May 13, 2023
Creating an interactive map of Antarctica in the Arcgis environment
I researched various sources, including several Reddit discussions, a website called Flourish, and a guide on, to gather information on creating an interactive map of Antarctica in the ArcGIS environment. There seemed to be a general consensus on using ArcGIS Online, but other tools and platforms were also mentioned, such as QGIS, Leaflet, Flourish, and Mapcreator. The sources were related to the original query, but the specific topic of Antarctica was only discussed in one Reddit thread. Given the research, there is some level of uncertainty, but the information gathered should provide a good starting point for creating an interactive map of Antarctica.
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ArcGIS Online
"I will most likely be using ArcGIS Online, since I have access to it through school, and my client for this project also has a license, which makes it easier for them to take over maintenance once completed."
"You can probably do everything you want in ArcGIS Online with the built-in Web AppBuilder tool, without any coding at all."
"Do you have access to Esri tutorials?"
"I've used those a bit, it's pretty nice. Basically allows you to create a arcgis online map, and inset it seamlessly with text and pictures"
"Arcmap (and Pro) have the assigned projections for each layer and also the assigned projection for the data frame as a whole. If your data frame is set to NAD83, for example, all layers will show in this coordinate system. Make sure you are setting the data frame to WGS\_1984\_Antarctic\_Polarereographic and it should visualize as you want."
"Leaflet and r shiny as recommended is a good an easy way to do it. can also use folium with python and flask, not as easy as in r but maybe easier to host."
"Ive used leaflet, Rshiny and arcgis online. Depending on how much interactivity you want, those three are a good starting point. I found arcgis online to be annoying but the other two will require some basic coding skills."
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- Interactive maps can be created without coding skills or previous experience using no-code map builders.
- Interactive maps allow for two-way interaction, zooming, selecting specific layers or elements, and provides more control over the displayed data.
- Mapcreator is a subscription-based tool for creating interactive maps.
- Mapcreator offers various plans, and the tool is available on all of them.
- The tool is easy-to-use and intuitive and allows you to explore its basic functionality for free.
- Once you have created your Mapcreator account, you will get an account verification request to your email address.
- The tool offers a world map as a starting point, where users can choose any location for their interactive map and use the search functionality to find any location they need.
- The input box on the left sidebar allows users to find any location by entering information like city, village, zip codes or coordinates in the form of latitude/longitude.
- Separate location dimensions by a semicolon (;) for better precision.
- The elements list allows you to see and define all the items on your map. With a single click, users can hide or show elements like water, boundaries, transport routes, and many other components.
- Mapcreator offers various map style settings on the left sidebar, including pre-made map styles, that can be personalized according to your preferences.
- Users can choose the language of their map and decide the level of detail your users should see.
- Icons and text boxes can be added to highlight any spot on your map, and the tool will automatically generate the location’s name.
- With Mapcreator, interactivity is a matter of a few seconds. Users can add interactivity to any annotation by clicking on the interactivity tab and choosing the interactivity options for their selected item.
- Interactivity options include adding text or linking a URL to the image or video.
- Mapcreator is a universal tool and can be used to create printed maps or interactive maps.
- To create an interactive map with Mapcreator, you can download your map in WEB format, which provides a link to the interactive map and an iframe.
- Exporting the created map provides a URL to the map and an embed code. Users can include the embed code in the HTML code of their website to integrate the interactive map on their website.
- Mapcreator resources include step-by-step instructions, video instructions, and quick tips on how to create an interactive map.
- Mapcreator provides an easy and accessible way of creating interactive maps suitable for presentations, data reporting, or engaging content.
- Flourish offers seven interactive map templates
- The templates are animated and mobile-friendly
- The templates are easy to use and free to get started
- The Projection map template is a standalone map template that allows you to shade regions and/or points. You can adapt an existing example or upload your own geographic boundary file
- The Marker map template allows you to create a locator map with emoji, icons or images for places and an inset map for context. Users can progress the story using arrows or click around in the graphic to explore
- The Arc map template uses 3D arcs to display connections between any two points in the world. Users can progress the story using arrows or click around in the graphic to explore
- The 3D region map template allows you to display custom regions with optional 3D effects. Users can progress the story using arrows or click around in the graphic to explore
- The Connections globe template is a 3D globe for visualizing flows between cities, countries, or regions
- The Survey template is a “dot visualization” combining a world map with many other data views
- The Data explorer template is a premium template that combines maps, scatter plots, and bubble charts to make it easy to combine variables into different views
- Users can try all templates (except Data explorer) with their own data for free
- There is a Flourish repository on GitHub that provides pre-built templates and tools for customizing the templates
- Flourish allows users to export their maps as an iFrame, direct link, or download the HTML and JSON code
- Flourish also offers a plugin for WordPress that allows users to easily add their interactive maps to their website
- There is more information on the functionality and features of each template on the Flourish website with examples and demos
"How to create an interactive map?"
