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С. И.



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С. И., 676d ago

March 26, 2023

best python module to extract text from images

I researched various sources, including Reddit discussions, web articles, and tutorials, to find the best Python module for extracting text from images. The sources were mostly related to the original query and provided several recommendations. The most frequently mentioned option was pytesseract, followed by other suggestions such as Tesserocr and Python OpenCV. While there seems to be a general consensus on pytesseract being a common choice, some users have suggested alternative options that might be more efficient or provide more control [1][2][4][5][6][7][8][9].

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Pytesseract is a widely recommended Python library for extracting text from images [2] [4] [5] [8] . It is an optical character recognition (OCR) tool that provides accurate results and supports an extensive variety of languages [4] . To install pytesseract, you will need to install both pytesseract and Pillow using pip [2] . One Reddit user mentioned that using pytesseract requires only about five lines of code, which can be easily found and analyzed through a Google search [2] . However, another Reddit user suggested that Tesserocr might be a better choice over pytesseract as it provides more control and is more efficient [6] .


Tesserocr is another Python library mentioned as an alternative to pytesseract [6] . It is a true library binding that allows for processing OpenCV images in memory [6] . This library is considered more efficient than pytesseract and provides more control over the OCR process [6] . However, this option might not be as popular as pytesseract.

Python OpenCV

Python OpenCV is a free, open-source library used for computer vision applications, including text extraction from images [4] . This library is widely used for various applications like object identification, machine learning, face recognition, and more [4] . Python OpenCV can be combined with pytesseract to extract text from images [4] . The process involves reading the image, converting it to grayscale, finding contours, and passing the rectangle area onto pytesseract for extracting text [4] .

Other Recommendations

Apart from the libraries mentioned above, some users discussed additional options like using OpenCV DNN and EAST text detector for text detection and pre-processing images before employing Tesseract OCR [9] . One Reddit user also recommended using proprietary software like Nuance for OCR, although it can be finicky and result in data loss [6] . Lastly, OCRmyPDF was mentioned as an option for rotating and deskewing scanned pages before using OCR [6] . In conclusion, pytesseract appears to be the most popular and widely recommended Python library for extracting text from images. However, Tesserocr and Python OpenCV are also valid options, offering different benefits depending on your requirements. It is essential to explore these options, understand their capabilities, and choose the one that best fits your project needs.

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Source: "Detecting text regions before using Tesseract OCR" (from reddit, r/computervision)

  • OpenCV (v3.4.2 to 4+) DNN Python
    • Use a pre-trained DL model in OpenCV DNN to detect text
    • Use EAST text detector in OpenCV DNN for text detection
  • Shape detector in OpenCV
    • Find all the contours in the image (including the picture)
    • Extract RoI, convert to grayscale
  • Binary threshold the image
    • Dilate the text segments
    • Find the contours of the resulting blob
    • Use the bounding rectangle to bound the full sentence
    • Filter out smaller ones with a specific aspect ratio or minimum area
  • Tesseract (v4+)
    • Run the text through Tesseract for text recognition
    • Use the confidence statistic for each prediction made
    • Discard anything with a confidence statistic < 0.8

Source: "Extracting text from a PDF without using PyPDF2" (from reddit, r/learnpython)

  • PyPDF2
    • Not accurate enough for text extraction
  • textract and pdftotext
    • Not successful
  • imagemagick with tesseract
  • Check PDF contents to make sure it’s searchable
    • Conversion errors if tool didn’t have all fonts installed
    • PDF is optimized for printing not content storage
  • OCR may be necessary
    • Adobe Acrobat and ABBY work well but cost money and installation hassles
    • Google Drive is free and cloud based
  • Image processing techniques like dilation to improve quality for OCR
  • pdfminer
    • Most robust PDF text extraction tool in Python
  • Apache tikka
  • xpdf
    • Command line tool, can be called from python script
    • Extracting text raw and letting xpdf to make its best guess at grouping the text

Source: "Detailed guide on using Pytesseract to extract ..." (from reddit, r/Python)

  • Pytesseract
    • It is a Python Tesseract wrapper that helps extract text from images into HTML
    • It is well-written, easy to understand and cleanly formatted
    • It has a “no person left behind approach” by explaining as much as possible
    • It is easy to generate content with
  • Other modules
    • It is beneficial to have a small navigation sidebar for longer articles
    • Writing tests can be left out of articles, especially with regards to ML powered solutions

Source: "OCR and Pytesseract" (from reddit, r/learnpython)

