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Д. М.



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Д. М., 735d ago

March 10, 2023

how to become gigachad?

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1m 16s



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Support from Others

Support from Others

Seeking support from others seems to be a key step in becoming a gigachad. People from the r/chadsriseup subreddit suggest connecting with people who have similar goals [3] , and Reddit user r/ProveTheInceIWrong suggested going to become a gigachad next life [6] . Additionally, they recommend seeking advice and feedback from others, as well as sharing progress with them to stay motivated [7] .


It seems that pre-workout could be a possible way to become gigachad, as it is mentioned in source number 7. Source number 8 discusses how important exercise is for achieving giga chad status, so it stands to reason that pre-workout could be an effective way to reach this goal. Pre-workout might help to maximize your stats in all aspects of life, which is necessary for reaching giga chad status [7] [8] .
All answers

All answers

  • Exercise
  • Diet
  • Positive Mindset
  • Support from Others
  • Pre-Workout
  • Nutrition
  • Objectivity
  • Writing Down Fears
  • Remembering Success
  • Questioning Why You Tell Yourself No
  • Forgiving Others
  • Doing Something Exciting Every Day
  • Addressing Flaws
  • Positive Self-Talk.
  • Exercise


    Exercise seems to be a key factor in becoming gigachad. People say that getting to below 10% body fat [3] and doing mass building exercises for abs [3] as well as cardio specifically running [3] are important. It also appears that progressive overload plans for attributes [3] , eating bulk macros for gains [3] , and pre-workouts [3] can help you on your journey to gigachad. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and adequate rest is suggested in order to reach your goals [7] . Lastly, nutrition and cutting food/water intake is recommended in order to get dry and achieve the necessary level of fitness for becoming a gigachad [5] [10] .


    It seems that diet plays an important role in becoming gigachad. Diet is mentioned in sources 3, 7, and 10. Eating a balanced diet [3] , eating bulk macros for gains [7] , and limiting your food and water intake [10] are all mentioned as possible dietary strategies. Additionally, regular exercise is also mentioned as a necessary part of the gigachad lifestyle [7] .
    Positive Mindset

    Positive Mindset

    It seems developing a positive mindset is key to becoming gigachad. People say that this requires taking responsibility for one's actions [9] , believing in oneself and one's capabilities [9] , remaining positive and focused [10] , connecting with people who have similar goals [10] , asking for advice and feedback from others [10] , sharing progress with others to stay motivated [10] , and being more forgiving of others [10] . Additionally, it seems that positive self-talk is important [9] [10] . Thus, it appears having a positive mindset is an essential part of becoming gigachad.

    Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

    Staying healthy and in shape is essential for achieving gigachad status. Eating a balanced diet, drinking plenty of water, and exercising regularly [8] [10] are key components of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Focusing on building muscle [3] can help you achieve the physical attributes that are part of the gigachad look. Lastly, getting adequate rest [10] is important for allowing your body to properly recover and rebuild after exercise.

    Develop a Positive Mindset

    Having a positive mindset is essential for becoming gigachad. Taking responsibility for your actions [9] , believing in yourself and your capabilities [9] , and staying positive and focused [3] can help you develop the mindset needed to become gigachad. Additionally, seeking out support from other people with similar goals [3] can help keep you motivated.

    Seek Support from Others

    Connecting with other people who have similar goals is an important step in becoming gigachad. Ask for advice and feedback from others [3] , share your progress so that others can stay motivated too [3] , and take advantage of any offers or assistance available to you on Reddit related subreddits such as Ask Others, Find a Subreddit, Meta Subs, AskReddit Offshoots, or Offers & Assistance [4] . It's also important to remember the reddiquette when posting on Reddit as well [4] .

    Practice Being Objective

    It's important to be able to take a step back from yourself and look at things objectively when trying to become gigachad. Imagine that you are someone else in the same situation and think about what advice you would give them [10] . This helps put things into perspective and make it easier to come up with solutions for any issue that may arise. Additionally, consider what could be the worst or best thing that could happen if you said yes to a new experience [10] .

    Write Down Your Fears

    One way of overcoming insecurity is by writing down your fears before making any decisions about them [9] . Think about what's at the root of your fears, how many of them are rational versus irrational thoughts, and come up with potential solutions for each fear listed. Additionally, remember all of the successes you have had in school or work-related fields as well as all of your positive qualities listed on paper before facing a potentially intimidating challenge [9] .

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    Source: "How to Overcome Insecurity (with Pictures) - wi..." (from web, www.wikihow.com)

    • Practice being objective
      • Take a step out of yourself for a moment and imagine you are a completely different person
      • Think about the advice you would give a person in a similar situation
      • Look at it this way: there’s nothing to be scared about and you will succeed if you put your mind to it
    • Write down your fears
      • Think of what’s at the root of your fears
      • How many of them are rational and how many are just a product of negative thinking
      • Ask yourself how many positive solutions you can think of for all of the things that are worrying you
    • Remember all of the success you’ve had
      • Think of the success you’ve had in school, the great friendships you’ve maintained, or times when you made a group of people crack up
    • Ask yourself, “What’s the worst that could happen?”
      • Be honest with your answer
      • Even if the worst thing ever isn’t always likely to happen, having it on the table can help you approach new tasks with a positive mindset
    • Ask yourself, “What’s the best thing that could happen?”
      • Consider the best thing that can happen if you say yes to a new experience
    • Remember your positive qualities
      • Make a list of all of the things you love about yourself
    • Practice positive self-talk
      • Tell yourself two sincerely nice things about yourself for every negative thing
    • Question why you tell yourself no
      • Try running through what might happen if you said yes
    • Be more forgiving of others
      • Don’t be quick to pass judgment, yourself
      • Raise others up
    • Do one thing that excites you every day
      • Go to a part of town you’ve never been to on your own and go into a random store
    • Address the flaws you can address
      • If there are things you can change about yourself, such as how easily you get stressed out, your lack of compassion, or your lack of conviction, then you need to take some steps to work on the things you can work on

