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March 22, 2023

How to use custom emojies in Obsdian

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Emoji Toolbar

Emoji Toolbar

It seems that using the Emoji Toolbar plugin [1] [7] is a good option for adding custom emojis to Obsidian. This plugin allows for quick and easy insertion of emojis into notes and filenames, with additional features such as skin tone support, fuzzy search matches, and recently used emoji selection. To use the plugin, users must first install it and set a hotkey for the emoji picker. From there, they can search for and insert custom emojis into their notes. While other options such as the Icons Plugin or copying and pasting emoji codes exist, the Emoji Toolbar seems to offer the most streamlined and user-friendly solution for adding custom emojis to Obsidian.


Unicode.org seems to be a good resource for using custom emojis in Obsidian [1] [3] [6] . Users can browse the full list of emojis on the website and copy and paste them into Obsidian. According to some users, using emojis from Unicode.org generally works well in Obsidian [3] [6] . While there are other plugins and methods available, using Unicode.org may be a good option for users who want a wide variety of custom emojis to choose from.
Icons Plugin

Icons Plugin

It seems that one option for using custom emojis in Obsidian is the Icons Plugin, which offers two options for icons including Remix Icon with 2172 icons and FontAwesome free with 1560 icons. This plugin can be found in the community plugins. However, it is important to note that custom emojis may not always render properly in Obsidian without additional plugins or software, so users may need to experiment with different methods until they find one that works best for their particular use case. Other options include using the Emoji Toolbar plugin, which allows for easy searching and insertion of emojis into notes and filenames, or copying and pasting emoji codes.
Espanso package

Espanso package

One possible option for using custom emojis in Obsidian seems to be the espanso package [6] . This package allows for customization of emojis and can be easily installed by following the instructions on their website. It is worth noting that this is just one of several options available for using custom emojis in Obsidian, including using the emoji picker, installing a plugin, or copying and pasting emoji codes [6] . Users may need to experiment with different methods until they find one that works best for their particular use case.
Windows Key + .

Windows Key + .

According to my research, it seems that Windows users can use the shortcut Windows Key + "." to open the emoji selector in Obsidian [1] [6] . This method allows users to easily add emojis to their notes without the need for additional plugins. However, it is important to note that custom emojis may not always render properly in Obsidian without additional plugins or software [6] . It seems that using the emoji picker, installing a plugin, or copying and pasting emoji codes are other options available to use custom emojis in Obsidian [6] .
All answers

All answers

  • Emoji Toolbar
  • Unicode.org
  • Icons Plugin
  • Espanso package
  • Windows Key + .
  • cmd + ctrl + space
  • Emoji Magic
  • Plugin options

    1) Plugin options In order to use custom emojis in Obsidian, there are several plugin options available. One such plugin is the Emoji Toolbar [1] [7] . This plugin allows for easy insertion of emojis into notes and filenames and includes additional features like skin tone support and fuzzy search [7] . Another plugin option is the Icons Plugin, which offers a variety of icons including FontAwesome and Remix Icon [1] . It is important to experiment with different plugins to find the one that works best for your needs.

    Emoji picker

    An easy way to add custom emojis in Obsidian is to use the built-in emoji picker [6] . On Windows, users can use the shortcut "Windows Key" + "." to open the emoji selector [1] . On Mac, users can press the "Fn" key on its own to bring up the emoji set [1] . Another option is to use a plugin like Emoji Toolbar, which includes an emoji picker with additional features like fuzzy search [7] . It is important to note that some emojis may not render properly in Obsidian without additional plugins or software [6] , so it may be necessary to experiment with different methods until you find one that works best for your particular use case.

    Shortcut keys for emoji picker

    To make the process of using the emoji picker more efficient, it can be helpful to set up shortcut keys. On Windows, users can use the shortcut "Windows Key" + "." to open the emoji selector [1] . On Mac, users can press the "Fn" key on its own to bring up the emoji set [1] . Additionally, the Emoji Toolbar plugin allows users to set a hotkey for the Emoji Toolbar [7] . Setting up shortcut keys can save time and make the process of adding custom emojis more seamless.

    Custom emoji support

    In order to add custom emojis to Obsidian, users may need to experiment with different methods until they find one that works best for their particular use case [6] . One option is to use a plugin like Emoji Toolbar, which allows users to easily search for and add emojis to their notes [1] [7] . However, it is important to note that some custom emojis may not render properly in Obsidian without additional plugins or software [6] . It may be helpful to test custom emojis in different programs, like Notepad, to ensure they display correctly [3] .

    Emoji Toolbar features

    The Emoji Toolbar plugin offers several features to make adding custom emojis more efficient and user-friendly [7] . These features include skin tone support, fuzzy search, the ability to re-use recently used emojis, and Twitter emoji formatting for improved support [7] . The plugin also allows users to set a hotkey for the Emoji Toolbar [7] . It is important to note that the Emoji Toolbar only supports actual emoji characters and will render platform-appropriate versions, so it may not support all custom emojis [9] . Overall, the Emoji Toolbar is a powerful tool for adding custom emojis to Obsidian notes.

