February 23, 2023
best 10-week half marathon training plan
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Hal Higdon Novice 1 Training Plan
Hal Higdon's Intermediate plans
Pfitz's 18/55 Marathon plan
Jeff Galloway run/walk plan
RunKeeper's Sub 2:30 Half Marathon training plan
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Training structure
pace or HR based plan
increasing time on feet
interval runs
tempo runs
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Source: "Half Marathon in 10 Weeks Training Plan and Rac..." (from web, runeatrepeat.com)
10 Week Half Marathon Training Plan
- Intermediate level plan with a day of stretch training and a day of stretching
- Start this week to be ready to run the Lexus Lace Up Half Marathon in December
- Before starting this plan you should be regularly running 4 to 5 days a week, able to run about 5 miles, free from injury and have the time to dedicate to your training
- This training plan doesn’t have specific speed work
- For the strength training days – focus on body weight exercises and do full body strength session or alternate upper body / lower body / abs
Run Fit Half Marathon Program
- 12 Week Running and Strength & Conditioning Plan
Half Marathon Pace Chart
- Know how fast you need to run each mile to hit a certain finish time
What to each the night before a race or long run, what to eat race morning and more
- Check out this post and podcast on What to Eat Before a Race
Half Marathon and Marathon Gear Must Haves
- Never do anything new on race day
- Use the same things the night before and morning of the race
- Pack the fuel you used in training for during the race
- My race day must haves: iced coffee with essential aminos, toast with almond butter and banana, Spark Drink Mix, Spark stick packs, O2 Gold supplement, visor, sunglasses, sunblock, sports bra, tank, shorts, compression socks, shoes, belt, Garmin GPS watch, chapstick with SPF
- Check out My Running and Race Day Favorites on the Run Eat Repeat Amazon Shop List
Source: "How's Garmin's training plans for half/full mar..." (from reddit, r/running)
Garmin’s Intermediate Half Marathon Plan
- 16-week plan
- A mix of interval, recovery, and long runs
- Long runs are HR zone 2
- Interval runs are HR zone 4
- Pace or HR based plan
- Adapts based on performance
- Suggests different run types
- Includes informational videos
- Includes warm-up, cooldowns
Jeff Galloway Half Marathon Plan
- Accountable training program
- Not very adaptable
- Variety of run types
The Run Smart Project Calculator
- Helps to set pace or goal pace
- Advice on HR zones: easy (Z1 or Z2), steady (Z2 or Z3), long run (Z2), threshold intervals (Z4, not Z5)
Source: "What's your favorite half marathon training plan?" (from reddit, r/running)
Hal Higdon’s Novice Half Marathon training plan
- Recommended by friends and first thing that comes up on Google
- Keeps things simple and recognizes that virtually every new runner just needs to get used to running regularly over a long period of time to best improve
- Lacks sufficient mileage to fully prepare for the half
Hanson’s Half Marathon program
- Popular on Reddit
- Find one that closely fits needs (e.g. weekly milage, days on/days off)
16 week half marathon plan
- Repeats the long runs, built confidence up that could handle the distance
Jeff Galloway run/walk plan
- Makes training load manageable and got user in half marathon shape without injury
Hal Higdon’s Intermediate plans
- Adds tempo runs and intervals
RunKeeper’s Sub 2:30 Half Marathon training plan
- Varied training with explanation on each day of what the specific training is for
Hal Higdon’s Advanced Half Marathon plan
- Increased mileage and demanding workouts
Pfitz’s 18/55 Marathon (full, not half) plan
- Increased mileage and demanding workouts
Pfitz’s 12/63 Half Marathon plan
- Ramp up miles by substituting 6 mile recovery runs for the rest days
Source: "10-Week Sub 2-Hour Half Marathon Training Plan ..." (from web, www.trainingpeaks.com)
Sub 2-Hour Half Marathon Training Plan with strength training
- Designed for runners who want to run inside 2-hours for the 13.1-mile race
- Aimed at runners who can already run 4-5-milers during week 1 of the training schedule
- Includes further reading along the way including nutritional advice and injury prevention tips
- Includes a strength routine to be performed alongside half marathon training
- Strength training can be carried out from home or at the gym
- Each session will be progressive throughout the course of the plan, including exercises for beginners and those more advanced in the gym
- Includes information on nutritional advice and injury prevention
JM Coaching
- Coaching philosophy is devised from proven research and experience of what some of the worlds leading athletes and coaches have used
- Current Great Britain International Athlete
- Successfully coached a series of athletes using very similar approaches
- Influences come from previous personal coaches and current lead coach and mentor Steve Vernon
- Program includes easy running, intervals, long runs and rest days
Source: "Best training plan for half marathon?" (from reddit, r/running)
Hal Higdon Novice 1 Training Plan
- Recommended by multiple users
- Can be stretched to fit 10 weeks
- Long runs target a certain number of miles
Jenny Hadfield’s Plans
- Recommended by one user
- Includes run/walk and running plans
- Long runs are measured by time, not distance
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Is Pfitzinger's plan suitable for a 151 half PR for a 125 lb female?
