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j. a., 708d ago

March 29, 2023

excel sheet for calculation of plastic hinges of Reinforced concrete beams

I researched various sources to find information on Excel sheets for the calculation of plastic hinges of reinforced concrete beams. I found a total of 10 sources, but only a few of them provided relevant information. There was no consensus on a specific Excel sheet for this purpose, but I found some recommendations and information on plastic hinges and associated design tools [3][5][6]. The sources were related to the original query, but the level of uncertainty is relatively high due to the limited number of relevant sources found.

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CivilWeb Reinforced Concrete Beam Design Excel Suite

According to CivilWeb, they offer a Reinforced Concrete Beam Design Excel Suite that includes five different design spreadsheets [3] . The suite allows designers to complete a fully compliant and optimized reinforced concrete beam design in minutes. The spreadsheets include unique design and analysis features, as well as graphs and tools that show the designer where the beam can be optimized [3] . The suite includes spreadsheets for Singly Reinforced Concrete Beams, Doubly Reinforced Beams, T Shaped RCC Beam Design, Beam Analysis, and Prestressed Concrete Beam Design [3] . The spreadsheets comply with either BS EN 1992 or BS 8110 standards and can be purchased individually for £30 or as a bundle for £50 [3] .

Plastic Hinge Concepts and Analysis

Using plastic hinges in the design of reinforced concrete beams can create an economic design [5] . Plastic hinges are analytical nodes of free rotation assigned to linear members like beams. Moment-curvature diagrams illustrate the behavior of a linear structure when subjected to flexural loadings, while moment-stiffness diagrams show how the stiffness of concrete changes when it cracks [5] . Plastic hinges must have sufficient rotational capacity, which is affected by the ductility of the concrete and steel. The position of the neutral axis must be less than half of the effective section depth to ensure sufficient ductility in the plastic hinge [5] . Axial forces in addition to bending can further complicate the situation and reduce the rotational capacity [5] . Modern analysis software packages can be used to perform fully plastic analysis by a computer, and the locations of plastic behavior can be automatically identified [5] . The plastic hinge analysis remains useful either as a first pass analysis or a way of reducing computation time [5] . A Reddit discussion on plasticity and plastic hinges in 3D conditions mentioned that the yield stress is reached in the one-dimensional view of the entire cross-section, but the outer fibers reach it first while the inner fibers are at lower stress [6] . The user suggests that the pressure and tension stresses are higher on the outer side of the beam, but this does not explain why the entire cross-section does not reach the yield stress when loaded by the plastic moment [6] . According to basic beam theory, the bending stress is highest at the neutral axis or at the extreme fiber, and in nonlinear FEA, the plastic region (hinge) develops gradually [6] . The load deflection curve goes flat at the point where the whole cross-section is plastic (hinge fully formed) [6] . In conclusion, I found limited information on specific Excel sheets for the calculation of plastic hinges of reinforced concrete beams. However, the CivilWeb Reinforced Concrete Beam Design Excel Suite may be useful for beam design, including plastic hinges [3] . Additionally, understanding the concepts and analysis of plastic hinges can help in the design of reinforced concrete beams [5] [6] .

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Source: "Plasticity in 3D conditions and plastic hinges" (from reddit, r/fea)

  • Excel sheet for calculation of plastic hinges of Reinforced concrete beams
    • The webpage discusses the concept of plasticity and plastic hinges in 3D conditions.
    • The user mentions that the yield stress is reached in the one dimensional view of the entire cross section, but the outer fibers reach it first while the inner fibers are at lower stress.
    • The user suggests that the pressure and tension stresses are higher on the outer side of the beam, but this does not explain why the entire cross section does not reach the yield stress when loaded by the plastic moment.
    • The user mentions that it is basic beam theory where the bending stress is highest at the neutral axis or at the extreme fiber, and that in nonlinear FEA the plastic region (hinge) develops gradually. Finally, the load deflection curve goes flat which is at the point where the whole cross section is plastic (hinge fully formed).