- A Reddit user asked how to create an interactive map of different restoration projects in a specific area.
- The user has a background in GIS and cartography.
- Several users suggested software options for creating interactive maps, including ArcGIS Online, qgis2web in QGIS, Leaflet in JavaScript, Mapbox, Umap, Tableau Public, and Google My Maps.
- The pros and cons of each software option were discussed, including cost, ease of use, and processing power required.
- Suggestions were made for beginners to learn how to code to use open-source software, such as Mapbox and QGIS.
- A user suggested avoiding building anything online and using desktop software, such as ArcMap.
- Another user recommended using ArcGIS story maps to create an interactive map, which allows for seamless integration with text and pictures.
- Users provided resources for learning how to create interactive maps, such as and Leaflet tutorials.
- The importance of data accuracy and obtaining geocode information for project locations was emphasized.
- Suggestions were made for integrating other data sources into the interactive map, such as satellite imagery and field data.
- Users discussed the benefits of interactive maps for project stakeholders and how they can facilitate collaboration and decision-making.
- Users also provided examples of how they have used interactive maps in their own projects, including displaying oil spill impacts and tracking hurricane damage.
- The overall consensus was that there are many software options and approaches to creating interactive maps, and the choice will depend on the project requirements and the user’s skill level and resources available.
"Getting started with creating interactive web maps?"
- User is looking to create an interactive web map for an independent project
- Purpose of web map is to display annual wildlife survey results for specific survey areas
- Users should be able to select survey area, year or date range, and specific species data
- User has access to ArcGIS Online and will most likely use it for the project
- ArcGIS Online can be used to import data and create web maps
- Web maps can include configured popups and symbology/styling applied to datasets
- Web maps can be used as a base for a web app in the Web AppBuilder tool
- Widgets can be added to the Web App to add functionality like Query or Filter
- No programming or coding may be necessary to create the web map
- Some discussion about open-source web GIS tools such as PostGIS and GeoDjango
- Resource suggested for exploring open-source web GIS world
- User has access to Esri tutorials
- User is looking for suggestions on a proper starting point for Esri tutorials and guides on creating web maps
- Users in comments suggest using ArcGIS Online’s Web AppBuilder tool and relying on pre-built widgets for functionality
- Users also suggest exploring open-source web GIS tools for added customization and functionality
- Links to the Esri website and additional resources for creating web maps mentioned in comments
"Creating an online interactive map with GIS"
- Creating an online interactive map with GIS
- Is it possible to create a point-and-click interactive map using GIS for embedding on a website?
- One user suggested using ArcGIS Online to create a web map.
- To embed, copy the HTML code and paste it onto the website.
- Make sure the map is shared publicly.
- Other suggestions include using Leaflet, R shiny, Python and Flask.
- Building with Leaflet JS is the most correct way.
- ArcGIS Online can be annoying.
- The new map view layout does not allow embedding at this time.
- Use map viewer classic layout.
- Additional resources are available online for embedding web maps.
- It is important to have basic coding skills.
"Map centered around Antarctica"
- A reddit user asks for assistance in creating a map of Antarctica with shape files of surrounding countries. The user tried converting to WGS_1984_Antarctic_Polar Stereographic for the shape files of surrounding countries, but the map still does not come out correctly.
- The user followed a tutorial by Luisa Luchesse, which shows how to change the projection in QGIS to create an azimuthal map of Antarctica. When loaded in QGIS, the map looks correct, but when loaded in ArcMap, the view does not change, and the user cannot find a visualization platform to toggle for visualization.
- The user shares the end goal of creating a map like the one at, linked in the original post.
- One reddit user replies with a solution to set the data frame to WGS_1984_Antarctic_Polarereographic, which should visualize the map correctly.
- The same user specifies that ArcMap and Pro have assigned projections for each layer and the data frame as a whole, and that all layers will show in the coordinate system of the data frame.
- Another reddit user suggests creating a 3D “Scene” in ArcPro to view Antarctica in a different way.
- A third reddit user recommends using the “projected coordinate system” option when using the reproject tool in ArcMap to create a map of Antarctica. The user has never used ArcPro and is not sure if the method has changed in the new version.
- The original poster responds that the suggestion to set the data frame to WGS_1984_Antarctic_Polarereographic worked, even though the user had previously tried that solution.
- Several users in the comments mention ways to obtain data for creating the map of Antarctica, including sources like the National Snow and Ice Data Center and Esri Living Atlas.
💭 Looking into
List of additional features that can be added to the Antarctica map in Arcgis
💭 Looking into
Step-by-step tutorial on creating an interactive map of Antarctica using Arcgis