March 13, 2023

openai vs anthropic




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K. C.



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K. C., 567d ago

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It seems that Anthropic has a focus on AI safety and ethics that is similar to OpenAI. For example, both companies use techniques such as reinforcement learning [2] and Constitutional AI [8] , and both have an AI assistant named Claude [5] [9] . However, there are some key differences between the two. For example, Anthropic has raised $700 million from tech giants like Google and Salesforce [4] , whereas OpenAI has not raised this amount of funding. Additionally, Anthropic is providing access to their models to select startups [8] , whereas OpenAI offers API access to their text-generating AI models [8] . Finally, it seems that Claude may be more advanced than ChatGPT in certain aspects such as comedic writing [10] , while ChatGPT is better at summarizing each season of ABC's Lost than Claude [10] .


OpenAI has been the focus of many discussions surrounding AI safety and research. It seems that OpenAI is primarily a research lab and has focused on developing AI technologies such as GPT-2 and GPT-3 language models. However, its former employees have founded Anthropic, an AI startup with a focus on providing services to select startups. Anthropic's main product is Claude, an AI assistant which was created using a technique called "Constitutional AI" [4] and has raised over $700 million in funding from tech giants such as Google [8] . Claude is superior to ChatGPT in many ways [7] , including its ability to provide relevant responses and information [5] , avoid harmful statements [7] , engage in complex conversations [7] , and recall information better than other publicly known OpenAI models [10] . OpenAI has not developed a similar product but they do offer API access to their text-generating AI models [9] .


It seems that Anthropic's AI assistant Claude is superior to OpenAI's ChatGPT in many ways. For instance, Claude is better at delivering jokes [8] , can keep complex multi-turn conversations and avoid harmful statements [9] , and has deeper understanding of who its creators are and what ethical principles guided its design [10] . Additionally, Claude has the capability to remember information across 8,000 tokens [10] , more than any publicly known OpenAI model. This reveals a potential hype imbalance between OpenAI's GPT models and Claude. While OpenAI's GPT models get massive usage and resources, Claude remains relatively unknown [7] .
Constitutional AI

Constitutional AI

It seems that Constitutional AI is an approach to AI developed by Anthropic which aligns AI systems with human intentions and preferences. This technique gives Claude, Anthropic's AI assistant, a "principle-based" approach to decision-making which makes it superior to OpenAI's ChatGPT in many ways [2] . For example, Claude can have more complex multi-turn conversations and avoid harmful or offensive statements [5] [8] , while ChatGPT is better at summarizing TV shows like Lost or providing comedic writing [9] [10] . Google has invested $300 million in Anthropic to support the development of this technique [4] , while Microsoft has invested billions into OpenAI and its ChatGPT model [8] .
Slack integration

Slack integration

It seems that Anthropic's AI assistant Claude is available through Slack integration [7] , which may give it a competitive edge over OpenAI's ChatGPT [8] . This could be due to the fact that Anthropic's product is better tailored to businesses, as it allows them to easily integrate AI into their existing workflow [8] . It remains to be seen if this will be enough to give Anthropic an advantage over OpenAI.
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  • Anthropic
  • OpenAI
  • Claude
  • Constitutional AI
  • Slack integration
  • Poe app
  • API access
  • Google Cloud
  • Microsoft Azure
  • RLHF
  • Lem's story
  • multi-hop riddle
  • mathematical question
  • sorting algorithms
  • FuzzBuzz problem
  • AI Safety

    OpenAI and Anthropic both have focused on AI safety [2] [3] , but Anthropic is taking a more "principle-based" approach termed "constitutional AI" [8] . OpenAI is using reinforcement learning (RL) to train a preference model over their outputs [9] , while Anthropic is using an autoregressive model trained on a large text corpus [8] [9] .

    Monetizing AI

    OpenAI offers API access to their text-generating AI models, whereas Anthropic is providing access to their models to select startups [8] . Google has invested $300 million in Anthropic, giving it a 10% stake in the startup [8] , while OpenAI has not raised this amount of funding.

    Founding History

    OpenAI was founded with a focus on commercialization [8] , while Anthropic was founded as a public benefit corporation [8] . Dario Amodei, the former VP of research at OpenAI, left to found Anthropic after a disagreement over OpenAI's commercial focus [8] .


