.
    • Patreon encourages creators to consult with copyright experts to determine how to protect their works.
    • Last week, the maker-funding website Patreon was hacked, resulting in a Patreon Leaks of gigabytes of code and user data.
    • The company says the passwords were encrypted with bcrypt, but some users have reported finding their data in the trove.
    • The attackers have posted the stolen content on the Internet, including the source code of the site and messages sent between users.
    • The Patreon developers allowed a utility library called Werkzeug to run in their production environment, making it visible to real Patreon users. It contains a debugger that hackers used to execute arbitrary code.

Source: "Leaked Patreon Content | Burnup19 on Patreon" (from web,


Source: "A Patron of mine is leaking my content : r/patreon" (from web,


Source: "Are there any Telegram/Discord groups that shar..." (from reddit, r/Piracy)

  • Torrent trackers and ddl sites
    • Can find a lot of that content
  • Telegram/Discord groups
    • Not only Patreon, even sites like Gumroad or Fanbox
    • Not those scam “repst 832905893F842340 times”
  • Pornolab
    • Russian tracker, need to register with for downloads
    • Maintainence ratio is quite difficult, no bonus for seeding
    • Scrapes most of those sites

💭  Looking into

What are the best sites for finding leaked Patreon content?