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    Source: "GitHub - oliveryh/obsidian-emoji-toolbar: An Ob..." (from web, github.com)

    None. The webpage provided does not contain any information related to using custom emojies in Obsidian.

    Source: "GitHub - SimplGy/obsidian-emoji-magic: Makes it..." (from web, github.com)


    The provided webpage does not offer any information on how to use custom emojies in Obsidian specifically. However, it does offer a plugin that makes it easier to add emoji to your notes in general using an enhanced keyword search. This plugin includes a large dictionary of keywords, allowing you to find emoji that you wouldn’t find otherwise, including broad terms like “car” and colors like “orange”. The plugin also boasts secure, local-only usage and a faster and keyboard-friendly interface.

    Please note that this plugin does not support custom emoji, as it only supports actual emoji characters and will render platform-appropriate versions. It is a good option if you want to easily add emoji to your notes using existing keywords.

    Source: "does using emojis make my notes less future-proof?" (from web, www.reddit.com)

    None. The provided webpage does not contain information on how to use custom emojis in Obsidian.

    Source: "obsidian-emoji-toolbar/README.md at main - GitHub" (from web, github.com)

    • To use custom emojis in Obsidian:
      • Install the Emoji Toolbar plugin.
        • This plugin allows users to quickly search for and add emojis to their editor.
      • Set a hotkey for the Emoji Toolbar: Open emoji picker.
        • Users can set this to whatever they like.
      • Search for and insert custom emojis.
        • Once clicked, the Emoji Toolbar will allow users to search through a list of emojis.
        • Users can insert emojis into the editor by either clicking on them, or by using the arrow keys and then pressing enter to insert the emoji.
      • Use the additional features:
        • Skin Tone Support: The Emoji Toolbar has skin tone support for emojis that have different skin tone variations.
        • Fuzzy / Semantic Search Matches: The plugin includes fuzzy/semantic search matches to help users find the right emoji faster.
        • Select Recently Used Emoji: Users can easily re-use recently used emojis.
        • Twitter emoji formatting for preview and insert modal for improved emoji support: This feature can be toggled on or off in the Emoji Toolbar settings tab.
    • None

    Source: "Insert Emojis?" (from reddit, r/ObsidianMD)

    • To use custom emojis in Obsidian, there are several options available, including using the emoji picker, installing a plugin, or copying and pasting emoji codes.

      • One user recommends the emoji picker, which can be accessed using shortcuts like “Windows Key” + “.” on Windows 10 or “cmd + ctrl + space” on macOS.

      • Another user suggests using the espanso package, which allows for customization of emojis and can be easily installed by following the instructions on their website.

      • Several users also recommend using emoji from the unicode.org website, where users can browse the full list of emojis and copy and paste them into Obsidian.

      • One user warns that some emojis may not render properly in Obsidian, but suggests that using emojis from the unicode.org website generally works well.

      • Another user mentions a community plugin for Obsidian that adds an emoji picker.

    • It is important to note that custom emojis may not always render properly in Obsidian without additional plugins or software.

    • In order to add custom emojis to Obsidian, users may need to experiment with different methods until they find one that works best for their particular use case.

    💭  Looking into

    Are there any issues with using emojis in Obsidian in terms of future-proofing or corrupting notes?

    💭  Looking into

    What other plugins are available for custom emojis in Obsidian?

    💭  Looking into

    What other keyboard shortcuts can be used to open the emoji selector in Windows?

    💭  Looking into

    How many icons are offered by the Icons Plugin?

    💭  Looking into

    What is the exact GitHub repository for the Emoji Toolbar?

    Source: "Insert Emojis? : r/ObsidianMD - reddit" (from web, www.reddit.com)


    Source: "How to get the notion icons on obsidian? : r/Ob..." (from web, www.reddit.com)


    Source: "does using emojis make my notes less future-proof?" (from reddit, r/ObsidianMD)


    The webpage provided does not contain specific instructions on how to use custom emojis in Obsidian. However, the comments on the page suggest that using emojis in Obsidian should not be an issue in terms of future-proofing or corrupting notes, and that emojis are just Unicode strings that should not disappear. One user even suggests opening a note with an emoji in a different program, such as Notepad, to see if it displays correctly.

    Source: "How to get the notion icons on obsidian?" (from reddit, r/ObsidianMD)

    • To use custom emojis in Obsidian, there is a community plugin available. It is called Emoji Toolbar.
    • Another plugin that provides icons is Icons Plugin.
      • It offers two options: Remix Icon with 2172 icons and FontAwesome free with 1560 icons.
      • The plugin can be found in the community plugins.
    • Windows users can use the shortcut Windows Key + . to open the emoji selector.
    • Mac users can press the “Fn” key on its own to bring up the emoji-set.
    • None

    Source: "Not able to add emojis anymore, how to fix it?" (from reddit, r/ObsidianMD)

    None. The website provided is a Reddit thread discussing a specific issue with flag emojis not showing up properly in Obsidian. It does not provide any information on how to use custom emojis in Obsidian.

    💭  Looking into

    What is the best way to use custom emojies in Obsidian?