    OpenAI developed ChatGPT and uses RL to train a preference model over their outputs [9] , while Anthropic developed an AI assistant named Claude and uses an approach they call Constitutional AI to develop its preference models, as opposed to RLHF used by ChatGPT [10] . Claude has more advanced capabilities than ChatGPT such as being able to recall information across 8,000 tokens and being aware of Lem's story and mentioning new details that ChatGPT does not [10] .

    Hype Imbalance

    OpenAI's GPT models get massive usage and resources, whereas Claude remains relatively unknown due to hype cycles and flashy demos over real practical capabilities and safety/ethics considerations. This results in an imbalance of hype between OpenAI's GPT models and Claude, with Google investing $300 million into Anthropic while Microsoft investing $10 billion into OpenAI.

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    Source: "Meet Claude: Anthropic's Rival to ChatGPT | Blo..." (from web,

    • Claude has more advanced capabilities than ChatGPT
      • Claude has a deeper understanding of what it is, who its creators are, and what ethical principles guided its design
      • Claude can recall information across 8,000 tokens, more than any publicly known OpenAI model
      • Claude uses a process called Constitutional AI to develop its preference models, as opposed to RLHF used by ChatGPT
      • Claude is more cognizant of what it cannot do than ChatGPT
      • Claude is aware of Lem’s story and mentions new details that ChatGPT does not
      • Claude is able to correctly answer a “multi-hop” riddle, while ChatGPT is not
      • Claude is able to correctly answer a mathematical question, while ChatGPT is not
      • Claude is able to generate correct code for a sorting algorithms problem, while ChatGPT is not
      • Claude is able to correctly output a FuzzBuzz problem, while ChatGPT is not
      • Claude is better at comedic writing than ChatGPT
    • ChatGPT has more advanced capabilities than Claude
      • ChatGPT is able to correctly answer a “multi-hop” trivia question, while Claude is not
      • ChatGPT is able to correctly answer a mathematical question, while Claude is not
      • ChatGPT is able to generate correct code for a sorting algorithms problem and output a FuzzBuzz problem, while Claude is not
      • ChatGPT is better at summarizing each season of ABC’s Lost than Claude

    Source: "Anthropic begins supplying its text-generating ..." (from web,

    • OpenAI and Anthropic have a similar focus on AI safety
      • OpenAI’s ChatGPT is similar to Anthropic’s Claude AI
      • Claude was created using a technique called “constitutional AI”, which provides a “principle-based” approach to aligning AI systems with human intentions
    • OpenAI and Anthropic have different approaches to monetizing AI
      • OpenAI offers API access to their text-generating AI models, whereas Anthropic is providing access to their models to select startups
      • Google has invested $300 million in Anthropic, giving it a 10% stake in the startup
    • OpenAI and Anthropic have different founding histories
      • OpenAI was founded with a focus on commercialization, whereas Anthropic was founded as a public benefit corporation
      • Dario Amodei, the former VP of research at OpenAI, left to found Anthropic after a disagreement over OpenAI’s commercial focus

    Source: "Claude | Discover AI use cases" (from web,

    • OpenAI:
      • Developed ChatGPT
      • Uses reinforcement learning (RL) to train a preference model over their outputs
    • Anthropic:
      • Co-founded by former employees of OpenAI
      • Developed an AI assistant named Claude
      • Uses an autoregressive model, trained unsupervised on a large text corpus
      • Uses an approach they call Constitutional AI
      • Claude AI Passed Law And Economics Exam, Surpassed Many Humans

    Source: "Claude is superior to chat GPT in many ways and..." (from reddit, r/AnthropicAi)

    • Claude is superior to OpenAI’s GPT models in many ways
      • Claude provides relevant responses and information, not just the most probable next words
      • Claude avoids harmful, misleading, or offensive statements
      • Claude can have more complex multi-turn conversations
    • The hype imbalance between OpenAI’s GPT models and Claude
      • OpenAI’s GPT models get massive usage and resources, whereas Claude remains relatively unknown
      • Hype cycles and flashy demos over real practical capabilities and safety/ethics considerations
    • Claude is available on the “Poe” app on the app store

    Source: "Anthropic: Core Views on AI Safety: When, Why, ..." (from reddit, r/ControlProblem)

    • Anthropic gets a better grade than OpenAI
      • They have good mechanistic interpretability work which makes current systems less of an inscrutable black box of matrix multiplication
      • They are not sure about the build the AI to stop the AI approach
      • They expect around a 1000x increase in the computation used to train the largest models over the next 5 years
      • This 1000x increase in compute could result in human-level performance across most tasks
    • OpenAI
      • No direct comments given, but they are compared to Anthropic in terms of performance and approach.