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Is Jeff Galloway's plan suitable for a 10-week half marathon training plan?
Source: "What’s your favorite half-marathon training pla..." (from reddit, r/running)
Run as many easy miles as possible and do a tempo run at race pace once per week
- Got the author of the post to their PR of 1:51:45
This plan from BAA
- Includes progressive structure for the workouts
- Includes “half marathon simulation” long runs
Hanson’s Half and Full Marathon plans
- Very structured plans with 6 days a week of running
- Prescribed paces
Pfitzinger’s plans
- Can step it up for 125 lb female with a 151 half PR
Strength training by lifting heavy
- Resolved all the author’s injury issues
- Lifting should be done consistently per a plan
Source: "The 10-Week Half-Marathon Training Plan - Shape" (from web, www.shape.com)
The Ultimate 10-Week Half-Marathon Training Plan
- Appropriate for runners with a little bit of experience
- Long runs start at 4 miles and peak at 12 miles during week 7
- Some easy runs are determined by time (25-30 minutes) rather than distance
- Focus on increasing the time you spend on your feet, rather than aiming for specific mileage
- Easy runs should be truly easy and comfortable
- 10-week half-marathon training plan available to download
Source: "Training for a Half Marathon in 10 weeks" (from reddit, r/running)
Jeff Galloway’s plans
- Based on intervals of running interspersed with walking
- Plans are 18 weeks, but can be adapted for 10 weeks
Aim for 10 km races instead
- Get in just a good shape and it will be much more fun
- Wait and focus on building your base, shoot for getting a 10k done first
Stick with your training
- Make yourself a training plan that starts with a weekly running mileage you’re comfortable with and increases in mileage ~5% each week
- Take a day off if you feel pain or fatigue
Don’t focus on times
- Just focus on being able to complete it
Mind over matter
- Tell yourself it will be hard, don’t overthink, have fun doing it
- Be careful and track your HB during the running
Source: "10-Week Beginner Half Marathon Training Plan | ..." (from web, www.coachweb.com)
10-Week Beginner Half Marathon Training Plan
- Target time: Whatever you can manage
- 4 sessions per week with two options for each training day
- Uses “Soar paces” to explain how fast to run in each session
- Includes warm-up and warm-down runs, recovery walks, and stretching
- Increases distance and intensity gradually over 10 weeks, with increasing rest periods each week
- Includes intervals and a 10K event to prepare for the half marathon
- Hydrate well and eat breakfast before running
Source: "10 Week Intermediate Half Marathon Training Plan" (from web, www.trainingpeaks.com)
10 Week Intermediate Half Marathon Training Plan
- Best suited for runners with some experience looking to improve their half marathon performance.
- Builds up your mileage over 10 weeks, and includes one tempo run per week.
- Tempo runs are great for runners with a specific finishing time in mind; they help you to train towards that time.
- Who is it for?: Runners looking to run a great 1st half marathon, or set a new PR!
- How Long?: 10 weeks.
- Includes 2 mid-week runs, to be performed at a comfortable pace, one tempo run, and one long-slow run each weekend to build your max mileage.
- The plan includes one cross-training day per week and two rest days.
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What is the best 10-week half marathon training plan?