March 10, 2023

В чем монитор основанный на электро лучевой трубке обходит по характеристикам мониторе с жидкокристаллическим дисплеем




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w., 476d ago

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Higher refresh rate

Higher refresh rate

It seems that higher refresh rate is the main advantage of CRT monitors compared to LCD monitors. Higher refresh rate provides a better motion clarity and a reduction on ghosting effects [6] . It also allows for faster response times, near instant pixel changes and better picture quality [2] [4] . People say that LCDs with high refresh rates (144hz) offer better resolution, size and Quality of Life features than CRT monitors [6] .
higher resolution

higher resolution

It seems that CRT monitors have lower resolution than LCD monitors. Sources 1 and 3 mention that the most common CRT monitors have a screen mask of 0.25-0.27mm, while source 6 mentions that LCD monitors offer better resolution and size compared to cheap 60hz IPS monitors. Source 5 states that CRT monitors use Hz as the standard of measurement rather than resolution, which implies that they don't offer as much detail as LCDs. Lastly, source 8 states that LCDs can offer up to 5ms response time compared to 0ms for CRT displays [8] , indicating a higher level of detail for LCDs [6] .
larger size

larger size

It seems that CRT monitors are larger than LCDs, as they usually have a 0.25-0.27mm mask step compared to LCDs which can have a 0.43mm mask step [1] . This means that CRT monitors are able to produce a sharper image than LCDs, as the individual pixels are smaller in size [4] [6] . It is also worth noting that CRT monitors have a higher resolution and flexibility regarding resolution compared to cheap 60hz IPS monitors [6] . People say that CRT monitors also produce superior motion clarity and black levels [8] , which could make them more suitable for gaming applications than LCDs.
Quality of Life features

Quality of Life features

It seems that CRT monitors have some Quality of Life features compared to modern PC monitors. For example, they have near instant response times and zero latency [3] , as well as flexibility regarding resolution and the ability to remove ghosting [6] . Additionally, they may have a lot of Quality of Life features compared to modern PC monitors [8] . However, LCD monitors with high refresh rate may offer better resolution, size and Quality of Life features than CRT monitors [6] .
lower latency

lower latency

From what I understand, CRT monitors seem to offer lower latency than LCD/LED monitors. People say that CRT monitors have near instant response times and near 0ms of input lag [6] . This is due to the fact that CRT monitors use Hz as the standard of measurement, which tells you how many times it has to refresh each individual pixel in a second. In comparison, LCD and LED monitors can have response times of up to 5ms [7] , which is due to the way liquid crystals exist part way between a solid and a liquid and can twist and untwist when a charge is applied.
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  • Higher refresh rate
  • higher resolution
  • larger size
  • Quality of Life features
  • lower latency
  • higher Hz
  • faster pixel change
  • better motion clarity
  • better black levels
  • flexibility regarding resolution
  • lower input lag
  • near instant response times
  • pleasing effect on image quality
  • ghosting reduction
  • better image geometry
  • CRT Monitor

    CRT monitors use electron beams and magnetic fields to create an image on the screen [1] . They are highly responsive and have higher refresh rates than LCD monitors [6] . They also offer great black levels, motion clarity and flexibility in resolution [6] . However, they may require a lot of maintenance and scavenger hunts for parts [6] .

    LCD Monitor

    LCD monitors use liquid crystals to form an image on the screen [4] . They offer better resolutions and size than CRT monitors, as well as quality of life features such as low latency and high refresh rates [6] . Additionally, newer models can have response times of up to 5ms [5] , compared to the 0ms of CRT.

    Step of Mask

    The step of mask refers to the size of the dots that make up the image on a monitor [1] . Most modern monitors have steps of 0.25-0.27mm for improved clarity, while older models can have steps up to 0.43mm, and some higher end models can have even lower steps [1] .

    Frame Rate

    The frame rate or refresh rate refers to how many times a monitor updates its image per second, measured in hertz (Hz) [2] . A higher refresh rate means smoother images with less ghosting or blurring effects. Monitors with 60 Hz are usually good enough for most tasks, although gaming requires higher refresh rates for better performance.


    CRT monitors have a unique construction consisting of a long narrow neck and wide flat screen containing electron guns and deflecting coils which are used to form images on the screen using electron beams [3] [5] [6] . The inside surface is covered with luminescent dots which emit light when bombarded by charged particles [3] [5] [6] . Additionally, an electronic gun is used to create an image by deflecting electrons in different directions across the screen.

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    Source: "CRT Vs LCD Gaming Monitors | Which Type Of Moni..." (from web,

    • Resolution
      • LCD monitors are able to display images in higher resolutions than CRT monitors
      • CRT screens typically output images at something akin to 480p, though there are some newer CRTs that display images at something closer to 1080p
    • Refresh Rate and Response Time
      • CRT monitors have the edge when it comes to refresh rate and response time, as the design is optimum for speedy image refreshes
      • LCD displays take longer to refresh their images
    • Weight
      • CRT monitors are extremely bulky and heavy
      • LCD gaming monitors are thin and light
    • Power Consumption
      • CRT monitors require a lot of power to operate
      • LCDs require less power to operate

    Source: "Is it true that CRT monitors are better for gam..." (from web,

    • CRT monitors are better for gaming
      • They use an electron gun to paint the screen, which results in a smooth display output and high motion clarity
      • LCD monitors use sample and hold which can cause image blur
      • OLED monitors use black frame insertion technology to mimic the speed and accuracy of a CRT, getting to about 90% the speed of CRT
    • Samsung QD-OLED monitors
      • These are upcoming products from Samsung which use QD-OLED technology
      • They will likely provide a much better gaming experience than current LCD and CRT monitors

