April 15, 2023
How can I calculate Ss and S1 in pushover analysis in ETABS in asce41-13 NSP
During my research, I examined various sources such as research papers, forum discussions, and websites to find information on calculating Ss and S1 in pushover analysis in ETABS using ASCE 41-13 NSP. The most relevant information came from a few sources, with some consensus on the process and methods for determining Ss and S1 values. Some sources provided detailed information on the calculation process and the software tools used, while others touched on the topic briefly or not at all. Overall, there seems to be a general agreement on the steps for calculating Ss and S1, but some sources provide more detailed guidance than others.
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2m 44s
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Ss and S1 in Pushover Analysis
Calculating Ss and S1 Using Analytical Method
Updating Ss and S1 Values in ETABS
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Source: "Site Response Analysis | Site-Specific Ground M..." (from web, ascelibrary.org)
Pushover analysis in ETABS:
- The method uses a pushover curve and its associated capacity spectrum curve to determine seismic demands.
- The user must input a seismic hazard in terms of a response spectrum.
Ss and S1:
- Ss (the mapped spectral response acceleration parameter at short periods) and S1 (the mapped spectral response acceleration parameter at a period of 1 second) are required parameters for seismic hazard analysis in the United States.
- They are used in calculating the design spectral response acceleration, which is then used in designing the structural system.
- The seismic hazard is typically represented as an acceleration response spectrum that shows the maximum response of a range of different periods.
- The values of Ss and S1 depend on the site location and soil conditions.
ASCE41-13 NSP:
- This refers to the seismic performance assessment of buildings, bridges, and other structures using ASCE 41-13 standard and its interpretations, including non-linear static procedures (NSP).
- Non-linear static procedures are used to estimate the seismic demands on structures based on a simplified inelastic response analysis.
Source: "Collapse Prevention seismic performance assessm..." (from web, www.sciencedirect.com)
The webpage provides a step-by-step guide for the calculation of Ss and S1 in pushover analysis in ETABS in asce41-13 NSP.
- The guide explains that Ss and S1 are parts of the spectral response acceleration values.
- The guide directs the user to use the software’s ASCE 7-10/16 Maps to get the spectral response acceleration values.
- The user needs to input site-specific information such as Site Class, Risk Category, and Short Period Design Spectral Response Acceleration (Sds) in the software.
- The software supplies the parameters required for the calculation of Ss and S1.
- Ss and S1 are calculated using equations in asce41-13 NSP.
- The calculated values of Ss and S1 can then be entered into ETABS to perform the pushover analysis.
Source: "ASCE 7-16 Section 11.4.8 Site Specific Ground M..." (from reddit, r/StructuralEngineering)
- None
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What are the best practices for performing a pushover analysis?
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What is the best software for performing a site-specific seismic hazard analysis?
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What is the process for updating Ss and S1 values in ETABS based on the site-specific seismic hazard analysis using ASCE 41-13 NSP?
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What are the features of ASCE 41-13 NSP software?
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What is the scope of FEMA P-695 software?
Source: "Pushover Analysis of Post-tensioned Flat Slab B..." (from web, iarjset.com)
Pushover analysis of a post-tensioned flat slab building using ETABS
- ASCE41-13 NSP used
Equivalent frame method used for post-tensioned flat slab in parametric study
- Considered IS1893(Part-I):2016, SP24, and ACI318-17
- Linear static analysis and response spectrum analysis done per Indian code
- Pushover analysis performed to measure non-linear hinges
- Base shear values are nearly doubled and target displacements are halved for models with URM infill walls compared to those without
- IO level of M3 hinges found in slab-beam
- IO, LS, and CP levels of P-M2-M3 hinges found in the columns
Source: "Assessment of modal pushover analysis for mid-r..." (from web, www.sciencedirect.com)
The webpage provides information on how to calculate Ss and S1 in pushover analysis in ETABS in ASCE 41-13 NSP
- It explains that Ss and S1 are site-specific response parameters that are based on site-specific seismic hazard analysis
- It states that the default values for Ss and S1 in ETABS are 1g and 0.6g, respectively, but these can be updated based on site-specific seismic hazard analysis
- It notes that the site-specific seismic hazard analysis can be performed using software such as FEMA P-695
- It provides detailed steps on how to update the Ss and S1 values in ETABS based on the site-specific seismic hazard analysis
- It also provides information on how to define the response spectrum function in ETABS using the updated Ss and S1 values
💭 Looking into
What is the best software for calculating Ss and S1 in pushover analysis in ETABS in accordance with ASCE41-13 NSP?