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    What are the potential payoffs of doing hard fundamental research?

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    What is the peak of the 'AI' bubble?

    💭  Looking into

    What are the major differences between OpenAI's ChatGPT and Anthropic's Claude?

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    What products or services does Anthropic offer?

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    What have been the main accomplishments of OpenAI since its founding?

    Source: "Microsoft And OpenAI's ChatGPT Vs. Google And A..." (from web,

    • OpenAI and ChatGPT:
      • Microsoft is investing billions into OpenAI and ChatGPT
      • OpenAI is leveraging Microsoft’s cloud computing resources
    • Anthropic:
      • Several top executives and innovators at OpenAI left to create Anthropic
      • Google is investing $300 million into Anthropic
      • Google Cloud has formed a new partnership with Anthropic
      • Anthropic has an AI language model assistant named Claude
      • Google Cloud is providing open infrastructure for Anthropic
    • Google vs Microsoft:
      • They are both investing heavily in AI startups
      • They are competing to become the dominant cloud leader in AI
      • Google Cloud is providing open infrastructure for the next generation of AI startups
      • Microsoft is investing $10 billion into OpenAI
      • Microsoft Azure will power all of OpenAI’s workloads

    Source: "Anthropic, a ChatGPT Rival Founded by Former Op..." (from web,

    • OpenAI vs Anthropic:
      • OpenAI was founded by Daniela and Dario Amodei, while Anthropic was founded by the same siblings.
      • OpenAI is a research lab, while Anthropic is an AI startup.
      • Dario Amodei led the development of OpenAI’s GPT-2 and GPT-3 language models, while Daniela Amodei led the company’s recruiting effort and managed its technical safety and policy teams.
      • Anthropic’s main product is Claude, a ChatGPT-like AI chatbot, while OpenAI has not developed a similar product.
      • Anthropic is focusing on building “steerable, interpretable and reliable AI systems with humans at the center of it,” while OpenAI’s focus is on researching and developing AI technologies.
      • Anthropic’s goal is to fix the shortcomings of AI chatbots, while OpenAI has not focused on this.
      • Anthropic has raised $700 million from tech giants like Google and Salesforce, while OpenAI has not raised this amount of funding.

    Source: "[N] Anthropic is the new AI research outfit fro..." (from reddit, r/MachineLearning)

    • OpenAI has had great minds working on policy and safety, which is now being transferred to Anthropic
      • OpenAI is often associated with PR issues
      • Anthropic has $124M to burn, and a $500M valuation
      • Anthropic is focused on research, and has research interests spanning multiple areas including natural language, human feedback, scaling laws, reinforcement learning, code generation, and interpretability
      • Anthropic team’s previous work includes GPT-3, Circuit-Based Interpretability, Multimodal Neurons, Scaling Laws, AI & Compute, Concrete Problems in AI Safety, and Learning from Human Preferences
    • Some people are pessimistic about Anthropic, as they don’t know what services/products they will actually offer to investors
      • People are questioning what the benefit is for the investors
      • People are questioning why the company exists
      • People are questioning the sustainability of the company
    • There is also excitement for Anthropic
      • People are excited that AI startups are getting industrial funding
      • People are excited about the potential pay off of doing hard fundamental research
    • People are concerned that OpenAI has already dumped billions into OpenAI
    • Some people think the peak of the ‘AI’ bubble is near

    Source: "Ex-OpenAI employees founded Anthropic, a busine..." (from web,

    • OpenAI
      • Ex-OpenAI employees founded Anthropic
      • OpenAI’s ChatGPT is comparable to Anthropic’s Claude but Claude is superior in a number of important aspects
    • Anthropic
      • Founded by ex-employees of OpenAI
      • Received over $700 million in funding
      • Unveiled an AI system called Claude
      • Uses a method termed “Constitutional AI”
      • Claude is accessible through Slack integration
      • Claude is poor at programming but better at delivering jokes
      • Claude is a statistical word prediction tool similar to ChatGPT
      • Claude learned how often words are to emerge based on patterns
      • Able to engage in open dialogue, tell jokes, and provide his thoughts on a number of subjects
      • Described as being “usually closer to what is required of him” but “less concise”
      • Has a team of 40 people and an office full of plants
      • Received a $124 million Series A financing in 2021

    Source: "Which AI is Better ? Microsoft OpenAI ChapGPT -..." (from web,


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    What is the best between OpenAI and Anthropic?