Source: "Design Propositions for Hybrid FRP-Steel Reinfo..." (from web, ascelibrary.org)


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What are the design and analysis features provided by the CivilWeb Reinforced Concrete Beam Design Excel Suite?

Source: "Numerical Sensing of Plastic Hinge Regions in C..." (from web, pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)

  • Fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP)-reinforced concrete members:
    • Stress–strain relationship of concrete: tension model and compression model
    • Stress–strain relationship of steel reinforcement
    • Load–deformation curves: A1, A2, B3, and G0.6-T1.0-A90
    • Details of control beam (unit: mm)
    • Longitudinal steel strain distribution: ρr = 0, 0.33, 1, 3
    • Schematic diagram of moment distributions for cases of ρr = 0 and ρr > 0
    • Concrete compressive strain distribution: ρr = 0, 0.33, 1, 3
    • Curvature distribution along beam length: ρr = 0, 0.33, 1, 3
    • Effect of hybrid reinforcement ratio on plastic hinge length
    • Variation of plastic hinge zones: effect of aspect ratio, compressive strength of concrete, yield strength of steel reinforcement, steel reinforcement ratio, hardening modulus of steel reinforcement, elastic modulus of fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement
  • Behaviour of Hybrid Steel and FRP-Reinforced Concrete-ECC Composite Columns under Reversed Cyclic Loading:
    • Stress–strain relationship of FRP-reinforced concrete members
    • Load–deformation curves
    • Details of control column
    • Longitudinal steel strain distribution
    • Schematic diagram of moment distributions
    • Concrete compressive strain distribution
  • Flexural Strength Design of Hybrid FRP-Steel Reinforced Concrete Beams:
    • Stress–strain relationship of FRP-reinforced concrete members
    • Load–deformation curves
    • Details of control beam
    • Longitudinal steel strain distribution
    • Schematic diagram of moment distributions
    • Concrete compressive strain distribution
    • Effect of hybrid reinforcement ratio on plastic hinge length
    • Variation of plastic hinge zones: aspect ratio, compressive strength of concrete, yield strength of steel reinforcement, steel reinforcement ratio, hardening modulus of steel reinforcement, elastic modulus of fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement
  • Ductility Estimation for Flexural Concrete Beams Longitudinally Rein

Source: "Reinforced Concrete Beam Design Excel - CivilWe..." (from web, civilweb-spreadsheets.com)

  • CivilWeb Reinforced Concrete Beam Design Excel Suite
    • Includes 5 different design spreadsheets
    • Allows the designer to complete a fully compliant and fully optimised reinforced concrete beam design in minutes
    • Spreadsheets include unique design and analysis features
    • Spreadsheets include unique analysis graphs and tools which show the designer exactly where the beam can be optimised
    • Includes spreadsheets for Singly Reinforced Concrete Beams, Doubly Reinforced Beams, T Shaped RCC Beam Design, Beam Analysis, and Prestressed Concrete Beam Design
    • Spreadsheets comply with either BS EN 1992 or BS 8110
    • Can be bought individually for £30 or as a bundle for £50

Source: "Plastic analysis of reinforced concrete - plast..." (from web, www.si-eng.org)

  • Using plastic hinges to create an economic design
    • Plastic hinges are analytical nodes of free rotation assigned to linear members, such as beams
    • Moment-curvature diagrams illustrate the behaviour of a linear structure when subject to flexural loadings
    • Moment-stiffness diagrams illustrate how the stiffness of the concrete changes when it cracks
    • Plastic hinges must have sufficient rotational capacity, which is affected by the ductility of the concrete and steel
    • The position of the neutral axis must be less than half of the effective section depth to ensure sufficient ductility in the plastic hinge
    • Axial forces in addition to bending further complicate the situation and reduce rotational capacity
  • Using modern analysis software packages
    • Fully plastic analysis can be performed by a computer, and the locations of plastic behaviour can be automatically identified
    • The plastic hinge analysis remains useful, either as a first pass analysis or a way of reducing computation time

Source: "Plastic Hinge Rotation Capacity of Reinforced H..." (from web, ascelibrary.org)


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What is the best Excel sheet for calculating plastic hinges of Reinforced concrete beams?