  • Tesserocr
    • Suggested by a Reddit user over pytesseract because it’s a true library binding which allows for processing OpenCV images in memory
  • OCRmyPDF
    • Has a rotate-pages option for 90 degree rotations and a deskew option for doing alignment, which “will correct pages were scanned at a skewed angle by rotating them back into place”
  • Pytesseract
    • Still does OCR, but not as efficient and doesn’t give as much control
  • Proprietary software like Nuance
    • Necessary for OCR, but can be finicky and have massive data loss when using tesseract
  • Preprocessing all data before moving forward
    • Look into the xml docs that come out of it for mapping
  • A team of experts
    • Two months for a system that works, but this is just for being able to batch convert, preprocess, and minimal text processing
    • Solving a deep learning problem would take longer
    • Multiprocessing is not too easy to do with OCR because of the IO toll

Source: "Text Extraction from Images with Python! I put ..." (from reddit, r/Python)

💭  Looking into

What other libraries are available for text extraction from images using Python?

💭  Looking into

What are the best practices for text extraction from images using Python?

💭  Looking into

What languages are supported by Python-tesseract for text extraction from images?

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What are the use cases for Python OpenCV for text extraction from images?

💭  Looking into

What are the features of pytesseract as a Python module for text extraction from images?

Source: "Extract text from image using Python - etutoria..." (from web, www.etutorialspoint.com)

  • Python OpenCV
    • It is a free, open source library that is used for computer vision applications.
    • It is used in a wide range of applications like Object Identification, Machine Learning, Face Recognition, Deep Learning, Mobile Robotics, Gesture Recognition, and much more.
  • Python-tesseract
    • It is an optical character recognition (OCR) tool for Python.
    • It is an open-source text recognition engine.
    • It is widely used to extract text from images or documents because it provides a more accurate result.
    • It supports an extensive variety of languages.
  • Install tesseract OCR on windows
    • Download the exe file of tesseract either 32 bit or 64 bit as per your system from here.
    • Configure Tesseract path in the System Variables window under the Environment Variables window.
  • Installing Modules
    • Install opencv-python, pytesseract and tesseract using the pip tool.
  • Python Code to Extract Text From Image using Tesseract
    • Read the image and set the configurations.
    • Convert from image to string using the method image_to_string().
  • Extract Image and Save to text file
    • Convert the image to grayscale and find the contours.
    • Loop over contours and crop and extract the text file.
    • Pass the rectangle area onto pytesseract for extracting text from it and then writing it into the text file.

Source: "How to Extract Text from Images with Python? - ..." (from web, www.geeksforgeeks.org)

  • pytesseract
    • This library is used for text extraction from images
    • It requires the tesseract.exe binary to be present for proper installation
    • The path to the executable binary (tesseract.exe) needs to be remembered as it would be utilized later on in the code
    • To install the library, execute the following command in the command interpreter of the OS: pip install pytesseract
  • Image module from PIL library
    • This library is used for opening an image

Source: "extracting text from images using python" (from reddit, r/Python)

  • pytesseract
    • Suggested by a reddit user: “It’s literally ~5 lines of code which you can find a working snippet and analyze it in a google search”
    • Requires pip installation: “pip install pytesseract”
    • Requires Pillow installation: “python3 -m pip install –upgrade Pillow”
  • r/learnpython
    • Suggested by a reddit user: “On /r/LearnPython the community and the r/Python discord are actively expecting questions and are looking to help. You can expect far more understanding, encouraging and insightful responses over there.”
  • r/lmgtfy
    • Suggested by a reddit user: “r/learnpython r/lmgtfy read the fkin’ docs!”
  • Reading the docs
    • Suggested by a reddit user: “read the fkin’ docs!”
  • Installing Python packages
    • Suggested by a reddit user: “Just Google how to install a python package”

Source: "How to Extract Text from Images with Python | b..." (from web, towardsdatascience.com)

  • Python
    • Can use the power of Python to extract text from images
  • Data mining for Machine Learning (ML) projects
    • Can use this technique for data mining for ML projects
  • Taking pictures of…
    • Can use this technique to take pictures of different items and extract text from them

Source: "Text Extraction from Images with Python!" (from reddit, r/learnmachinelearning)

  • “Text Extraction from Images with Python!”
    • There is a tutorial on Reddit about using Python to extract text from images.
    • The tutorial includes step-by-step instructions on how to use Python to extract text from images.
    • It is mentioned that the tutorial is helpful and that it offers a good starting point for a project.
    • The tutorial is 8 months old.

💭  Looking into

What is the best Python module for extracting text from images?