    Source: "Are You A Gigachad Quiz - ProProfs Quiz" (from web, www.proprofs.com)


    Source: "Giga Chad gives me the motivation to finally st..." (from reddit, r/chadsriseup)

    • Maintain a healthy lifestyle
      • Eat a balanced diet and drink lots of water
      • Stay active and exercise regularly
      • Get adequate rest
    • Develop a positive mindset
      • Take responsibility for your actions
      • Believe in yourself and your capabilities
      • Remain positive and focused
    • Seek support from others
      • Connect with people who have similar goals
      • Ask for advice and feedback from others
      • Share your progress with others to stay motivated

    Source: "How to Overcome Insecurity: Why Am I So Insecur..." (from web, www.psychalive.org)


    Source: "Going to become a gigachad next life" (from reddit, r/ProveTheInceIWrong)

    • Going to become a gigachad next life
      • r/ProveTheInceIWrong suggested this in a post 1 year, 11 months ago
      • 6 points were given for the post

    💭  Looking into

    What is the most effective way to reach Giga Chad status?

    💭  Looking into

    What are the best resources to research the topic of how to become gigachad?

    💭  Looking into

    How can telling lies be beneficial?

    💭  Looking into

    What are the benefits of accepting people for who they are?

    💭  Looking into

    What are the most effective strategies for overcoming feelings of insecurity?

    Source: "How to become sigma chad : gigachad - reddit" (from web, www.reddit.com)

    • Limit your search to r/gigachad
      • Use the search parameters provided to narrow down your results
      • Search for submissions in the subreddit, by username, from a particular website, for specific text in URLs, and for text in self-posts
      • Include/exclude self-posts and NSFW results
    • Advanced search: by author, subreddit, DOI, Moscow, Tetrahydrocannabinol (the main psychoactive component of cannabis), Saint Petersburg, married, divorced, number, discussion, and editing templates.

    Source: "How does one become a gigachad? : r/AskReddit" (from web, www.reddit.com)

    • Follow the rules:
      • Post a clear and direct question in the title
      • Ask a generic question
      • Ask an open-ended discussion question
      • Avoid posting any identifying personal information
      • Do not use the subreddit as a soapbox or advertising platform
      • Use the [Serious] tag to designate your post
      • Filter posts by subject
      • Use spoiler tags to hide spoilers
    • Use other subreddits for related topics:
      • Ask Others
      • Find a subreddit
      • Meta Subs
      • AskReddit Offshoots
      • Offers & Assistance
    • Read the reddiquette

    Source: "Help me finally achieve giga chad" (from reddit, r/chadsriseup)

    • Get to below 10% body fat
      • Some people store more fat around the belly and need to get down to below 10% to get visible abs
      • Anything below 10% is not worthy
      • You most likely need to be under 10% body fat
      • Might need to try and get to 5% body fat?
    • Progressive overload plan for attributes
      • To achieve giga chad status, you need to max out your stats in all aspects of your life. Having abs won’t get you there. You need to become the most charming, competent, disciplined, etc. that you can be.
    • Mass building exercises for abs
      • Weighted hanging leg raises, dragonflags, cable crunches, russian twists, etc.
    • Cardio (specifically running)
      • Cardio (specifically running) would be quite effective
    • Eat bulk Macros for gains
      • Eat bulk Macros for gains but keep carbs to before and after the gym and eat mostly greens and lean proteins during other meals and on rest day
    • Pre-workout
      • Just buy pre-workout and go wild. Just do one container but have fun you’ll be big.
    • Nutrition
      • Abs are more about getting dry than exercise, which usually means cutting your food and water intake

    Source: "A guide to become Giga Chad" (from reddit, r/CryptoCurrency)

    • Become a crypto investor
      • Invest more than you can lose
    • Exercise
      • Do 6 push-ups every time you check your portfolio
      • Do 9 crunches every time you open a chart/check prices
      • Do 4 squats every time you talk about the potential of your fav coin going to moon
      • Do 2 pull-ups every time you think of selling your Pokemon Card collection to put it in ADA
    • They don’t hear what Giga Chad says

    Source: "How does one become a gigachad?" (from reddit, r/AskReddit)

    • Be insecure about yourself and your tiny penis
      • Step 1
    • Accept people for who they are
      • Comments posted by a Reddit user
    • Lie to people
      • Comments posted by a Reddit user
    • Keep posting to Reddit
      • Comments posted by a Reddit user
    • Be an incel on Reddit
      • Comments posted by a Reddit user
    • Sleep with your friend’s mom
      • Comments posted by a Reddit user

    💭  Looking into

    What is the best way to become a Gigachad?