    Source: "Is it true that CRT monitors are better for gam..." (from reddit, r/Monitors)

    • CRT monitors have lower input lag, near instant response times, and a pleasing effect on image quality than LCDs
      • They break sample and hold blur by having a blanking period between each frame
      • They have near instant response times like OLED does
      • Due to the way the phosphors work they can have a pleasing effect on the image quality at the expense of some sharpness
    • LCD monitors have higher refresh rates, can come in larger sizes, and have issues with image geometry
      • They have higher refresh rates than CRTs, up to 360Hz
      • They come in larger sizes, up to 27”
      • They have issues with image geometry
    • OLED monitors are based on sample and hold, but can use black frame insertion technology that mimics the speed and accuracy of a CRT
      • OLED with BFI gets to about 90% the speed of CRT
      • Black frame insertion technology for OLED works like a CRT where you only turn off a few pixels at a time, thus mimicking the speed and accuracy of a CRT
    • Current monitors have to use backlight strobing to approach CRT motion clarity
      • Backlight strobing can help in some games and cause headaches in others
    • Monitors like XL2546K have almost caught up to CRT motion clarity, with a difference that is so small it is negligible
      • Monitors with a really good optional backlight strobing implementation, like XG2431, can get 1000hz motion clarity at any refresh rate

    Source: "Using a CRT monitor in 2020" (from reddit, r/Monitors)

    • CRT monitors have lower resolution and larger size compared to cheap 60hz IPS monitors
      • CRT monitors have 0 latency and high refresh rate
      • CRT monitors can remove ghosting, the main flaw of LCD technology
      • CRT monitors have amazing black levels and great motion clarity
      • CRT monitors have flexibility regarding resolution
      • CRT monitors have a lot of Quality of Life features compared to modern PC monitors
      • CRT monitors may require a lot of maintenance and scavenger hunt for parts
      • CRT monitors may have letterboxing issues in new games
      • CRT monitors may have a higher latency than modern adaptive sync LCDs when using V-Sync
      • CRT monitors may have an added latency over a Benq XL2450
    • LCD monitors with high refresh rate (144hz) offer better resolution, size and Quality of Life features than CRT monitors

    Source: "Why do older CRT monitors have a response time ..." (from reddit, r/explainlikeimfive)

    • CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) monitors have a response time of 0ms:
      • CRT uses Hz as the standard of measurement, which tells you how many times it has to refresh each individual pixel in a second
      • There is no physical movement or parts involved; electron beams are bent using a magnetic field
      • Response time measures how long it takes to change the image, not how many times it updates the image in a second
    • LCD and LED monitors can have response times of up to 5ms:
      • LCD stands for liquid crystal display, and liquid crystals exist part way between a solid and a liquid and can twist and untwist when a charge is applied
      • When the charge is gone, they go back to normal
      • The response time is how fast the manufacturer thinks it can wrap/unwrap the crystals and get a good picture
      • Hz is also used as a measurement with LCDs, and a higher Hz means the pixels can change shape faster and the picture can change more quickly
      • When LCD and LED monitors first came out, there was a noticeable “ghosting effect” when things on the screen moved quickly due to the slow response time
      • LCD’s panels are able to draw to pretty much every pixel at once, however the pixels themselves can be relatively slow to change in brightness

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    What is the role of the electron gun in a CRT monitor?

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    Source: "Elektronno-luchevye pribory -- Vikipediia" (from web,


    Source: "ELT-monitory. S samogo nachala. Bez belykh piat..." (from web,

    • Электронно-лучевая трубка имеет герметичную стеклянную колбу и люминофорные точки на внутренней поверхности экрана
      • Колба состоит из длинной и узкой горловины и широкого и плоского экрана
      • Люминофорные точки покрыты разноцветными составами на основе редкоземельных металлов
      • Люминофор испускает свет при бомбардировке заряженными частицами
    • В ЭЛТ-мониторе используется электронная пушка, чтобы создать изображение
      • Поток электронов отклоняется в ве

    Source: "Monitory na elektronno-luchevoi trubke (CRT)" (from web,

    • Шаг маски:
      • Наиболее распространены мониторы с шагом маски 0,25-0,27 мм.
      • Устаревшие мониторы могут иметь шаг до 0,43мм.
      • Модели повышенной стоимости могут иметь значение менее 0,25 мм.
    • Частота кадровой развертки (частота регенерации):
      • Частоту регенерации изображения измеряют в герцах (Гц).
      • Чем она выше, тем четче и устойчивее изображение.
      • При частоте регенерации порядка 60 Гц мелкое мерцание изображения заметно невооруженным глазом.
      • Минимальн

    Source: "Kharakteristiki i tipy monitorov dlia personal'..." (from web,


    Source: "Crt (elt) monitor: konstruktsiia, printsip rabo..." (from web,

    • ЭЛТ мониторы обладают уникальной конструкцией
      • Основным компонентом данного прибора является электро-лучевая трубка, которая используется для формирования картинки
      • Присутствует отклоняющие и фокусирующие катушки, направляющие лучи электронов
      • Хомут с монтажными креплениями, люминофорное покрытие, стекло
    • ЭЛТ мониторы имеют больше преимуществ
      • Они полностью изолированы от внешних влияний
      • Они позволяют достичь более высокого разрешения

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    What are the advantages of an electron beam tube-based monitor over a liquid crystal display monitor?